
nonDoes qapt-deb-installer have any logs?01:29
nonother than the dpkg itself01:31
oerheks!info qapt-deb01:46
ubottuPackage qapt-deb does not exist in kinetic01:46
oerheksw2eird apt package.01:46
oerhekshave fun with that01:46
=== roy is now known as royve
IrcsomeBot<Naeemabadi6985> 5y8m12:19
IrcsomeBot<Naeemabadi6985> BRKZ12:19
IrcsomeBot<Naeemabadi6985> hi there12:43
IrcsomeBot<Naeemabadi6985> i'm using vless on qv2ray in kubuntu 22.1012:43
IrcsomeBot<Naeemabadi6985> after upgrade from 22.04 qv2ray not tunneling whole system and system proxy also configured by qv2ray after connected12:43
IrcsomeBot<Naeemabadi6985> how can tunnel whole system by this proxy?12:43
BluesKajHi all13:20
nonDespite being GPL-3 why was lutris packaged under multiverse instead of universe?14:09
R13ose20.10 - I'm trying to figure out what my touchpad map is as in what areas are right click, left click and middle click.  How do I see that?20:29
R13oseSorry 22.1020:29
mmikowskiR13ose: System Settings > Input Devices > Touchpad should do the trick.20:40
R13oseI'm more looking for an actually map.20:43
IrcsomeBot<Naeemabadi6985> Anyone can help me? (re @Naeemabadi6985: hi there20:44
IrcsomeBot<Naeemabadi6985> i'm using vless on qv2ray in kubuntu 22.1020:44
IrcsomeBot<Naeemabadi6985> after upgrade from 22.04 qv2ray not tunneling whole system and system proxy also configured by qv2ray after connected20:44
IrcsomeBot<Naeemabadi6985> how can tunnel whole system by this proxy?)20:44
mmikowskiR13ose: Sorry, I thought you were referring to single-tap=left click, double-tap=right click, etc.21:00
IrcsomeBot<Eickmeyer> We can't support anything from outside the Ubuntu repositories. Sorry! (re @Naeemabadi6985: hi there21:02
IrcsomeBot<Eickmeyer> i'm using vless on qv2ray in kubuntu 22.1021:02
IrcsomeBot<Eickmeyer> after upgrade from 22.04 qv2ray not tunneling whole system and system proxy also configured by qv2ray after connected21:02
IrcsomeBot<Eickmeyer> how can tunnel whole system by this proxy?)21:02
tomreyn^ spam :-P21:02
Eickmeyertomreyn: Not spam, was a reply that IrcsomeBot doesn't interpret well.21:03
R13osemmikowski: talking about all clicks in what the touchpad is mapped at.21:04
tomreynEickmeyer: i'm joking, i know you never would, it's just the bridge is... not great21:04
EickmeyerThere's better bridges, for sure.21:04
mmikowskiR13ose: Hi, yeah, I was looking around, but I don't have a good recommendation off hand. It's not made easier by X11 vs. Wayland and libinput, libevdev, synaptics.21:06
mmikowskiIf you get a good answer, please share as I'd love to add that to my knowledge base.21:07
R13osemmikowski: thanks.  I will make sure you know if any answer comes up.21:49
mmikowskiThanks r13rose! I'dl like to add to here (https://kfocus.org/wf/mousecfg.html).21:54
mmikowskiR13ose: fwiw, that might be useful in other ways for you. Thanks!21:54
mmikowskiyw. best wishes.21:59

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