[05:46] PR pc-amd64-gadget#77 closed: gadget.yaml: rename EFI System partition to ubuntu-seed [11:44] PR snapd#12352 opened: cmd/snap: display refresh holds over 100y as forever [13:16] PR snapcraft#3994 opened: Fix/core22 colcon python dist packages [15:50] PR snapd#12353 opened: o/devicestate: fix paths for retrieving recovery key on classic [15:55] PR snapd#12354 opened: Add experimental support for declared classic slots [15:58] mvo: hey, this is the first of the more interesting patches [15:59] It's a super early draft, I think someone should have a look at the general concept and share feedback in the PR [15:59] I'm happy to adjust the logic and add all the tests this will require [16:00] on top of my initial idea that this helps to develop ubuntu-core products, I realized that it also helps on the raspberry pi, where snapd could just add all the interfaces [16:00] while still being on a fully classic system [16:00] but now with serial ports and GPIOs [16:02] I've added pedronis and you as reviewers [18:51] PR snapd#12155 closed: snapstate: Check the status of refresh-pending snaps <⛔ Blocked> [18:56] PR snapd#12231 closed: cgroup: add Snap/Cgroup monitoring capabilities [18:56] PR snapd#12355 opened: Dt 576 snapd refresh awareness with alternative file monitoring [20:01] PR snapd#12356 opened: client: use httputil.LoggedTransport in client as well