[12:38] * penguin42 points out sainsburys have Chocolate Oranges for 75p [13:38] * zxmpi ponders nearest sainsburys is in norn iron... [13:39] well... ok... probably liverpool but ferry is a pain to get to in both ports [14:16] perhaps they'll do home delivery to the ferry port :-) [14:18] i suspect the customs boys would be wondering why all the chocolate oranges are driving the drug sniffing dogs nuts :-P [18:51] will have to step away from the internet tonight as it's the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Late_Late_Toy_Show which usually takes over the irish internet for a few hours/days [19:30] i never did reply to the Carambar person to get free vouchers after that bad Choccy Orange, but i've never tried to use those in supermarkets anyway [19:32] i did get a choccy orange last week to test local supply. it was perfect. now to pick up a few before crimbo [19:33] i should have taken a snap, the surface of each slice and also on the outside had a lot of white to it [19:33] pretty curious to see if the second one i bought at the exact same time is any different [19:36] yeah, chocolate can go white, doesn't normally change the taste much [19:43] that's normally when the fat has come out a bit; but if it's got unreasonably hot I think that happens more [19:44] they certainly did suggest storage and shipping could have borked it