
=== Guest_yahah is now known as pong
bilarwhy lubuntu is so slow01:19
bilarworking on 4gb of ram01:19
marcopolo1_Do you guys know if i need a fs label02:04
oerheksmarcopolo1_, no, uuid is enough02:11
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)02:12
marcopolo1_oerheks: what is uuid?02:14
marcopolo1_I was asking because im trying to make a new partition manually and my last os was fedora and i see that it had fs labels02:15
crax23user uniq identifier. a number.02:19
crax23type id in the shell.02:19
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oerheksoh for fat and nfts you need to set a volume name02:27
oerheksmaybe you need to register it too02:27
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...02:40
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)03:01
jhutchinsNo definition.03:02
jhutchins< dpkg> A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) is used to reference disk partitions (among other things).  See currently known03:02
jhutchins              partition UUIDs with 'blkid'.  In /etc/fstab, use "UUID=dead-beef-0420-etc" as the partition name.  UUIDs help to cope03:02
jhutchins              with device name changes such as hda->sda03:02
vindavIs this room the place where support can be discussed about LibreOffice ?03:13
Bashing-omvindav: libreoffice is a suppoted apt - ask away :D03:15
jhutchinsOr not.03:22
jhutchinsIs this the room for an argument?03:22
xxyi can't remember where is my $JAVA_HOME variable? i view "/etc/profile", "/etc/environment", it doesn't exist, how to find user or system Variable using a command?03:25
jhutchinsxxy: Did you set it manually with an export command?03:27
jhutchinsgrep ./ JAVA ?03:28
jhutchinsgrep ./* JAVA ?03:28
xxyjhutchins: i can't  recall which way i set this variable03:29
jhutchinsxxy: Yes, you said that.  Is it actually currently set?  Have you logged out && back in or rebooted?03:30
jhutchinsxxy: Were you following a guide when you set up your java environment?03:31
jhutchinsxxy: A lot of people/guides don't set it permanently so it's easy to switch on & off or to switch which java version it points to.03:33
xxyjhutchins: it was configured long times ago , not now , today , i ready to upgrade my JDK to 17, then i need modify that "$JAVA_HOME",03:33
xxyjhutchins: that $JAVA_HOME variable have been a permanent variable,03:35
jhutchinsxxy: It can be set in any file that's used to build the shell environment, there's no one way, so you'll have to sort through them all.  grep is a useful tool for searching (multiple) files for text strings.03:35
jhutchinsxxy: No-one here can tell you what you did.03:35
backthenhow to set default text editor program?04:31
Phanom_Strangerwhat irc clients is everyone using on ubuntu 22.04?04:35
jesseirssi or weechat running in a tmux session04:37
Phanom_Strangertmux as in termux for android?04:38
Phanom_Strangerirssi is classic04:38
ravagePhanom_Stranger: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:38
Phanom_Strangeroh nice04:39
arraybolt3[m]You actually can use Telnet as an IRC client. It's weird, I've done it before, not very efficient but also kinda fun. If you want an actually productive client though, yeah, do something like WeeChat or irssi. Or HexChat if you're a GUI person. Or Quassel if you're on a Qt-based desktop environment like KDE or LXQt.04:39
ravageHexChat is popular on gnome04:39
Phanom_Strangeryeah im using hexchat but was just wondering04:40
ravageif you want to discuss IRC software on Ubuntu feel free to do so in #ubuntu-discuss04:41
ravagebackthen: https://askubuntu.com/questions/13447/how-do-i-change-the-default-text-editor04:41
Phanom_Strangerim going to go fuck off now. sorry for interupting your circle jerk ravage04:41
ravageplease watch your language04:42
backthenravage: ok. I also thought there may be a system option, seeing that one can select default browser, video, and a few others05:07
ravagebackthen: for the console there is "select-editor"05:08
backthenravage: thanks. My problem is actually with the ftp program FileZilla. I gave it /usr/bin/code which is the visual studio code editor. But FileZilla still opens files with LibreOffice05:56
ravagebackthen: https://i.imgur.com/Cog4bwK.png05:57
fly_no themes for hexchat, or couldn't find them. kinda sucks05:58
fly_irssi is best so far05:58
ravagefly_: if you want to discuss IRC software on Ubuntu feel free to do so in #ubuntu-discuss05:58
backthenravage: oh cool that worked. FileZilla's UX in this case is confusing06:01
backthenHow to tell if a Ubuntu VM limits the number of processes a program creates?06:06
realivanjxhow to enable ubuntu's remote desktop feature to be able to have multiple login sessions? i need to logout from my desktop everytime i need to login via rdp software06:11
ravagerealivanjx: it is not a terminal server06:11
realivanjxwhat is the equivalent of logout in command line then? sometimes i go and forget to logout from my desktop06:13
ravagerealivanjx: https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/gnome-session-quit.1.html06:15
realivanjxthat command will work via ssh right ravage?06:18
ravagei can google that for you too or you just try it06:19
realivanjxgoogle says something like kill all processes by username. tried that in the past but it resulted in weird behavior while if i use logout button i never face that06:20
raddyI am using the latest version of ubuntu06:40
raddyI have tried to override systemctl values06:42
raddyBut it is not taking effect06:42
raddycreated a file in /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf and put the values in it06:43
ravageAnd did you apply them or did a reboot?06:47
ravageAlso systemctl and sysctl are two very different things06:47
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raddyI am referring to sysctl itself06:57
raddyThis is the problem I am facing06:58
ravageand "sudo sysctl -p" does not show your setting?06:59
pagios hi all, https://pastebin.com/v3AVqt9M i am not able to use my proviate key to do the auth, even though i included the public in the remote server in authorized_keys and the permission is OK, any idea?07:49
murmelpagios: are you sure you want to ssh with root?07:52
alkisg1pagios: check the debug logs from the server side07:59
alkisg1And make sure you uploaded the MATCHING public key, often we do a mistake and upload some other public key07:59
Guest74Hi guys, I'm seeking advice from people about SSH hardening. I'm aware to disable root ssh login, and change the default SSH port. What more advice would you guys reccomend?08:27
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VIAhello everyone08:40
VIAi have a technical question08:40
VIAis it possible to have audio output same and or similar routed to multiple/all devices at once ?08:40
VIAlike adress send through all HDMI's the aux, optical and have various BT devices ?08:41
Bochi_ahoi, I'm trying to get ubuntu to install a different kernel flavor using subiquity autoinstallation09:10
Bochi_according to https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-reference there's a toplevel key that accepts "package" or "flavor" but none of them seems to be working09:10
Bochi_  flavor: oem09:10
Bochi_or hwe respectively - whatever i try it'll always install the default generic kernel09:11
FeuermagierWhat's the best strategy for getting the current gcc version into a Docker container running Ubuntu 21.04?09:42
geirhagiven that 21.04 is EOL, you probably have to overwrite /etc/apt/sources.list with old-releases.ubuntu.com urls in order to use apt-get09:44
Feuermagiergeirha, yeah, apt-get update doesn't pull without that. Sadly I can't exchange the container. Is there a URL I can add to get g++ 12.2 or will I need to compile that from source?09:47
geirhayes, looks like hirsute had gcc-11.x, so getting a newer version will be painful09:51
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EckoHi I'm trying to setup an SSH tunnel so I can reach a site.11:11
Eckossh remote.server -N -f -L 9001:website.com:44311:11
EckoHowever, navigating to https://localhost:9001 I get a page that says: "You're speaking plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port"11:11
Eckocurl -IL https://localhost:9001 does the same11:11
Eckowhat do?11:11
bG9sI think you want to add the -k flag11:12
stefccHi guys11:17
rangelquem sabe quando a Canonical vai abrir o ubuntu shop de novo?11:18
ravage!pt | rangel11:19
ubotturangel: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.11:19
bG9sthere's an ubuntu shop? o_O11:19
lotuspsychjethere are plans to bring back the ubuntu shop yes11:22
VIAoi everyone11:36
olleCan I run Android apps on ubuntu somehow?11:48
olleI'd like to run the Voice text-to-speech app, it's really good11:48
ravageolle: https://waydro.id/11:48
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lotuspsychjeolle: or run androidx86 on virtualbox, is also a way11:51
olleGot it, thanks!11:52
ioanBuna ziua!12:29
ioanCineva din Romania pe aici?12:29
denisbrHi! Anybody know some way to use whatsapp by command line?12:32
lotuspsychje!ro | ioan12:33
ubottuioan: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro12:33
BluesKajHi all13:20
denisbrBluesKaj: hi13:46
BluesKajhey denisbr13:47
hayswhere is the package "user-mode-linux" in Ubuntu? I only see the user-mode-linux-doc file. https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/jammy/user-mode-linux-doc13:53
Jeremy31hays: Looks like all that is left of that package is documentation13:56
haysJeremy31: its strange because upstream has it https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/user-mode-linux13:56
Jeremy31hays: Ubuntu bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/user-mode-linux/+bug/156544813:59
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1565448 in user-mode-linux (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] User-mode-linux package missing in Ubuntu" [Wishlist, Confirmed]13:59
Yoga14IAP7Does anybody have a workaround for this bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/1970402) when Ubuntu is not yet installed? I am trying to set up a dual boot with Windows 11 on a Lenovo Slim Yoga 9 14IAP7 but can't start the Live Usb because it is "out of memory". (I used Rufus with Ubuntu 22.04 to create the Live USB)14:11
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1842320 in grub2-unsigned (Ubuntu) "Can't boot: 'error: out of memory.' immediately after the grub menu" [Critical, Triaged] [duplicate: 1970402]14:11
haysJeremy31: that's unfortunate14:23
haysit looks like no one wants to package it14:23
cry0xeni am trying to download an app. whats the difference between native_amd64.deb and just amd64.deb14:48
cry0xenwhat does this "native" implies. native is 2.65mb and regular one is 111mb14:49
lotuspsychj3maybe if you mention the apps name, volunteers might know the whole story cry0xen14:50
domhnallfwiw, native is mobile platform...but that may be something else in this case.14:50
jhutchinsJeremy31: The easiest solution would be to just try a different image.15:20
Jeremy31What image?15:21
hans_can i get a shell in the ubuntu server live installer, without formatting any harddrive?15:22
hans_im in an annoying situation with a laptop with a broken GPU, booting it to the live installer is fine, but booting a GUI like Ubuntu Live causes a kernel panic15:23
hans_(using the GPU causes a kernel panic)15:24
alkisg1hans_: doesn't ctrl+alt+f2 give you a shell?15:24
hans_alkisg1: it does! perfect, thanks15:24
alkisg1Also you can boot to text via live GUI CDs too15:25
alkisg1By passing something like systemd.unit=multi-user.target in the command line, google that parameter for instructions15:25
jhutchinsJeremy31: Sorry, wrong nick.15:26
alkisg1Finally, try passing nomodeset, you might even get vesa-like graphics with it15:27
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.15:27
hans_good idea, but right now i just want to save some stuff from the harddrive before sending in for repair on monday, Ubuntu Live installer shell is all i require until then :)15:27
Guest9965hello all, anyone know of any useful open source tools on ubuntu for blockchain analysis? everything i find is paid and lame16:26
jhutchinsGuest9965: Welcome to blockchain.16:27
Guest9965thanks bro16:28
Guest9965looking for free software bro to help16:28
SwiftySometimes there *isn't* a free software equivalency. It's just a fact you have to accept.16:28
Guest9965anyone familiar with shufflecake?16:31
Guest9965 https://shufflecake.net/16:31
Guest9965worth using to hide passwords, seed pharses etc?16:31
jhutchinsGuest9965: Not ready for prime time yet.16:32
jhutchinsGuest9965: Excellent way to loose all your data.16:32
Guest9965as in like it hasn't had the test of time?16:32
ravage"Shufflecake is still experimental software, please do not rely on its security for anything important!"16:38
ravagethat should answer your question16:38
Guest9965fair enough, is there something similar that has been battle tested open source?16:40
ravageif you want software suggestions for Ubuntu you can try #ubuntu-discuss16:41
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jhutchinsGuest9965: Short answer: No, that's why people are all excited about it.17:00
backthencan one run Ubuntu on usb disk and also with gpu working somehow18:39
arraybolt3[m]From a live ISO, and with an NVIDIA card, I don't think so.18:39
arraybolt3If you install Ubuntu directly to a USB stick as if the USB stick was a hard drive, then you should be able to get it working.18:41
backthenhmm, didn't see any install to usb option every time I install Ubuntu18:43
arraybolt3backthen: You need to have two USB sticks plugged in, one of them being the live ISO, the other being the install target.18:43
arraybolt3Then you should be able to just select the target USB as the drive to install to, if it's big enough.18:44
arraybolt3(Be warned that this may scramble things if you already have Ubuntu installed on your main hard drive. It's not too difficult to fix, but it can be a bit alarming when it goes wrong.18:45
arraybolt3And once again I have forgotten the end parenthesis.)18:45
backthencool I'll try next time. My intention is to run Ubuntu with gpu support on my laptop without dual boot.18:46
arraybolt3Nice. Do be warned that flash drives are way slower than many modern SSDs, so you may want to use an external SSD for this rather than a typical flash drive. (Flash drives wear out quicker from writing to them, too.)18:47
backthenI heard about the wearing out part too. What's the scale of time I wonder18:49
arraybolt3Probably depends on the size of the drive and whether it implements wear leveling or not. However, don't expect it to be very long. Keep constant backups of critical data, so that if the drive dies it doesn't take too much data with it.18:50
arraybolt3(An external SSD, on the other hand, should last a while, though you should still keep backups of it just in case. Really, keep backups of everything, you'll be glad for them when the day comes that you need them.)18:50
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backthenhmm that's a shame. External SSD would mean loss of mobility18:59
alkisg1backthen: big usb sticks exist with 500 MB/sec read/write; these are like SSD disks inside them, but much smaller19:37
alkisg1backthen: e.g. https://www.kingston.com/en/usb-flash-drives/datatraveler-max ==> 1000 MB/sec19:39
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nasumwhat does the performace setting do exactly in the top-right drop down menu?19:39
nasummy fan speed ramps up, but does it change the clock speed?19:40
backthenalkisg1: oh are you saying this Kingston usb drive has the build quality of SSD so that they don't wear out like typical flash drives?19:41
alkisg1And much, much faster speeds19:41
alkisg1E.g. copying files to your disk might slow it down because your disk might be slower that that :D19:43
backthenoh cool. What's the name of this 'SSD inside' USB technology?19:45
backthenWant to get a different one. This Kingston one is too long. I know if I get it it'll bend when inevitably my laptop falls off after I doze off too sleep19:46
manwhowouldbekinHi all! I am using an app that sync files with a server. It gives me an error of not being able to do the SSL Handshake. While inspecting the logs of this app, I see the following: https://pastebin.com/aHn7eTac The same server and client running on a Mac sync successfully. Hence, my thinking is that this has something to do with my Ubuntu 22.04 setup. Any tips or help on fixing this are appreciated.19:48
oerheksthe certificate of that https://seafile.server.org/ seems bad?19:50
manwhowouldbekinoerheks, Not sure. It works for the Mac client. It is a LetsEncrypt certificate that is valid and has proper domain names specified.19:51
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TortillaSandwichso I have kubuntu 22.10 installed, fresh install, and I have an MSI MPG z690 motherboard. Front IO headphone Jack shows up in audio, even shows audio going to it, but does not work. No sound ever comes out, but if I plug into the rear IO its fine. This same jack works fine in windows on another harddrive.20:49
TortillaSandwichcurious if anyone has any idea, checked alsamixer and nothings muted, idk20:51
=== Sircle42 is now known as Sircle
tburtonHello I'm having a strange issue with Firefox running on Ubuntu inside of a QEMU guest. Basically the main rendering area of Firefox (i.e., the website) inside the guest OS stops updating but everything else in the OS is functional. Closing and reopening Firefox "fixes" it but only temporarily until it happens again. Sometimes it goes hours without issues, other times minutes all with the exact same browsing pattern. Any ideas on where21:03
tburtonto start looking?21:03
SircleWhy ubuntu does not have apt based firefox, chromium, brave browsers? snaps are not opensource.?21:07
tpanarch1stHi, i'm plugging in a USB portable drive and I am getting "not authorised to perform this operation". I'm a little bit lost as they just used to pop up when they plugged in :)21:14
tpanarch1stI'm helping a friend and wanting to drive her laptop back down with me long distance tomorrow rather than risking posting it :)21:14
jhutchinstpanarch1st: Are you literally just plugging it in?  Not doing anything that would try to write to it?21:24
tpanarch1styeah just trying to plug it in jhutchins21:27
jhutchinstpanarch1st: Which release?21:30
tpanarch1stjhutchins - thanks for responding by the way. How do I find that out please21:31
haysUgh snaps can die in a fire as far as I’m concerned. Bleh.21:32
arraybolt3tpanarch1st: In a terminal, "lsb_release --all".21:32
arraybolt3It should tell you what version of Ubuntu you're running in the output.21:33
jhutchinstpanarch1st: lsb_release -a21:33
jhutchinsOr that.  I don't know gnome, let arraybolt3 help you.21:33
tpanarch1st20.3:)  I'm running cinemon:)21:33
arraybolt3Oh... that's Linux Mint, isn't it?21:33
tpanarch1stand thanks so much to you both - just be so nice to get my friends laptop back to her safely!21:33
arraybolt3Or Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix?21:34
tpanarch1stjust need to get the contents off there for her21:34
tpanarch1starraybolt3 just got came with 20.321:34
arraybolt3One moment...21:34
tpanarch1stoh sorry yes, would help - Mint*21:34
tpanarch1stI doi apologise!21:34
arraybolt3tpanarch1st: Sadly, Linux Mint isn't supported here. They have a forum where they have support for it. Linux Mint may have problems or bugs that we aren't aware of, so we aren't going to be able to help a whole lot.21:34
tpanarch1stI just popped in based on it being so closely connected:)  Maybe that is ignorant of me so sorry if it is21:34
arraybolt3What you could do is boot from an Ubuntu Live ISO and then use that to transfer the data. That would get around any Mint glitchiness.21:35
tpanarch1stI couldn't see anything for Linux Mint on here21:35
tpanarch1styou have a point but I don't know where my USB stick is to do an ISO :)21:35
arraybolt3Yeah, it looks like they don't have an IRC chatroom. I know they have a forum though.21:35
tpanarch1styeah that's not going to help when I have to leave at 8am lol!21:35
tpanarch1stplan to leave data running off overnight you see :)21:36
arraybolt3tpanarch1st: Oh hey wait look at the link I just found: https://widget00.mibbit.com/?settings=afafcb2fef3d61ee26d44fe55394b54b&server=irc.spotchat.org&channel=%23linuxmint-help&autoConnect=1 This is what I got when I clicked on the Chat button on Mint's website.21:36
arraybolt3The place I found the button was here: https://linuxmint.com/contactus.php21:36
arraybolt3They must be on a network other than Libera.Chat.21:37
arraybolt3Sure enough. They're on SpotChat. The link above should take you to the Linux Mint IRC channel.21:37
tpanarch1stah thanks so so much to both of you all the same :)21:37
arraybolt3Glad to help!21:37
tpanarch1stbless you, thanks and happy thanksgiving for those of you Stateside I'm in the UK21:39
EickmeyerMint is on another network.21:39
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/21:39
tpanarch1styep on there now and just waiting for a reply:)  Cheers for the handy link. I miss IRC in some ways!21:40
tpanarch1stused to use my Hexchat all the time21:40
EickmeyerCool cool21:40
arraybolt3Would be nice if everyone would just use Libera :P21:40
Eickmeyer(I only used that command because I couldn't remember)21:41
rob0arraybolt3, well, there were too many eggs in the freenode basket when it exploded.21:41
N9NUi have an issue and need to know which file(s) or user account settings to remove or edit so contents within Konsole, QTerminal, etc. show up correctly..alignment.  The link will show you two instances of Konsole.  The TOP is as ROOT user. The BOTTOM is USER (n9nu) account21:43
N9NUas u can see root user shows contents correctly; my user account does not.21:44
N9NUfor anything..not just bytop21:44
EickmeyerN9NU: I don't know any specifics, but it looks like you might have some differences in configuation in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile files.21:46
N9NUah ok....i check now21:46
N9NUbashrc is not used i guess..its all # out.... /etc/profile is where ps1 and umask are21:50
N9NUi will check those21:50
EickmeyerInteresting. A default Ubuntu .bashrc is not commented-out.21:52
N9NUoh my bad,....imin ubuntu21:53
N9NUimusing debian 11.521:53
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!21:53
EickmeyerWe can't support Debian here.21:53
EickmeyerHead to #debian on irc.oftc.net21:54
N9NUyeah...didnt  even realize i was typing in here21:54
EickmeyerNo worries. :)21:54
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backthenIs the server edition mainly that it doesn't have GUI compared to standard?22:06
jhutchinsbackthen: It also has a different selection of packages that are more likely to be used on a server vs. a desktop.22:07
jhutchinsbackthen: You can, of course, install all of the server packages on a desktop build, or vice-versa.22:08
JamesB192huh, I seem to have openssl-3.0.2 from the libssl3 packages versioned Does anyone have thoughts as to why and how to make it match the package number?22:10
backthenjhutchins: ok. The server edition seems much smaller for the iso.22:11
tomreynJamesB192: libssl3 is from kinetic. openssl 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.7 is from jammy. you seem to have mixed release packages22:13
tomreyn(which is bad)22:14
SircleWhen I am using tor package 'sudo apt install tor' and run it as 'tor', does that also means that others can connect through my PC (just like I connect internet via a tunnel through their PC?22:15
TehRabbitthey, so i've been trying to get a program working for some time, but I can't seem to get this dependency resolved.  "libgconf-2.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"  when I try to install the package it says it's already installed, so i'm a little confused22:15
TehRabbittSircle, I think you have to configure yourself up to be an exit node for it to work like that.  IIRC, it doesn't work like that by default22:16
SircleTehRabbitt ok22:17
jhutchinsTehRabbitt: There's no abstract answer we could give you about a "program" without knowing what it is or how you installed it.22:17
SircleTehRabbitt are you sure?22:17
jhutchinsTehRabbitt: Name names.  Be specific.22:17
TehRabbittSircle, not 100%.  but from the last time I used it, you had to specifically set it up as an exit node for it to operate like that22:17
TehRabbittjhutchins, platnium-md22:18
SircleTehRabbitt I just wonder why people allow others to connect through them?22:18
TehRabbittjhutchins, https://github.com/gavinbenda/platinum-md22:19
N9NUThis error is most likely due to a recent change in a package for Google Chrome - it no longer pulls in libgconf-2-4 as a dependency.22:19
TehRabbittSircle, because it requires people to volunteer their bandwidth in order for Tor to function22:19
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TehRabbittSircle, just like there are people who 'seed' torrents.  without people volunteering to seed those torrents, downloads would be impossible.  they don't HAVE to, they choose to22:20
SircleTehRabbitt doesn't it get them into trouble if anything illegal happens via that tunnel?22:23
jhutchinsTehRabbitt: Is it looking for a different libgconf than what you have installed, or is it looking in the wrong path?22:23
jhutchinsTehRabbitt: If you can reach the developer, you could ask him to tweak it for your Ubuntu installation, or ask him how you could do that.22:24
TehRabbittSircle, IANAL, however as far as I am aware, they would have to prove that they weren't the ones who did said illegal things. it's not much different than if you operated "open wifi" and someone did something bad on it.  you'd have to prove it wasn't you that did it, or at least be willing to take the risk22:24
TehRabbittjhutchins, yeah, that part i'm not sure of.  I was thinking of submitting a bug ticket / finding out if something had to be tweaked, but I wanted to be sure I wasn't doing something dumb first :P22:25
jhutchinsSircle: What activity are _you_ trying to hide with tor?  Could somebody else get in trouble if you use their node?22:25
SircleHow can I be sure that I am not running a tor node?22:25
SircleNo just curious. My first day with tor cli22:26
TehRabbittSircle, I've had to deal with DCMA notices on "public wifi" in a corporate setting before.  Not fun, but at the same time, usually as long as they realize it was a "random person" and you've taken steps to verify it wasn't someone "internal" they are usually pretty satisfied.22:26
EickmeyerTehRabbitt, Sircle: Your tor conversation is venturing into offtopic territory.22:26
SircleEickmeyer ok.22:27
Sircleanyone can PM me from here22:27
SircleTehRabbitt thanks22:27
TehRabbittjhutchins, is there a way i can check to see what libgconf it is looking for?22:27
TehRabbitt(everything i've read just says to install sudo apt install libgconf-2-4 but it looks like it's already up to date)22:28
N9NUwhaat program is it22:32
N9NUur using22:32
=== revolt11- is now known as revolt112
TehRabbittplatinum-md  it's a minidisc application22:33
TehRabbitttrying to transfer music to an old MD Player I have22:33
N9NUhang on22:33
EickmeyerTehRabbitt: Chances are the application is hard-coded to look for /usr/lib64/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgconf-2.so.4 when Ubuntu (and Debian) install to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgconf-2.so.4. The dev is using absolute paths, which is generally a no-no when coding.22:34
TehRabbittthe project does seem rather active, last updates were earlier this month: https://github.com/gavinbenda/platinum-md/releases22:34
EickmeyerI'd say file an issue.22:34
TehRabbittEickmeyer, AH that would make sense. hm22:34
EickmeyerTypically, using a $LIB variable is the way to go, but the dev didn't do that, or so it appears.22:36
EickmeyerEither way, you have the package, but the make file isn't finding it. That tells me something is broken on the dev's end.22:37
N9NUu running the .appimage22:37
EickmeyerTehRabbitt: And, just for future reference, we don't support running/compiling applications outside of the repositories here. :)22:38
EickmeyerN9NU: They're trying to compile from source.22:38
TehRabbittYeah, the AppImage is what i'm trying to use22:38
EickmeyerYeah, we can't support appimages either. Since the appimage is created by the dev themselves, you have to contact the dev.22:39
TehRabbittEickmeyer, makes sense22:39
EickmeyerAs far as I'm concerned, you have all your ducks in a row, TehRabbitt.22:40
EickmeyerSounds to me the appimage is missing its own dependency.22:41
TehRabbittEickmeyer, thanks, like I said, I tried exhausting every avenue I could before I ask haha.  that said, i wanted to make sure that it wasn't something I missed etc, especially since the dev had posted specifically on the install page: "This linux package has only been tested on Ubuntu"22:41
TehRabbittwhich gave me hope it would work / made me think maybe I had done somethign wrong haha22:41
EickmeyerTehRabbitt: Yeah, but if the appimage is missing a dependency in itself, it won't work. That seems to be the case here.22:42
EickmeyerAppimages have all dependencies included, so they don't rely on system dependencies aside from some architectural things required to make them work.22:42
TehRabbittI see22:43
TehRabbittI think I tried to install using the .snap file tbh, not the AppImage.22:43
TehRabbittI might try the AppImage route and see if it works22:43
EickmeyerIf you tried the snap, that's different, but if it's not on the snap store, there's no real guarantees.22:44
TehRabbittEickmeyer, makes sense.  Well i'll give the appImage a go and see.  thanks :P22:45
* TehRabbitt crosses fingers22:45
EickmeyerGood luck. :)22:45
N9NUappimage has to work22:45
TehRabbittYup, it did work.22:46
N9NUits akin to a static build22:46
TehRabbittHm, so the Snap didn't22:46
TehRabbittthis works though, so mission accomplished haha22:46
TehRabbittthanks again!22:46
EickmeyerSweet. If the snap didn't, then the dev missed a dependency in the snap.yaml file.22:46
N9NUpurge the snap22:46
N9NUunless ya use those22:47
EickmeyerN9NU: Anti-snap arguments are off-topic here. :)22:47
EickmeyerBasically, anything except support is off-topic here. :)22:48
N9NUi accidently issued:  rm -Rf * from /22:53
N9NUoh dear22:53
arraybolt3[m]N9NU: I hope you had backups.22:54
N9NUtimmy just kidding22:55
arraybolt3[m]N9NU: Ctrl+C out of the command immediately.22:55
N9NUi dont use sudo22:55
N9NUsu -22:55
N9NUold school22:55
N9NUsince 9622:56
Eickmeyer!guidelines | N9NU: Joking aside, you might want to check this out22:56
ubottuN9NU: Joking aside, you might want to check this out: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:56
N9NUno joking eh22:56
arraybolt3[m]N9NU: We have an #ubuntu-offtopic channel specifically for this stuff. (Sorry, we don't want people to get the wrong idea about the use of this channel. It's frequently quite busy.)22:57
EickmeyerNot so much no joking, but just... be careful with the idle chatter. We have #ubuntu-offtopic for that.22:57
JamesB192tomreyn: thank you for the help.22:57
tomreynJamesB192: you're welcome. do you need any hints on how to sort this out?23:04
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McEHi , looking for offline wikipedia 2009 , any chance ?23:45
McEHi , looking for offline ubuntu-wiki 2009 , any chance ?23:45
McEsorry ...,23:46
McEit was released by ubuntuusers.de , but is currently not available anymore .., they only provide offline wiki 2010 and 2011 ..., but i know there is or was a 2009-specific release ..23:52
tomreynMcE: try #ubuntu-de-offtopic23:53
N9NUthere is a 2009..google it23:54

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