[12:22] Hi, How i can put "Netbook Layout" https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/choosing-and-changing-panel-layouts-ubuntu-mate-18-04/16502 on ubuntu-mate-22.04.1-desktop-amd64 Thanks [12:26] Guest81: is it no longer an option in that menu? [12:27] none https://ibb.co/2cvRKfH [12:27] If not follow the manual way copying the file from a 18.04 installation [12:28] or find the one that is most like what you want and modify it yourself [17:32] Guest81: mate has been upgraded to ayatana indicators. The /usr/share/mate-panel/layouts/netbook.layout file is still there but it's using the old indicators. You can file a bug report about it, but I think it's going to get dropped, it didn't have many users. The best way forward would be to edit it yourself in order to use the ayatana indicators, and use that local copy with `mate-panel --reset --layout netbook`.