
McEN9NU: i did ...00:06
JamesB192It's probably too late I managed to brick the gui and network on that box.00:09
JoeBkwhat's with packages being "held back" in apt update?  I've been seeing a lot of it lately.00:22
murmelJoeBk: probably phased updates00:23
ubottuSince Ubuntu 21.04, APT now implements phased updates. This can hold back updates on some systems while they are being phased in. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for more info.00:23
JoeBkthanks, will take a look.00:23
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enigma9o7What are not standard LTS security updates?02:04
enigma9o7It says 22 updates are standard LTS security updates.  What does that mean?  What are the other three packages?02:05
enigma9o7How do I identify which three packages are nonstandard?02:07
enigma9o7I never used to get any messages about standard security updates, but lately its happening ever ytime,a nd I dunno whats up with the nonstandard ones.  I know I'm getting closer to EOL but still half a year left.02:08
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gebbionehi all. i am on ubuntu 22.04, Rythmbox 3.4.4 and if i plug in an android phone i see it in the list of devices but I cannot see how to add music to it because when i click on it, I see no files in rythmbox. Ideally i want to sync playlists to the phone from Rythmbox. I checked https://askubuntu.com/questions/1027607/syncing-music-to-android-with-rhythmbox-error-transferring-track but as you can see its solution is most likely dated.04:03
toddcgebbione: enable file sharing on yur android phone -- it works I do often04:28
gebbioneit doesnt04:28
gebbioneat least for me04:28
gebbioneit is on file sharing04:28
gebbionethats how the phone is visible on rythmbox04:28
gebbionesomehow shows nothing04:28
gebbionebut also i have no clue where to go to make anything sync04:29
toddchmm can you see  the phone files in nautilus?04:29
toddctesting 1 sec04:30
gebbioneshows empty as such https://imgur.com/K3bKoeZ.png04:31
toddcgebbione: just added some more mp3's and verified fully working ubuntu gnome 22.04 rhytmbox 3.4.4 and pixel 604:38
toddcno idea how test for a broken file system04:39
gebbionei wonder if i need to change something on my system or on this xiaiomi phone04:40
toddcgebbione: I would assume if you can see the music in nautilus the phone and core ubuntu are fine.  some thing in rhytmbox no reading correctly try to copy from xiaiomi phone to nautilus music the see if rhytmbox picks it up04:43
gebbionetoddc, "try to copy from xiaiomi phone to nautilus music the see if rhytmbox picks it up" . So in nautilus if i right click and do play in rythmbox ... nothing happens04:52
gebbioneeven if i try to drag it from the folder to rythmbox ... nothing again04:52
toddcgebbione: that is about as far as I can help but file permisssions / rythmbox issue may try to download another mp3 direct to nautilus and see if it plays  stick around some one should be better able to help and will seee starting tests you have done04:56
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gebbionetoddc, thank you anyway for your help04:59
gebbionebtw i use Files (not as it used to be called Nautilus) and somehow when the phone plugs in i get Nemo instead05:01
gebbioneremoving nemo made no difference05:12
xxywhen configuring obfs4proxy on my pc , which option is right between "ServerTransportPlubin" and "ClientTransportPlugin", if "ClientTransportPlugin" is selected , whether it have a client counterpart of "ServerTransportListenerAddr ",07:10
tangyhello, can ubuntu desktop iso's be used as a live usb?07:37
liowenexIt can.07:38
liowenexIt's been like that since Ubuntu used GNOME  2.07:38
tangyokay, thanks07:38
hid3Greetings everyone. What's the best/fastest way to create a .torrent/magnet link and share a file in Ubuntu 22 among my servers? I was thinking about using 'aria2' as download client but not sure what software I should initially use for creation/seeding the initial file. Any suggestions?08:06
ravagetransmission has a cli and gui version and is very popular. if you need more software suggestions try #ubuntu-discuss08:07
hid3ah, remember using transmission roughly a decade ago. I'll give it a try, thanks08:08
kankaany good recommendations to learn how to use irssi ?08:11
liowenexDon't. Get HexChat08:12
kankayeah using hexchat is straight-forward, can get along irssi08:13
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iomari891greetings, is there a way to set a static route for internet but a default route pointing somewhere else?11:44
rob0iomari891: in openvpn(8) there is a way to override the default route while leaving it unchanged: a and a route.12:19
rob0perhaps that will work for whatever you are trying to do?12:19
tomreyniomari891 is also seeking help with ths in #linux btw.12:22
rob0iomari891: it would also be on topic in #netfilter (I see you're there.)12:23
rrrI installed a deb file from nvidia that conflicted with nvidia-kernel-common-515 and I wonder how I can remove the offending installation candidate and keep nvida-common-515 working, while apt reports that I need to try apt --fix-broken install and won't proceed.12:57
rrrI posted my error here: https://nn2.us/r/tqniqgaxmm12:58
oerheksa weird sign-in paste ...12:58
rrroh sorry12:59
oerheksso you want to remove that.deb package?13:00
oerhekssudo dpkg --remove packagename or sudo apt-get remove13:01
rrrthat did the trick.13:03
rrrthank you.13:03
rrrOoh, I may have gotten it to install also.13:10
iomari891thanks guys. I've solved my problem. My default route and my resolv.conf are ok now.13:27
pycuriousDoes anyone know why postgres is being held back in my apt upgrade - https://dpaste.com/27PAWSQ4S13:28
iomari891I have my wifi as my default route and my dns is on one of my lan servers. However, every so often, something is adding my lan as an additional default route and it's before my wifi route. Any ideas what could be causing that?13:29
tomreynpycurious: with this little info: unlikely13:29
BluesKajHi all13:43
BrotherhoodCiao a tutti13:51
respawnBrotherhood: envenuto questo è il canale di aiuto di Ubuntu se hai bisogno di aiuto chiedi qui13:52
respawnBrotherhood: per la chat generale di non aiuto vai su #ubuntu-oftopic13:53
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:56
murmelpycurious: at least for me dpaste is down14:07
mifritscher_debmirror is not working with current ubuntu, right?14:10
mifritscher_So, what is the "best" method to mirror 20.04/22.04, all/x86/amd64 only?14:11
respawnboth work14:11
respawn.org and .com14:11
murmelorg works for me, com not :S14:12
mifritscher_can apt-mirror be used for 20.04/22.04?14:16
murmelmifritscher_: why not rsync on a timer/cron?14:17
jhutchinsmurmel: The mirroring programs build a local database that a simple sync doesn't capture.15:19
chromebittinhttps://youtu.be/N5nVSXV9Hbk?t=553 Ubuntu Security talk from earlier today in South Korea15:26
lotuspsychj3that would fit in -discuss chromebittin15:26
chromebittinlotuspsychj3: oh ok15:39
tomreynchromebittin: this must come as a surprise to you since you were never told before, right? (this question is a rhetoric, if you still want to respond to it, do it in #ubuntu-ops instead)15:56
chromebittintomreyn: hm?15:56
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bitbingefdisk -l doesn't show hot-plugged HDD here. Is there some way to make the system detect that newly plugged HDD?17:37
l0tuspsychj3bitbinge: can you pastebin the output after a journalctl -f and plugged your HD in?17:39
bitbingeThere's nothing at all in there.17:45
bitbingeThere's also no /dev/sdb file.17:45
l0tuspsychj3bitbinge: are you plugging via usb sata or..17:46
oerheksopen disks in gnome, it should show something, even when unformatted17:46
bitbingeI'm on terminal.17:46
oerheksno, not terminal.17:47
bitbingeAnd the disk is formatted and shown normally if I restart the machine.17:47
oerheksuse sudo with fdisk -l17:48
bitbingeI do.17:49
bitbingeI guess the motherboard is crap. Unless there's something other than the hotplug option that should be turned on.17:51
oerheksa dirty filesystem could prevent mounting too17:53
tomreynbitbinge: echo "- - -" | sudo tee /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/scan17:54
tomreynbitbinge: any luck?18:06
bitbingeWill do that in a bit.18:06
bitbingeNothing, but journal says this: ata2: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)18:14
tomreynbitbinge: try a different connector / port if you have18:16
tomreynnot every controller / board / board's firmware supports sata hotplug, though18:17
bitbingeThere's a hotplug enable option in BIOS and hot plug support listed in specs on their website.18:23
bitbingeI have two of these, and 3 of this line. I had other weird issues such as having to unplug the power cord and plug it back in so that I can boot the same liveusb again and once it didn't boot os after power loss despite it's set to boot once power's back.18:25
jhutchinsbitbinge: You probably need to re-scan the scsi buss.  Some systems will do that automatically in response to a hotplug, some won't.18:49
jhutchins!info sg3-utils18:50
ubottusg3-utils (1.46-1build1, kinetic): utilities for devices using the SCSI command set. In component main, is optional. Built by sg3-utils. Size 822 kB / 2,789 kB18:50
jhutchinsThe sg3_utils package provides the rescan-scsi-bus.sh script18:50
jhutchinsbitblit_: The BIOS (UEFI) will sometimes get in the way of hotplugs.18:51
tomreynif you look at this script, i think you will find it does what i suggested above18:52
jhutchinsbitblit_: And of course you're not the one I was talking to, sorry.18:52
jhutchinstomreyn: The reason for writing scripts is so that you don't have to remember seldom-used paths and options.18:54
tomreyni just looked at the script and it is actually a lot more versatile and also safer to use than what i suggested.18:55
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bitbingeThanks jhutchins, I'll try that.21:24
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backthenmy sharing between two local wifi connected machines no longer work. Folders still are shared. Any way to diagnose this21:53
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jhutchinsbackthen: What changed?22:12
jhutchinsbackthen: How did you set up sharing?  How did you look for the shared drive?22:12
backthenjhutchins: only major change is both are connecting to my phone's wifi hotspot. But that shouldn't matter22:13
jhutchinsbackthen: "Shouldn't" is not relevant.  How were they connecting before?  What about the other questions?22:13
backthenjhutchins: set up using 'Local Network Share' -> share this folder -> allow others to create + guest access. And turned on 'Settings' -> 'Sharing'22:14
backthenthey were previously connecting to home wifi22:15
jhutchinsbackthen: What about ping/ssh between the two?22:18
jhutchinsbackthen: Can they both connect to the internet?22:18
backthenjhutchins: ping works. Haven't tried ssh. yes they both connect to net22:18
jhutchinsbackthen: The easiest thing to try is probably to just remove all traces of the shares - reboot.  Then set them up again.  You're on a "22:19
jhutchinsnew" network, some changes might not have caught up.22:20
jhutchinsbackthen: If that doesn't work, you'll have to start digging into the actual network settings like subnets, mask, and gateway.22:20
jhutchinsHmm.  I was going to say the phone might not be routing local traffic, but you can ping.22:21
WaVIs it possible you have a firewall installed? Maybe the rules for the firewall are not being met. For example, your ip in your home may be 192.168.x.x vs your phone which could be 10.0.x.x which is not satisfying the firewall rules.22:28
backthenjhutchins: hmm I tried to unshare and reshare. Now machine B can access A but not other way around22:32
backthen(or, it's possible that's the way it was but I didn't realize)22:33
backthenAlso, because these are trusted computers. I copy ssh private key from one to the other. But that copying process is refused. Wish I could overwrite that22:34
oerheks!info gufw22:41
ubottugufw (22.04.0-0ubuntu1, kinetic): graphical user interface for ufw. In component universe, is optional. Built by gui-ufw. Size 932 kB / 3,587 kB22:41
jhutchinsbackthen: scp <source> <target>:. will put the key file in your home directory.  Be careful about overwriting the file with the same name on the target.  scp .ssh/id_rsa.pub <target>newkey22:46
jhutchins(I'm working from memory here, it should be close to that.)22:46
jhutchinsscp and rsync are very powerful file transfer/copy tools, good to learn.22:47
WaVbackthen: Not sure if I am understading you correctly, but the copying process may also be refused if you have password authentication turned off and don't have a valid key22:47
jhutchinsWaV: I think he did say ssh worked.22:47
WaVAh ok22:48
jhutchinsMy blind guess is that the new hub (phone) issued a new network subnet and the old shares saved the old addresses.22:54

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