
Unit193Hi, this is an English support channel but if Chinese would be better for you then...02:29
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw02:29
gnrpxitix: hi09:54
rrrI managed to impair apt by trying to install a cuda tool kit. This failed to install because it could not overwrite /usr/bin/nvidia-powerd provided by nvidia-kernel-common-515.. I would like to manage to fix this but apt --fix-broken install still fails to correct the issue. What can I do, may I uninstall the toolkit somehow and use apt properly? 12:42
gnrpwhat does it mean, it fails to correct?12:48
gnrprrr: You have to provide a more precise error message12:49
gnrpanyway, I'm afk for now12:49
rrrlibnvidia-compute-520 conflicts with nvidia-kernel-common-51512:53
rrrand I would like to backtrack by removing the former installation candidate 12:53
tomreyn"This page is no longer available. It has either expired, been removed by its creator, or removed by one of the Pastebin staff."13:20
tomreynrrr: please point it out when you choose to seek help in a different place instead.13:25
rrryes. Oh, I am still working out if it worked since clang++ cannot find iostream but I resolved my issue. 13:29

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