
IrcsomeBot<geeckosimp> Hi how to add kinetic scroll to libinput touchpads on Xorg?05:11
IrcsomeBot<geeckosimp> Would like to implement to specific applications like Chromium/Firefox because implementing systemwide ig not possible05:12
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
BluesKajHi all13:33
IrcsomeBot<SA> Hello first I had the problem as seen in the video. Now the PC no longer boots up. What can I do?15:52
IrcsomeBot<SA> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/a5b4b3f3/file_61788.jpg15:53
IrcsomeBot<SA> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/084398e9/file_61789.jpg15:53
IrcsomeBot<SA> As it was on the video, I turned off the PC a couple of times with a button and then it started up. Now he does not go up, the last pictures on the monitor.15:58
tomreynif you can't get help here, try https://web.libera.chat/#ubuntu16:07
tomreynor, if you have an irc client: irc.libera.chat, port 6697 (TLS) or port 6667 (no tls), and /join #ubuntu16:07
IrcsomeBot<SA> Ne this did not help me (re @IrcsomeBot: <tomreyn> if you can't get help here, try https://web.libera.chat/#ubuntu)16:57
=== mike_ is now known as mubuntuHH
tomreynSA: are you still around (I can't tell from IRC)?18:36
tomreynIf so, I would suggest resetting bios to manufacturer defaults. if this does not help, try booting kubuntu with !kernelparm "acpi=off" as a (temporary) workaround, then just shutdown normally, and after it powered off, start kubuntu again. to see whether the issue is gone. if not, persist the acpi=off workaround in /etc/default/grub (and run "sudo update-grub") until you get around to install a bios upgrade - which you may need to do anyways.18:39
ubottuTo add a one-time or permanent kernel boot parameter see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters18:41
tomreynalso, if you dual-boot with windows, make sure you configure windows to shut down properly, which, by default, it won't do.18:42
=== a is now known as Guest3578

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