
bobdobbsHi all. I'm using ubuntu 22.04. I tried to update my drivers for my RTX 3070, and now my display is completely borked. I've been using linux/ubuntu for many years, but I've got no idea how the video system works or how to fix it when it collapses.00:28
bobdobbsAt the moment I can run gnome, but only one of my two displays is running. The second display is blank00:28
bobdobbsI can run 'nvidia-settings', but it doesn't show information on my monitors00:29
bobdobbsAlso, I have no gnome toolbars available, so I can't access settings.00:29
Bashing-ombobdobbs: How did you do that driver update ? -- Is there now a need to Un-do ?00:29
bobdobbsBashing-om: I'm not even exactly sure what I was doing. Initially I was trying to install drivers from nvidia. But I was following instructions from online forums without really understanding them.00:30
bobdobbsSo yeah - there may well be things that I have to undo00:32
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Oh Gosh darn - Nvidia advises not to do OEM install on linux systems - lemme pull up that warning,00:32
bobdobbswhat does 'oem install' mean?00:33
Bashing-ombobdobbs: "Note that many Linux distributions provide their own packages of the NVIDIA Linux Graphics Driver in the distribution's native package management format. This may interact better with the rest of your distribution's framework, and you may want to use this rather than NVIDIA's official package.".00:34
oerheksuse the drivers ubuntu proveides, they are tested00:34
bobdobbswell, at the moment I don't know if I've got the ubuntu driver or the nvidia driver installed. How do I check? I really don't know a thing about ubuntu video stuff.00:36
bobdobbsthe command 'nvidia-driver' returns nvidia-driver-520. But I'm not sure what that means00:37
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Let's see about cleanup: what shows ' sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-* ' ?00:38
oerheks470 and up should work https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/177145/en-us/00:38
oerheksbut do not use their drivers..00:38
bobdobbsBashing-om: that find command has been running for a bit. Hasn't returned anything yet00:40
bobdobbsoerheks: why should I avoid their drivers?00:40
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Patience, "Find" has to do a lot of looking :P00:42
bobdobbsBashing-om: command completed. It returned a few "permission denied" line, and a few "no such file or directory". But no hits, it seems.00:43
Guest67hello. i am on my flash drive00:45
Guest67ubuntu * thumb drive, live ISO00:45
Guest67I don't see an IRC client, and the App Store doesn't work00:45
oerheksjust use webchat, guest00:46
Guest67for now...00:46
Guest67I am downloading Konversation00:46
Guest67is there a list you can get to of installed Applications?00:47
Guest67instead of those large obnoxious icons?00:47
Guest67Maybe a desktop menu that shows a hierachy of apps?00:47
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Now then I am uncertain of a best way to proceed - however - pastebin the result of ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia '.00:49
oerheksguest the is gnome-menus, but what is the use in a live system that does not save any.. and you will run out of memory soon with many apps installed00:50
oerheks!info gnome-menus00:50
ubottugnome-menus (3.36.0-1ubuntu3, kinetic): GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu specification. In component main, is optional. Built by gnome-menus. Size 11 kB / 252 kB00:50
Nick02how do i get the app store to work?00:51
Nick02it wont load anything00:51
oerheksrun sudo apt update before entering app store.. on  a live session00:52
oerheksbut why?00:52
bobdobbsHi. I'm back. I just rebooted. I now have a toolbar and panel. Still no activity on my second monitor00:58
Bashing-ombobdobbs: And my last " Now then I am uncertain of a best way to proceed - however - pastebin the result of ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia '.00:59
Bashing-ombobdobbs: And my last " Now then I am uncertain of a best way to proceed - however - pastebin the result of ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia '.01:00
bobdobbsBashing-om: sure thing...01:00
DiagonI'm starting to get problems with packages being kept back on dist-upgrade with ubuntu 22.04.  First it was some dependencies of jami, now it's some dependencies of jsonlint.  I've never had this problem before.  What gives?01:03
Bashing-omDiagon: !phasedupdates01:03
bobdobbsBashing-om: well, I certainly seem to have lots of nvidia-related stuff installed01:04
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Yeah ,, and looks like a driver conflict between 2 veesions. How about we clean things up and have the kernel install the driver it thinks best ?01:05
bobdobbssounds good :)01:05
Bashing-om!updates |  Diagon01:05
DiagonThanks, Bashing-om.  Finding something here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1431940/what-are-phased-updates-and-why-does-ubuntu-use-them01:06
bobdobbsBashing-om: in terms of diagnostics, is this helpful?  https://hastebin.com/qinecivole.yaml01:10
bobdobbsBashing-om: so, how do we go about cleaning things up?01:13
Bashing-ombobdobbs: the grep output shows a driver comflict -as the find result does not find a Nvidia (O)rininal (E)quipment (M)anufacture driver - All I know to do now is purge the present Nvidia driver(s) installs - update; and have the kernel install a driver.01:19
bobdobbshow would I do that/01:22
Bashing-ombobdobbs: In small steps - 1) run ' sudo apt remove --purge nvidia-* ' -- rboot; should come back up in the nouveau driver and 2) next run ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade '. Advise when at this point to continue.01:23
bobdobbsok. I might as well just nuke it all.01:24
bobdobbs 01:24
bobdobbsk, I've purged everything. Will reboot. Crossing my fingers that I'll get video signal after reboot01:25
bobdobbsbrb (I hope)01:25
bobdobbsk, I'm back. I do indeed have video signal01:30
bobdobbsback to boring-old single-monitor01:30
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Progress made :D .. ok now let's get rid of the cruft: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs sudo dpkg -P01:31
bobdobbsdang, that's one gnarly command01:32
bobdobbsBashing-om: k, that purged a lot of stuff. Mostly nvidia-stuff, it seems01:33
Bashing-ombobdobbs: While there is no built in way to remove all of your configuration information from your removed packages ( rc) you can remove all configuration data from every removed package.01:33
bobdobbsthats what 'purge' does, right?01:34
tomreynDiagon: jsonlint is in universe, though, i would not expect that to be phased, so maybe you have another issue.01:34
bobdobbsremoves configs along with everything else?01:34
Bashing-ombobdobbs: confirm that you have updated/upgraded the system at this point.01:34
bobdobbsyup. after I logged back in I did 'apt update' and then 'apt upgrade'01:35
tomreynDiagon: apt policy jsonlint     should either say that it's "phased" or not01:35
Bashing-ombobdobbs: The flag ^ -- is "rc' where that means config files remain.01:35
bobdobbsah, I see01:37
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Let's have the kernel install the proprietary driver ' sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall' . Reboot again  to see the effect.01:37
bobdobbsoh dear01:38
bobdobbsBashing-om: that looks like it might be an actual ubuntu bug01:40
bobdobbsBashing-om: yeah, it does look like an ubuntu bug. But I think I've found a workaround. An edit to a file in a system library file01:44
Bashing-ombobdobbs: You on the Wayland desk top ? As it is known that Wayland and Nvidia do not play nice together.01:44
bobdobbsafaik I'm not on wayland. I experimented with wayland when I got this sytsem. It was a complete disaster, so I nuked it01:46
bobdobbsI nearly had to completely reinstall my system01:46
bobdobbsk, I got ubuntu-drivers working. Will paste the output...01:46
bobdobbsBashing-om: k, what I read from that is that the system wants to install a driver version that is not compatible with the kernal01:48
bobdobbsoh wait. I'm wrong01:49
bobdobbsThe problem is "held broken packages". But I'm not sure what that means. Googling it.01:49
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Ouch ! Let's try ' sudo apt autoclean ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg --configure -a ' . Then run this again: sudo apt -f install - see if the package manager will heal it's self.01:52
bobdobbsBashing-om: alas, no. I ran those commands in the order you gave them, and then ran 'ubuntu-drivers autoinstall' again. I get the same result01:54
bobdobbsone monitor makes me sad01:54
tomreyni haven't followed the conversation, but https://hastebin.com/azecegizaq.apache looks like packages are installed in a version that's not available for ubuntu (i.e. third party, without active apt source).01:55
tomreynif that's intentional, please just ignore01:55
bobdobbstomreyn: I may have installed something without an apt source. I don't know.01:57
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-470 | jammy01:57
ubottujammy: nvidia-driver-470 (470.141.03-0ubuntu1, kinetic): NVIDIA driver metapackage. In component restricted, is optional. Built by nvidia-graphics-drivers-470. Size 441 kB / 1,534 kB. (Only available for amd64.)01:57
bobdobbsActually, I'm pretty sure I've installed things on this system after directly downloading. So I'm likely to have things installed that don't have an apt source.01:57
tomreynapt list --installed | grep ',local\]$'      should tell you which packages / package versions are installed without active apt source providing it01:58
bobdobbsI don't think I know what surge-xt is01:59
bobdobbsThat list has 'cuda-repo...'. I'm guessing that's a package that touches apt sources files?01:59
tomreyncuda-repo-ubuntu2204-11-8-local may have added file:/ URIs to apt sources01:59
bobdobbstomreyn: yeah. I think that that adds a source for an nvidia driver. Or perhaps for nvidia's cuda toolkit software.02:01
tomreynapt policy libnvidia-gl-520     should show which sources this is available from02:01
tomreynsee, the newer version that's not available in ubuntu is from the local apt repository.02:02
tomreynwhat's your goal? removing third party drivers, going back to ubuntu's?02:04
bobdobbstomreyn: yeah, now I'm wondering which direction I should Gorenoise_02:04
bobdobbslol. damn autocorrect02:04
bobdobbstomreyn: I'm wondering which direction I should go.02:05
bobdobbsIn the short term I want to just get my displays working. Ubuntu's driver should work for that.02:05
tomreyni'm not so much into nvidia, especially not cuda. all i could possibly guide on is how to restore what ubuntu provides.02:05
bobdobbsBut I also want to get stable diffusion working locally. And I don't know if ubuntu's drivers get in the way of that or not. I suspect not, but I don't know.02:06
bobdobbsafaict, stable diffusion relies on python's torch library to use cuda.02:06
bobdobbsactually, I should be able to find out if ubuntu's native drivers should work. I'll need to do a bit of googling.02:07
bobdobbsIf I tried to run the nvidia drivers, would I still be eligable to ask for help on this chanel?02:11
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Again Nvidia suggest *NOT* to do that !02:12
Nick02can someone tell me how to get the app store working on ubuntu?02:13
Nick02fresh live cd02:13
bobdobbsBashing-om: yeah, I've encountered that suggestion. But still... I'm not 100% that stable diffusion can make use of an RTX with the native drivers02:14
bobdobbsBashing-om: I think I should be able to. But I'm still figuring it out02:14
Diagontomreyn - so what do you make of this? https://termbin.com/rwh602:15
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Ubuntu and Nvidia do have a close working relationship - if something does not work - then one files a good bug report to get the issue resolved.02:16
DiagonI know smartctl is hit or miss with USB, depending on pass-through, but how about with USB-C?  Does anyone know?02:17
tomreynDiagon: not phased02:17
Diagontomreyn / oh.  So what might be going on there?  What might I look into?02:17
bobdobbswell, I haven't found anything about issues related to the ubuntu native drivers and pytorch. So... might as well go with the native drivers02:18
bobdobbshow do I get started?02:18
Diagontomreyn / I mean, I can install them individually and then set them back to auto, but I'd like to know what's going on...02:19
tomreynDiagon: apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$'      should tell you which packages / package versions are installed without active apt source providing them. i suspect you have packages / package versions installed from an apt source that is not ubuntu's, which is no longer configured.02:19
Diagontomreyn / Oh, ok.  That's possible as this is an upgrade from 20.04.  I'll check, hold on...02:20
Diagontomreyn / I'll have to look through these ... https://termbin.com/spe702:22
tomreynbobdobbs: remove the local nvidia repository, probably by apt purge'ing this package providing it02:23
bobdobbstomreyn: sorry, I'm a bit of a dimwit when it comes to apt. How do I go about doing this?02:24
tomreynDiagon: this doesn't seem immediately related, but you should remove those packages you don't know / know you need to be installed like this, without an upgrade path and without getting security patches.02:24
Diagontomreyn / right, so if I'm understanding correctly, if the package is in a proper sources.list and the repo is working, then the package should be ok.  Otherwise, I should be checking what's up.02:25
tomreynbobdobbs: https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-installation-guide-linux/index.html#removing-cuda-tk-and-driver02:25
bobdobbstomreyn: thanks02:25
Diagontomreyn / so I might do a reverse depends on those php packages and see which of that list are depending on them, yes?02:26
tomreynDiagon: sorry, i'm loosing track, can't seem to focus on supporting two apt issues at a time02:27
bobdobbstomreyn: Bashing-om: k, that nvidia documentation for purging their drivers had some... purge comands. I've run them. No errors. I'm just gonna reboot. Back in a few minutes02:28
tomreynDiagon: had you run   sudo apt update     before you ran     sudo apt-get dist-upgrade    ?02:29
tomreynDiagon: can you show   sudo apt policy php8.1-common02:30
tomreynactually no sudo needed there02:31
Diagonbobdobbs / I will need to purge an nvidia driver in the future too.  To save my asking for help, can you point me to the doc?02:31
tomreynthe same documentation you followed when installing it.02:31
Diagontomreyn / https://termbin.com/dole402:32
tomreynDiagon: okay so *this* is phased, as you can see02:32
tomreynso nothing to do here02:32
tomreynDiagon: don't use aptitude though, it has problems02:32
tomreynat least not for package installations and apt cache update02:33
Diagontomreyn / what's the alternative to `aptitude why` and ... some reverse depends syntax...02:33
tomreynand 'apt policy' for the 'why'02:34
tomreynand 'apt depends'02:35
Diagontomreyn / Sorry, one more: `aptitude show` is the one way I know to get long output about a pkg.02:36
tomreyni don't remember what that looks like, but suspect it'll be similar to   apt show <package>    and    apt-cache show <package>02:37
Diagontomreyn / apt depends is not in the man page!  (Bug report necessary...)02:37
tomreyngot for it02:37
tomreyn*go for it02:38
tomreyn!bug | Diagon02:38
ubottuDiagon: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.02:38
tomreynit would be good to first check whether that already exists02:38
Diagonapt-rdepends is a separate package ...02:39
=== Phr33d0m_ is now known as Phr33d0m
Diagontomreny / ok, so is it possible that the reason php was held back, is that there is a package that needs the older version?02:40
bobdobbshi ho02:40
bobdobbsBashing-om, tomreyn. I'm back. I have video. And I think I've installed a driver.02:41
tomreynDiagon: the reason the php update was not yet installed is phased updates. i was just assuming otherise initially since i had you check whether an unrelated package was phased.02:41
bobdobbsI'm not sure if it's loaded though. And I suspect that it's an nvidia one?02:41
tomreynbobdobbs: if nvidia-xsettings works, then you're running the proprietary nvidia driver.02:42
Bashing-ombobdobbs: The file /var/log/gpu-manager.log shows all happy happy ?02:42
bobdobbsI ran 'ubuntu-drivers autoinstall'. It installed a driver. If I run it now, it says "All the available drivers are already installed". So that's a start02:42
bobdobbstomreyn: do you mean 'nvidia-settings'? That runs but doesn't bring up information on the displays.02:43
DiagonOk, many thanks tomreyn!  Saved the day again!02:43
bobdobbsBashing-om: the output of that log file: https://hastebin.com/didelaqafu.apache02:44
DiagonNow, back to a previous question.  I know smartctl will only work with some USB->SATA bridges, if they have pass-through.  Is that also true with USB-C?02:44
tomreynDiagon: you're welcome. the 'fail to full-upgrade issue' should sort itself out in a few days.02:44
tomreynbobdobbs: i guess i mean nvidia-settings, yes if it doesn't work properly maybe that's because you're on wayland, or because you're running a different driver, or both.02:45
bobdobbsPretty sure I'm not on wayland. I'll try and figure that out...02:46
tomreynDiagon: i have no first hand experience, but would expect so, yes02:46
bobdobbstomreyn: I'm using x1102:47
tomreynso     echo $DESKTOP_SESSION $XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP    does not say wayland anywhere?02:47
bobdobbsYes. None of those variables show anything that looks like 'wayland'02:48
tomreynand    lspci -knnd ::0300 | grep 'in use'    says "nvidia"?02:49
tomreynthen, unless it failed to load, you're probably running ubuntu's nvidia driver02:50
tomreynyou'd need to look for the current xorg log if you wanted to know whether the driver failed to load, i'm not aware of another way02:51
tomreynglxinfo -B | grep 'renderer string'    would also hint on it if you have glxinfo installed.02:53
bobdobbsThat returns: OpenGL renderer string: llvmpipe (LLVM 13.0.1, 256 bits)02:53
tomreynhmm, that sounds like software rendering. could be normal for the -open driver, though, if you're using that02:54
tomreynyou may want to look at the log file Bashing-om had pointed out 14 minutes ago02:55
bobdobbsDoes  line 12 of this output show us that an nvidia driver is being used? https://hastebin.com/xuqicerala.yaml02:55
bobdobbsoh. I thought I pastebinned that02:56
bobdobbslets see...02:56
tomreyn<bobdobbs> Bashing-om: the output of that log file: https://hastebin.com/didelaqafu.apache02:56
tomreynsorry, i missed that02:56
Bashing-omtomreyn: bobdobbs: "Error : Failed to open /dev/dri" indicates to me that the driver did not load :(02:57
bobdobbs"operating system says no"03:00
tomreynthe log states the nvidia kernel module was loaded, but i agree the 2d and 3d drivers seems to have failed to initialize.03:00
bobdobbsI wish it would tell us *why* it's not loading the driver03:00
Bashing-ombobdobbs: I do not presently have a clue what in the world these "/kernel/nvidia-515srv" could be :(03:00
tomreynthis should be the headless drivers, no?03:01
tomreynthe -server packages03:01
tomreynso https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy-updates/nvidia-dkms-515-server03:04
tomreynbobdobbs: the xorg initialization logs should be in ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.*.log03:05
tomreynif not there, then somewhere "Xorg"-ish in /var/log/03:07
bobdobbstomreyn: I do have a log there. But it's too big to copy and paste to hastebin03:07
bobdobbsoh, I think the system log is more copyable03:07
tomreynlog for lines with (EE)03:07
tomreyn*look for03:08
bobdobbsThat's just the output of 'cat Xorg.0.log | grep  EE'03:09
tomreynhmm, i'm afraid it doesn't tell us what exactly failed.03:10
tomreynmaybe it says near those "[drm] Failed to open DRM device for pci:0000:2d:00.0: -19" and "open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory" lines03:11
bobdobbsfrom memory there's a commandline tool that can shunt a file to a pastebin. I'll see if I can find it03:11
tomreynpastebinit is one03:12
tomreynbut i'm getting really tired now, need to sleep. good luck on your quest!03:12
bobdobbsthanks tomreyn. sleep well.03:12
bobdobbsdammit. pastebinit requires an Ubuntu One account03:15
Bashing-ombobdobbs: termbin is the one I use :)03:16
Bashing-ombobdobbs: However, be aware I have been to this point of the "Failed to open /dev/dri" a couple of times before - have yet to have the skill to get beyond :(03:18
bobdobbsBashing-om: I can't get it to work, and I'm having trouble finding an alternative.03:24
Bashing-ombobdobbs: To relate a file to termbin - something like ' nc termbin.com 9999 < <(cat /etc/hosts;) '.03:29
bobdobbsoh, I see the problem. I downloaded the wrong file. termbin.com links to the repo for a dependancy. I'll have to hunt around for the actual termbin script03:32
bobdobbshuh. Where do I get the actual termbin script from? I can't find it.03:36
bobdobbsI know that seems like a dumb question. I should be able to just Google for it and find it. But I can't find it online. It' own website doesn't even link to it.03:39
matsamanbobdobbs: it's a web app03:40
Bashing-ombobdobbs: struggling here to to know what nc entails.03:40
matsamannc being netcat03:41
bobdobbsBashing-om: nc is netcat. It's a network debugging tool. I think it's basically meant to be pluggable into scripts and applications as a way to send data directly to TCP ports.03:42
bobdobbsSo termbin uses netcat to send text files to pastebin-like services that offer a port for public service03:43
bobdobbsbut a couple of years ago most of those services shut down en-masse, because they were being abused03:43
matsamanI don't know about that03:43
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Many uses - trying to determine how I *DID* install netcat for my use cases :)03:43
bobdobbsI mean, those services shut down the capacity to accept pastes directly from things like termbin, because termbin and related tools can be part of automated toolsets for abusers03:44
matsamanthat's how it has always been with web apps03:45
matsamanand will always be03:45
matsamanyou have to safeguard against it on the receiving end03:45
littlequestionhello everyone03:45
matsamanhi little03:45
littlequestionis ubuntu servers on maintaince ?03:45
littlequestioni mean packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords= giving me error 50003:46
bobdobbsIn the meantime - I'm still kinda screwed. I need to get wiser eyes than mine to look at my log files. But I can't paste them to a public service, cos they are too big.03:46
littlequestionnow start to work03:47
matsamanbobdobbs: what's the broader issue?03:47
littlequestionlooks like an update or ddos happend . but look like it fixed03:47
littlequestionnope still same03:48
bobdobbsmatsaman: I'm trying to get an nvidia driver working on my RTX card on ubuntu 22.0403:48
matsamanyeah packages.ubuntu.com failing for me just now03:48
matsamanbobdobbs: which model?03:48
matsamanand which driver/version are you trying?03:48
bobdobbsI've installed one from the ubuntu repos. It's installed but not loading. I'll try and discover which version03:49
matsamandpkg -l | grep -i nvidia03:50
bobdobbsmatsaman:  https://hastebin.com/qimodeloja.apache03:51
bobdobbsAre there specific forums for getting help with ubuntu video issues?03:56
matsamanhere is probably best03:57
Guest1IHi guys, I'm seeking advice on good full-stack web-dev frameworks, considering Django vs Ruby on Rails, and WHY. =)03:58
Guest1I'm seeking advice on how to install Hardened Linux Kernel for my webserver, and if the hardened kernel would break/change any software, or is the hardening 100% passive/doesnt change settings?03:58
matsamanbobdobbs: what makes you think it's not loading?04:00
matsamanGuest1: rails is _horrible_04:00
matsamanjust try installing it compared to django and you will see why04:00
matsamanhonestly I find ruby to be a pretty nice language, but rails is unbearably mismanaged and beastly04:00
matsamandjango is pretty good, though you should probably also look at flask & fastapi if you look at django04:01
matsamanGuest1: hardening with enough effort doesn't limit functionality, but it can be much effort04:01
matsamanGuest1: for a _server_ it's less problematic, because servers are less complicated than desktops04:01
Guest1Is there a way to harden easily without breaking software04:01
Guest1Like, how about Hardened Kernel patch04:02
Guest1for starting04:02
matsamanthere is a certain amount of drop-in stuff like04:02
matsamanapparmor and things04:02
matsamanI forget what Ubuntu supports the most04:02
Guest1How about the hardened linux kernel04:03
matsamanif you really care about security I would move over to Debian stable, though04:03
Guest1Debian more than Ubuntu04:03
matsamanDebian has a stable branch, it's a bigger organization04:04
matsamanUbuntu is sourced largely from Debian's unstable branch04:04
matsamanit is fundamentally less secure04:04
Guest1are there are debian light distros04:09
Guest1like lubuntu or xubuntu04:09
Guest1for debian though04:09
matsamanyou can install Debian without a DE and then choose Xubuntu, LXDE, GNOME, etc04:10
matsamanbut for an actual server install you of course would not04:10
matsaman(install a DE)04:10
matsamanand then choose Xfce*, LXDE... whoops04:10
Guest1What do u think is more lightweight04:10
Guest1Lubuntu, or Debian with LXDE04:10
matsamanhistorically it would've been LXDE but I feel like they've changed their configuration some04:11
matsamanXfce is my favorite04:11
matsamanbut I use Xfce on a distro that allows it to be built without optional GNOME support04:11
matsamaneven using LXDE on a Debian or Debian-based distro (such as Ubuntu) might draw in a lot of GNOME stuff, though04:12
Guest1xfce then04:12
Guest1debian xfce04:12
Guest1I like how easy it is to install software on Ubuntu04:12
Unit193If by "GNOME stuff" you mean GTK, then yes. :>04:13
matsamanGuest1: how do you personally install stuff in Ubuntu?04:29
matsamanUnit193: I don't mean that, but it is true GTK and GNOME are increasibly inseparable04:29
matsamanwhich is unfortunate04:29
Guest1sudo apt install04:29
Guest1many software is built for ubuntu04:29
matsamanGuest1: well, it's built for Debian really04:30
Guest1i thought ubutnu had a dedicated decently good security team too04:30
matsamanapt is a Debian thing04:30
matsamanUbuntu is almost entirely actually Debian04:30
matsamanUbuntu has very, very few employees04:30
matsamanI suppose it has many more volunteers, but not more than Debian, not remotely close04:30
bobdobbsBashing-om: hiya. I tried something else:  I discovered the ubuntu GUI for installing proprietary drivers.04:32
bobdobbsBashing-om: I used it to install the nvidia driver. It installed the driver. But after a reboot, I'm still not able to load the card04:33
bobdobbsI just realized something - is there a chance that their is a hardware issue with the card?04:33
Bashing-ombobdobbs: As I have said - this is not the 1st time I have ran into this - a stone wall for me- I have yet to be able to see why the module - that builds fine - does not load :(04:38
mozpediawhere does Ubuntu rank in popularity among distros?04:39
bobdobbsYeah, it's a mystery to me too.04:39
mybalzitchbobdobbs: that would usually result in crashes or other weird behaviour04:40
bobdobbsBashing-om:  I think I'll remove everything, then try and do a clean install of the proprietary drivers, then gather information and post on the nvidia forums.04:40
bobdobbsBashing-om: I think I'd prefer to run the open drivers, but the nvidia forums offer support from paid staff. I've always found it hard getting help for video issues on ubuntu. It's just mysterious shiz that only a very few people seem to understand deeply enough to be able to help others.04:42
Bashing-ombobdobbs: If you are to do that - I would ne interested in seeing the present results from ' sudo modprobe nvidia ' .04:43
bobdobbsBashing-om: at the moment that command produces no output04:44
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Hummm - and again I do not know what to make of "no output" :(04:45
Bashing-ombobdobbs: No output many times means success --- what shows dor a driver from ' sudo lshw -C display ' ?04:46
bobdobbs lshw -C display04:48
bobdobbsI just tried something else. Gonna reboot and see what happens04:49
Diagontomreyn told me to avoid aptitude.  I've been using it only for aptitude search/ show.  What other tool might show me the state of a package on a search?  (p,c,i,v,A) ie. installed, automatically installed, configuration files remain, virtual, etc.04:57
Bashing-omDiagon: ' apt policy <package> ' .04:57
Bashing-omDiagon: then too maybe ' apt show <package> ' .04:59
DiagonBashing-om not quite doing it ...04:59
Bashing-omDiagon: As I have but sparringly ever used aptitude - I can not make the translations to apt :(05:04
hiyaAfter installing Ubuntu with secureboot I get a screen that says perform mok management05:07
hiyaWhat do I do there?05:07
hiyaEnroll MoK ? Enroll key from disk? Or hash from disk?05:08
hiyaI entered a password for secure boot05:08
hiyaIt's first boot post live iso05:08
=== xenial is now known as Guest3366
elias_aI am using 22.04.1 on Thinkpad T450s. The fingerprint does not wake up sometimes when trying to log in after screen lock. Any hints how to get rid of this nuisance?09:17
lotuspsychjeelias_a: can you keep a journalctl -f open and paste the output after lock/resume so the volunteers can have a look?09:27
=== docmax__ is now known as docmax
elias_alotuspsychje: Good idea! I will.10:33
lotuspsychjewelcome m11:38
mare you real?11:38
lotuspsychjeyes, what can we do you for m ?11:38
mi just came here to tell you that i appreciate your work11:40
lotuspsychjedid someone help you fix an issue m ?11:41
mdidnt have an issue, just wanted to thank you guys for your work11:41
lotuspsychje!cookie  | everyone11:42
ubottueveryone: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!11:42
meandrainHi, I have an ubuntu installation on regular SSD but I want to move it on nvme ssd. So I've installed plain ubuntu 22.04 on nvme and rsynced regular ssd installation to the nvme install. Now what do I need to do in grub or in other places so I would boot into nvme installation ?12:07
meandrainmy motherboard does not know nvme boot (nvme drive is not seen in bios), so I would still have to use the ssd for grub boot loader12:07
tomreynmeandrain: if you have an efi system partition (ESP) on the SSD (but, preferrably, not the NVME) and have this configured on the new installations' /etc/fstab and run     sudo update-grub && sudo grub-install   there then this should install grub on the SSD's ESP12:33
tomreynsince rsync works on a file system level (not block device level), hopefully you had also created the same / suitable partitions on the nvme?12:34
meandrainI did because first I've installed a new ubuntu on the nvme, then I rsynced over that minimal installation12:35
meandrainis there a way to chroot to nvme and do grub-install ?12:35
tomreynoh right, you said so, sorry12:35
meandrain(from usb stick)12:35
tomreynyou'll need to chroot into the new installation to run the    sudo update-grub && sudo grub-install     commands (after editing fstab)12:36
meandraintomreyn: tunning grub-update from chroot returns:    /usr/sbin/grub-probbe: error: cannot find a device for / (is it /dev mounted?)12:40
tomreynsee the link i just posted, you probably did not (bind) mount some of the virtual file systems12:41
tomreynthis means you'll need to unmount file systems you mounted from within the chroot, exit the chroot, mount the missing file systems, enter the chroot again12:42
tomreynstep 10 is where /dev gets bind mounted into the chroot12:43
tomreynyou will also need to mount the ESP in the chroot12:44
meandraintomreyn: yes, mount bind was missing, I had to mount /dev/, /dev/pts, /proc, /run, /sys12:48
tomreynand /boot/efi12:50
tomreynmeandrain: ^ because otherwise grub would have installed to the wrong place.12:51
=== on is now known as t00r
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest3386
gneeriiloeepdeerim using vlc to listen to old music on headphones with very bad stereo, meaning soundis only balanced if I use mono, but I have to change this parameter each time I replay the same song or any new song. How do I change it so vlc always plays mono?13:04
=== Guest3386 is now known as EriC^^
PeGaSuSgneeriiloeepdeer: try this: Tools > Preferences > Audio > Bottom left corner "Show settings" enable all > Audio > expnad `Output modules` > ALSA (or whatever you use) > Audio output channels > Mono - video example: https://filehost.0bin.xyz/files/HYguHxGNEik1bzAy.webm13:18
BluesKajHi all13:33
xatrixHi, can you advice ? I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 with XFCE (latest). Also, i use Chrome as by default web browser. A few days ago something happened with it, and i can't ignite Open/Save dialog. So i can't upload images for example on a websites. Maybe i have some problems with QT/GTK or whatever it uses? This problem only affects Google Chrome. Any other software works fine. I also have a second laptop with the same system(cloned),13:48
xatrixand it has the latest updates as my primary system as well. And this laptop has no such issue. What should i inspect on my prim. system to find out what's wrong with it ?13:48
=== Fireman-Ed is now known as FiremanEd
tomreynxatrix: you could run chrome from a terminal and see whether it prints relevant error messages there. as well as watch   journalctl -f   for anything related logged there.13:51
xatrixtomreyn: thanks for the answer! Yea, i tried it. But i received no warning or debug messages when hit a hotkey CTRL+O or S13:52
tomreynxatrix: i'd suggest also comparing to chromium-browser13:52
xatrixIf it's possible, i'd like to stay in a stable branch of google-chrome13:52
tomreynyou'll need to get support from google then13:53
xatrixYea, i wrote them. But.. No answer.13:53
xatrixMaybe it's not exactly a google problem13:53
xatrixMaybe something is wrong with my GTK\QT libs, or dbus or whatever else?13:53
tomreynunlikely if there are only issues with chrome13:54
gneeriiloeepdeerPeGaSuS, thanks!13:55
xatrixYes, but i have the same system on a second laptop. And all the same versions. And it works fine. Ofcource it was cloned a few months ago, and it has some minor differences as for now.But i'm not sure it affects13:55
Guest2Not sure if this was the best place to ask but I was looking at a buying couple of newer ultrabooks & notice some had DDR5 ram while others had LPDDR5. I was just wondering if LPDDR5 generates less heat than DDR5 even though, from what I've read, the only difference an average user would notice between the two is that LPDDR5 may extend battery13:58
Guest2life. Since my current laptop is LPDDR3, which runs really cool quiet, I'm just wondering if that translates to LPDDR5 or if plain DDR5 would still run the same as long as the CPU is power efficient.13:58
gneeriiloeepdeerPeGaSuS, thanks but it doesnt work as intended13:59
lotuspsychjeGuest2: sounds more like a question for  #hardware13:59
_4four5ivehey, i'm just getting started with Ubuntu. i'm trying to set up Swizzin on my old laptop, but the dashboard only shows up on ethernet (the laptop has ethernet and wireless). how do i make it so i can access the dashboard on both wireless and ethernet? i'm guessing i have to set up a static ip? i tried doing that for both wireless and ethernet, but it didn't work for me.14:02
tomreyn_4four5ive: is this "swizzin"? https://swizzin.ltd/14:05
_4four5iveyes, that's swizzin14:06
tomreynokay, i had not heard of it until today. it's good to point out what third party software you're using and also, unless it is very common, where you retrieved it from, and how you installed it.14:07
_4four5iveyeah, i'm new to it too. it's for making your own seedbox. good to know, sorry.14:07
lotuspsychje_4four5ive: we got a bit of similar app in the ubuntu repos, stacer if you like14:07
lotuspsychjejust not the seedbox part14:08
tomreyni assume in this case you just downloaded the installation script over an insecure http download and gave it remote command ececution on your computer, as the website recommend14:08
_4four5ivelotuspsychje, oh, this is not just monitoring14:08
_4four5ivemonitoring is only part of it14:09
_4four5ive<lotuspsychje> just not the seedbox part, oh...14:09
_4four5ivebut good to know14:09
lotuspsychje!info stacer  | _4four5ive14:09
ubottu_4four5ive: stacer (1.1.0+ds-2, kinetic): Linux system optimizer and monitoring. In component universe, is optional. Built by stacer. Size 637 kB / 1,382 kB14:09
_4four5ivetomreyn, lol what?14:09
tomreyn_4four5ive: i just described the "installation process" provided on the "swizzin" website14:10
_4four5ivei think i used wget14:10
_4four5iveto install swizzin14:10
tomreynthe rest of what i said still applies there14:11
_4four5iveim confused14:11
_4four5ivei think im missing something14:11
meandraintomreyn: I did as you told me and it did work, thank you !14:20
meandrainI had to chroot grub update boot menu for nvme and also for the ssd where starts the boot loader14:21
lotuspsychje!cookie  | tomreyn14:21
ubottutomreyn: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!14:21
meandrainI think a small part of boot loader (grub) starts from ssd and other part from nvme (I do not fully understand the process yet)14:21
meandrain(I have to boot from ssd because the motherboard has no nvme boot support)14:22
meandrainalso grub-install did not worked in chroot, only update-grub14:26
meandrainubottu: indeed, he is a great helper14:26
tomreynmeandrain: if you're EFI booting then the (grub) bootloader is fully stored on the ESP, but the grub configuration file is stored on /boot, as well as the initrd and kernel14:27
meandrain(noted !)14:27
tomreynif grub-install did not work then you're still using the old grub binary from the other installation on the ESP14:28
tomreynbut you should ensure that grub.install can work now that you booted this new installation, otherwise installing updated grub package versions (and potential security updates) would also fail to install14:29
tomreyn* security + compatibility updates14:29
tomreyn_4four5ive: "swizzin" seem to provide support over discord, according to their website. their issue tracker is at https://github.com/swizzin/swizzin/issues14:31
_4four5ivetomreyn, thanks for letting me know. i dont think its a swizzin issue, though. btw, i dont have discord.14:43
tomreyn_4four5ive: i did not mean to recommend using discord (or swizzin). i assume the issue is related to it, but then i don't know what it does or how. if you run 'ss' or 'lsof' and look for its listening port, you will see which IP address the service making the dashboard available binds to, and this will tell whether it will be available over one or the other network link.14:50
_4four5ivetomreyn, brilliant idea. thank you!14:51
tomreynyou're welcome. and to answer your initial question: a fixed ip address assignment should not be needed (but may make it more usable)14:53
_4four5ivehmm, i wonder what the issue would be then14:53
www2Hi i have an problem with imputing the euro symbol when i press AltGr+5 i switch to an diffent tab in state of typing the euro symbol (ubuntu version 22.10)14:57
tomreynand your keyboard layout is?14:58
tomreyntry   AltGr + e14:58
www2@tomreyn US with euro symbole on the 515:01
EriC^^you heard me, everyone leave, there's a fire!15:01
www2@tomreyn just found out that the seting that turn to do this was turn off in my settings15:02
tomreyni see15:03
tomreynbtw, there is no need for the '@' (in '@tomreyn') on IRC15:03
www2oke it is more my style ;)15:04
www2and i have done this before twiter15:05
EriC^^www2: it actually might not highlight the person if you put something before the nickname15:05
_4four5ivei think im done with linux for today... spent about 6 hours configuring this....15:05
www2EriC^^ i have test between my accound and the @ before name symbol works15:09
EriC^^www2: it's client-dependent15:10
www2thanks i use hexchat as my client15:10
xatrixtomreyn: i've tried chromium, and it seems like it doesn't open me Open/Save as well15:12
EriC^^no i mean it depends on the person you're highlighting's client, if it's written in a way that takes "nickname" and you put "@nickname" it might not let him know you messaged him15:12
xatrixtomreyn: but it opens me a print dialog15:12
EriC^^www2: ^ it's just something to consider15:13
skr4tohi all , skraito with Lord Jesus Christ Here ... . Open https://edx.org v72 Complete and always follow news from https://facebook.com/skraito.0day ... . ask your governor to open facebook and edx.org and those that We post in https://facebook,com/skraito.0day .... . for nothing more can We teach you ... .  https://worldhacker.org will be up soon for my  phd thesis .... .15:36
DroneError: You don't have the #ubuntu,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.15:36
jhutchinswww2: It also depends on what chat system you're on, irc clients tend to ignor the name if it has extra characters (leading @).15:36
hiyaHow to force discharge on power source with /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 file? so it reaches 0 and charges then15:38
EnissayI need some guidance please: I have 3 servers each geographically separate from each other and all connected to internet. I would like to configure them so all inter-communication is passed through VPN while remain accessible directly via internet. I have already setup wireguard server on each and is working fine. But I am not sure how to proceed from here...15:52
=== xenial is now known as Guest7079
n0st0m0join #haskell16:25
alkisg1Enissay: well, if they can see each other over wireguard in e.g. the 10.x subnet, then use the 10.x IPs for intercommunication; there's nothing more to it16:30
Enissayalkisg1: Not yet.. That's the point I am missing... So one of them is the server and the others are clients ? Also, I dont want all traffic to go through tunnel, only intra-traffic must be16:31
alkisg1Enissay: you can create a mesh in which everyone directly sees everyone, to avoid having to route all the traffic via a specific server16:32
alkisg1E.g. if you assign to first, to the second, and to the third, and you assign the appropriate routes, then traffic to 10.1.1.x goes over wireguard, while the rest of the traffic goes over the normal routes16:34
alkisg1Not sure what you mean with "wireguard server" though, in network-manager it's just "add wg connection", and from there "add peers and routes"16:34
five618Hey all. So my server has been crashing lately and I wanted to figure out why from the logs. Strangely, the logs never contain anything about the crash. `journalctl -b 0` starts with a line "Sep 09: System clock time unset or jumped backwards, restoring from recorded timestamp...", and then it's this boot logs. But if I do `journalctl -b 1`, the16:38
five618latest logs are from Nov 22 (5 days ago!) even though my server has been running all the time in those 5 days. Any idea what's going on?16:38
=== otty is now known as aruncs
tomreynfive618: i think you want    journalctl -b -116:53
five618sorry that's what i used, just typoed here16:54
five618basically I think that journalctl drops my entire boot's logs if I do not clean shutdown16:54
tomreyndoes    journalctl --list-boots    list the past boots though?16:54
five618no, it lists 14-22 nov, then 27-27 nov16:55
five618there's a 5 day gap that is definitely not true16:55
tomreynif the system clock is broken, this could explain it16:56
tomreynmaybe the timesyncd logs in there will hint on a clock skew16:57
tomreynoh, gone16:59
five618sorry tomreyn, my irc reconnected, ive missed any messages until now17:04
tomreyn<tomreyn> if the system clock is broken, this could explain it17:06
tomreyn<tomreyn> maybe the timesyncd logs in there will hint on a clock skew17:06
tomreynbut i'll afk for a bit now.17:06
five618worth noting, the "server" is a raspberry pi 4b, so it may not be able to persist a clock after crash17:06
bG9sfive618: just curious if maybe /var/log/dmesg holds any dates from the missing range?17:07
five618I've disabled rsyslog in favor or journalctl, so that file is almost empty17:08
five618in favor of*17:08
five618as far as I understood, both journalctl and rsyslog were saving the same messages, one under /var/log/journal, the other uner /var/log/*17:08
five618so I disabled the latter as I prefer the flexibility of journalctl... was this a mistake?17:08
five618strangely I just rebooted the system as a test, and my previous boot's logs are absolutely nowhere to be found17:09
five618the list boots shows the exact same data, and `journalctl -b -1` is sha256 identical to what i got when i ran the same command on previous boot17:10
five618and `journalctl -b 0` is fully different, it does not contain anything from previous boot17:10
five618yet my persistent logs are enabled, as I have logs from 5 days ago...17:11
=== carlos is now known as Guest6662
jhutchinsIt's frustrating but true, if a system actually crashes, it ceases to write logs.  Logging is often the first thing to go, and sometimes is the thing that stops the rest of the system - sybsystems that won't run if they can't log.18:06
jhutchinsIt is theoretically possible for the system to shut down in an orderly manner, politely writing a crash dump and other diagnostics to the logs.18:06
jhutchinsOf course, this assumes that the buffers are politely and successfully written to the disks, and the logs are not corrupt.18:07
jhutchinsI have never actually seen such a polite, orderly shutdown, which we might call a preventative halt rather than a crash.18:07
jhutchinsLogs are opened with read permissions, and often a lock that prevents other programs from trying to write to them simultaneously.18:08
jhutchinsIf these locks persist through the crash and are not cleared at boot, the system may appear to run normally but the logs will not be written.18:08
jhutchinsGrr.  THey are opened with WRITE permission and often locked.18:09
rrrI cannot seem to instruct network-manager to create a hotspot, I suspect the adhoc ones work but cannot test that atm. I would like to know if I can make it work with as a normal hostspot tho.18:22
rrrI may have tried 100 different ways, including checking if hostapd works which do.18:25
kubuntuhi guys, someone who uses some tts in his distribution to read text?18:34
five618jhutchins: how could I troubleshoot this?18:46
five618I would have thought that logs are flushed to disk more often than at shutdown?18:46
five618it sounds impossible to me that a full week of logs go missing during a crash18:46
jhutchinsfive618: Narrow down what's happening when it crashes.  See if you can find one app or one site or one feed that does it.  Monitor your hardware - hard crashes are often heat related.18:47
jhutchinsThis assumes you get a clean dump.18:47
five618oh, i know what causes it, it's my torrent client. I download kali linux and let it seed overnight, 100% guaranteed crash by morning18:47
five618I reproduced this three times in a row18:47
five618but the thing is, I changed torrent client and even underlying filesystem, and it did not help, I suspect it's the Raspberry's USB controller18:48
five618but at the moment I seem to have an even bigger problem - my logs do not persist even during a clean shutdown18:48
five618how could I troubleshoot my journalctl logs not saving?18:49
tomreynoh this is a raspi, good to know. what media are you using?18:49
tomreynstorage media18:50
five618a ton of WD Elements 8TB USB disks with BTRFS in Raid118:50
five618but the problem occurred even with ext4 in mdadm raid118:50
tomreynoof, are you sure this hardware can handle this? is there even enoough power supply?18:51
five618they are all externally powered, no exception18:51
tomreynand the usb?18:51
five618err the usb hub is not, but if each disk is, does the hub need power too?18:51
tomreynwhich raspi hardware version is this?18:51
five618it's the latest 4b revision, the one with extra voltage rail that can support 2ghz out of the box18:52
tomreynalmost all hardware components need power to function18:52
five618(8gb ram)18:52
tomreynwell, i don't know then - might work, or not. you should probably read up on other peoples' experiments with a similar setup18:53
five618if each disk is externally powered, and the usb hubs are only aggregating the usb ports, isn't that extremely low power consumption?18:53
five618my usb hubs do have the option to be externally powered, i just thought it was completely unnecessary18:53
tomreynit's not just power consumption that you need to sort out, there can be subtle incompatibilities between different chipsets and devices, espeically in SOC land.18:54
tomreyni'm not at all surprised that a raspi would power cycle unexpectedly during heavy use.18:55
tomreynthermal issues can be a cause there, too18:55
tomreynif you want stable server operation, get proper hardware.18:55
five618it's definitely not thermal, I have it externally cooled and it runs below 40 degrees even at full stress18:56
arraybolt3[m]If you're running a bunch of disks in RAID1, I would definitely suspect power consumption right off the bat. The Pi is designed to work with four USB devices at once (I believe) - if you're using a USB hub, you're going beyond that. The I/O might be low power consumption, but enough "low power consumption" adds up to high power consumption. If you can power the hub, I would do that before anything else.18:56
arraybolt3[m](Especially if you run the thing at full stress sometimes.)18:56
arraybolt3And the fact that it intially works and then crashes at some point overnight - I would guess you start getting some people downloading from you, all the disks start having I/O at the same time, causing both CPU and USB usage to spike, voltage drops, Pi glitches, crash.18:58
arraybolt3(Disk I/O causes the CPU to start working, so it's not just the hub drawing power, the CPU will start drawing more power too I believe.)18:59
arraybolt3With that in mind, if you can't power the hub, you might be able to get away with underclocking and undervolting the CPU and see if that gives things the bit of extra power they need to work right.19:02
five618Thanks for the feedback everyone. I will get some power supplies and power my hub as soon as I can!19:08
arraybolt3five618: Another idea in the mean time might be to take a disk or two out of the RAID array to reduce power usage. If BTRFS allows that, that is. (Make backups if you have critical data before doing this if you choose to do that.)19:11
andersare you all ready to hang xmas lights?19:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:14
krytarikAnd no..19:14
arraybolt3Silly question most likely, but I'm trying to basically make something that says "Open every file in every directory of the current folder recursively." Something like "for i in $(ls -R); do vim $i; done;". Trouble is that "ls -R" has this weird, human-readable output that vim won't take as input at all. Is there some way to do a recursive directory listing so that I get an entire path for every19:54
arraybolt3file (absolute or partial, doesn't matter as long as I can pass it as an argument to vim)?19:54
arraybolt3(Er, the format of ls -R is a weird human-readable format who's lines can't be passed as a command-line argument at all.)19:55
arraybolt3...ok that was ridiculously easy.19:55
bG9sfind is a good one19:55
bG9svim -p `find . -type f`19:56
bG9sor vim -p `find . -type f -iname '*.c'`19:56
arraybolt3I just did "for i in $(find); do vim $i; done" and it worked.19:56
arraybolt3(Careful, don't use the above loop unless you want to get stuck in Vim, possibly for a good long time)19:56
bG9skillall vim19:56
arraybolt3Yeah but then the loop just opens a new one.19:57
arraybolt3while true; do killall vim; done19:57
arraybolt3Ctrl+C out when it works.19:57
arraybolt3bG9s: Your "vim -p `find . -type f`" lets me get out way easier.19:59
bG9syes I know I'm a genius19:59
bG9sgT and gt19:59
bG9smove between tabs20:00
arraybolt3(Gotta love how Linux has some awesome tool for just about every single arcane usecase out there. I can't believe the answer to my question was a single command with no arguments, and then there were even other fancier ways of doing it.)20:01
arraybolt3rbox, bG9s: Thank you guys!20:01
rboxarraybolt3: unix has been around for a little bit...20:02
karjalaDoes anyone else experience this problem in Ubuntu 22.04? When I click on http&https links in emails in Thunderbird, nothing happens (the browser doesn't launch, doesn't open a page, etc)20:20
karjalaI run Kubuntu20:20
karjalaNo computer I've ever installed Kubuntu 22.04 on works correctly in this regard20:20
karjalaHow do we solve this?20:21
matsamankarjala: maybe: https://superuser.com/questions/1650046/kde-plasma-5-reload-kdeglobals-or-set-default-browser-via-command-line20:25
karjalaThank you matsaman20:25
Guest5121Hi =)  Hi guys, would installing 'sudo apt install default-jre' expose my computer to more exploits, java based exploits?20:25
mybalzitchdon't download and run untrusted java code?20:29
matsamanor any untrusted code20:29
matsamanapplies to any system, not just java20:29
Guest5121Hi guys20:48
Guest5121Im seeking generic hardening advice for Linux ubuntu 22.0420:48
Guest5121desktop user20:48
arraybolt3Guest5121: Ubuntu 22.04 is already quite secure out of the box. Just keep the system updated and don't run untrusted code.20:51
bG9syep, it uses apparmor out of the box right?20:51
bG9sand that's pretty good already, default policies enabled etc20:52
arraybolt3If installing Snaps, make sure that the publisher is safe.20:52
arraybolt3(Yep, pretty sure AppArmor is installed and running out of the box.)20:52
arraybolt3Guest5121: I would recommend enablin full disk encryption during installation, and if you can, use Secure Boot.20:52
arraybolt3Those are really the only two things I can think of right off the top of my head, and Secure Boot hardly adds anything and you can leave it off if you want/need to.20:53
bG9sI might add I believe in the compilation is really where the hardening effect is baked in, so we as end-users/desktop users get the pre-built hardened binaries20:54
arraybolt3(I have Secure Boot off on all of my systems. It *might* help in some instances, but those instances are rare.)20:54
bG9sthen apparmor adds the security policies to protect during usage20:54
Guest5121I have secureboot On, and disk encryption20:56
Guest5121I update daily, have firewall on, ufw , and disabled webrtc and webgl in browsesr.20:56
bG9sthen as a desktop user this is already quite good, the rest is handled by ubuntu crew when building the binaries20:56
arraybolt3Disabling webrtc and webgl sounds overkill to me but otherwise that looks great.20:56
Guest5121its jsut the beginning20:57
bG9sthe best is yet to come?20:57
Guest5121the best is yet to com-pile20:57
arraybolt3Guest5121: Be careful - you could cause more problems than you fix if you try to do a whole bunch to your system security-wise. Ubuntu is built to be usable in enterprises, it is designed to be secure by default. Security is more about how you use is and less about what you do to it.20:58
Guest5121I mean20:59
arraybolt3s/use is/use it/ (why do I hit "s" rather than "t" so often...)20:59
Guest5121Yeah thats true I still want to harden it20:59
arraybolt3Guest5121: If you want to go really overkill like I do sometimes, install GNOME Boxes and install a Lubuntu VM into that. Then if you have to do any web browsing with sites you don't trust, do it in the VM rather than on the main system.21:00
arraybolt3(Another tip would be to install an adblocker into your web browser. Adblocker Ultimate works good.)21:00
Guest5121yeah I have an adblocker21:01
Guest5121What do U think of Ublock origin21:01
MaikGuest5121: please stick to Ubuntu support related questions21:01
arraybolt3Never used it. I've seen some stuff about it that was worrying, and some stuff about it that was good.21:01
Guest5121what was worrying about it21:02
Guest5121pycurious hi, do you know where to buy a raspberry pi by any chance ha ha21:02
arraybolt3Guest5121: Stuff about it was leaking info or something like that, check the reviews for it in Firefox. Dunno if those are accurate, though.21:02
MaikGuest5121: please take it to #ubuntu=offtopic21:02
Maik #ubuntu-offtopic21:03
arraybolt3Maik: Most of this was Ubuntu support related I thought, except for the Raspberry Pi.21:03
Maikthat was what i was aming at21:03
Maikarraybolt3: besides that they were trolling in #linux21:03
Guest5121I wasn't trolling at all21:04
Guest5121I was asking the same questions as here21:04
arraybolt3Maik: Ah. I left #linux some time ago so I didn't notice.21:05
MaikGuest5121: thus crossposting too which isn't allowed. Anyway lets move on21:05
Guest5121omg mods are the biggest barrier to learning21:06
Guest5121Asking two seperate rooms isnt spam or whatever21:06
Guest5121Its two seperate rooms21:06
bG9sincredible, it's as if the age could be seen in text21:06
arraybolt3It's one of the rules we have for the good of the user. Sad that it seems to be offensive so often.21:07
bG9sthey'll learn, and they'll come to appreciate it21:08
bG9sI like a good mod21:08
arraybolt3(TL;DR: Asking the same question in two rooms will probably get you two different sets of instructions to do the same thing. Following both at once may cause havoc. In the event someone reads the logs, here's at least part of why crossposting is a bad idea.)21:08
polipIs linux better than windows?21:10
rboxpolip: no, you should stick with windows21:11
arraybolt3Depends on the usecase.21:11
polipbut I formatted my Win10 hdd today, now I installed ubuntu.21:12
=== Bocaneri is now known as Guest7626
polipI am too layz to go back.21:12
rboxoh well21:13
rboxyou can just throw it out i guess21:13
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:13
=== Guest7626 is now known as Sauvin
Diagon22.04 / Thinkpad T530 / optimus with nvidia driver.  Any suggestsions how to get the Mini-DP video out to work?  Doesn't even appear with xrandr.21:23
oerheksDiagon, after a quick search; '  BIOS set to integrated graphics, ubuntu doesn't see an external monitor.  change to discrete graphics (NVS 5400M), it works. '21:38
oerheksThe mini-DP and VGA ports are routed through the dedicated-GPU (dGPU)21:38
Sabotenderhaving trouble installing exfat-fuse, running ubuntu 22.0422:10
oerheksexfat is in the kernel now.22:12
oerheks  exfatprogs (version 1.1.3-1) is present and installed.22:12
oerheksoh sorry, not standard22:13
Diagonoerheks / I know that.  I'm running nvidia, as `prime-select query` tells me.22:15
Diagonoerheks / still, no mDP.22:16
Sabotenderjust tryin whatever I can find in  google. Ijust want this to work22:16
arraybolt3Sabotender: Are you trying to make an exFAT partition?22:17
arraybolt3If so, you probably want exfatprogs, not exfat-fuse.22:17
Sabotenderno trying to read from one.22:18
arraybolt3Hmm. Is the drive plugged in? This should just work.22:18
rrrHello again, while using hostapd and dnsmasq - I managed to connect to it but without internet traffic, I also had to set a static ip. Is anyone familiar with this?22:18
arraybolt3If the drive is plugged in, the problem is probably with the filesystem or drive, not the driver, in which case we need to do some more digging.22:18
Sabotenderyes its plugged ut get unknown file system type exfat22:19
arraybolt3Sabotender: What command are you trying to use to mount it? Or are you just trying to open it with the file manager?22:19
arraybolt3(Also is this a clean installation of 22.04, or did you upgrade from an earlier version of Ubuntu?)22:19
oerheks!info exfatprogs22:20
ubottuexfatprogs (1.1.3-1, kinetic): tools to create, check and label exFAT filesystems. In component universe, is optional. Built by exfatprogs. Size 40 kB / 147 kB22:20
oerheksnot sure you need those to rw22:20
rboxyou need the mount helper22:21
rboxto mount22:21
oerheksstandard if it would not mount, filesystem errors?22:21
Sabotenderthis is from an image of ubuntu. and I want to mount it on the desktop, I want to download a file from gitt, make and install it from there so I can have a compiled copy separate from the file system ecause it has very limited spacce22:22
Sabotenderand I dont want to do this again in case there is another disaster22:23
oerheksexfat and ubuntu image, i do not get the connection22:25
SabotenderI **hate* compiling drivers when it should ust work, imo. I only want to do this once22:25
snowhawkif/when i install Ubuntu, can I wipe the partition that it makes for a different distro if I choose?22:28
rboxunhappy with the answer you've already gotten?22:29
snowhawkthought this was a diff room22:29
rboxso you're just goign to ask the same thing everywhere?22:29
arraybolt3snowhawk: Technically yes you can probably install whatever distro you want into the existing partitions, deleting the old one in so doing.22:30
arraybolt3(Deleting the old OS but keeping the same partitions.)22:31
SabotenderI am running ubuntu on an odroid which has no ether nett connection, so I need to compile drivers for a  RTL8811CU22:31
arraybolt3Sabotender: Are you using odroid's Ubuntu image?22:31
arraybolt3If so, that may explain the problem. odroid may have applied customizations to their version of Ubuntu that we don't know about and aren't able to support.22:31
SabotenderI am currently tethering my iphone for internet access, so I can install the required dependences and utilities22:32
arraybolt3(The Raspberry Pi is supported here since Ubuntu makes their own Raspberry Pi images. But we don't make odroid images - odroid does that, I believe. Which may explain why you're running into this problem - perhaps they removed exfat support from their kernel.)22:32
arraybolt3Basically it would probably be easier to find someone who can fix the problem by looking into the support channels odroid offers. We don't support it here, not because we don't want to, but because we have no idea how to.22:33
arraybolt3Sabotender: ^22:33
Sabotenderits silly because peeps use these things for NAS setups22:33
Sabotenderim not asking for support, I just want to install exfat-utils22:34
arraybolt3Sabotender: Does "sudo apt install exfatprogs" work?22:35
arraybolt3Or "sudo apt install exfat-fuse"?22:35
Sabotenderlet e try just a moment please22:35
SabotenderI was able to install that but still unknow file type exfat22:42
Sabotender*file system22:43
romanparishyou trying to mount a exfat?22:44
romanparishon a PI?22:44
Sabotenderno, an Odroid22:44
rrrI have resolved the dns server issue I had but my hostapd wifi connection is not sharing the internet for some reason.22:54
rob0is the wireless client connecting to the AP?22:55
rrroh, the AP? what's that mean. I think it do.22:56
rob0are you running a DHCP server on the AP? Is the client getting an IP address?22:56
rrryes, I am running isc-dhcp-server and also seem to have dnsmasq22:57
rob0pick only one of those22:58
rob0dnsmasq is easiest and also provides DNS22:58
rob0Either one (dhcpd or dnsmasq) will log when a client gets an IP address.23:04
rrrdhcpd seems to be working better, it must be configured more correctly but no internet -- I also want it to use a vpn connection if I can, as that was the goal.23:04
rob0you can give your client or similar as nameserver; you don't have to run your own.23:06
rob0(dhcpd can be configured to assign nameserver addresses)23:07
rrrI have that configured for now, I plan to try to use my own VPN and openvpn server with it's own dns.23:11
jwashhow do i start a program so that input from the f5 key is ignored? it is constantly pressed in error.23:14
rboxyou can't... you can remap f5 probaly23:16
rob0rrr, then it's probably a routing issue. Where is the vpn client running?23:17
snowhawk_I am in my boot menu.23:30
snowhawk_OS boot Manager or USB Hard Drive?23:31
snowhawk_Which should I select?23:31
rboxtry one, if it doesnt work, try the other23:33
kirrimA while ago I updated Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and now it won't boot to my DE, it gets stuck with the kernel boot log on TTY1 and I can switch to TTY2 and login. Networking is available, so I ssh'ed into that PC through my laptop so I can copy log files. Since the DE won't start and it's all TTYs, I tried running `startx` and it quit with an error, pointing at a log file. Should I upload the log file to the ubuntu pastebin for help?23:33
rob0snowhawk_, we can't know what you need. Are you wanting a USB stick to boot from?23:36
snowhawk_Needed to know what boot option to use23:38
snowhawk_It's booting now...but it had a few errors23:38
=== morgan-u2 is now known as morgan-2004Dell
kirrimfor "startx", here's the error log : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NfrjZHR7TD/23:41
morgan-2004Dellcrash to black screen and white cursor. How can I find out what happened?23:42
kirrimmorgan-2004Dell , what helps me is force-restarting the computer (try googling "reisub") and running "journalctl -b-1" to view the error log from the last session.23:44
kirrimThe journalctl log contains time stamps, so search for entries slightly before the time of the crash23:45
Bashing-ommorgan-2004Dell: ^ there is also X's log file: ~/.xsession-errors .23:46
Sabotenderis it appropriate to as questtions about problems with making and installing drivers in ubuntu?23:49
SabotenderI think the linker is having problems23:50
Sabotenderperhaps I should ask in #c?23:51
kirrimI would start with asking the developers of the drivers, what is their list of supported systems23:54

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