=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [20:02] Hey folks, please welcome aaronprisk to the community team! Aaron comes from a background of IT in education. In his past life he has created an educational distro of Ubuntu (not Edubuntu) and has been working with school districts to make it easier for students to access the technology they need to be successful. [20:02] His first challenge will be continuing the documentation effort that I started together with arraybolt3. [20:02] \o/ [20:03] Wow, that's awesome! (Sorry to have vanished on the documentation front, I got overwhelmed by work in a bunch of other areas and couldn't keep up.) [20:11] Understandable! Likewise apologies I vanished, I eventually needed to get more hands on with the Ubuntu Summit :) [20:14] Heh, then we get each other :) [20:51] Heya aaronprisk , I'm maintaining 1000+ schools with linux here in Greece, kindred spirits :) [20:54] aaronprisk: o/ Nice to meet you! I do a lot of development and also enjoy writing documentation, though I've gotten swallowed by development lately. Hope we're able to do good work together! (Also, thanks for the email!) [23:38] Fallen: Give us a blob - say on Discourse - and I can then advertise aaronprisk as a new Member, and promote the attention to docs :D