
=== bG9s is now known as bHVs
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dbungertcloud-init migration is blocked on the block-proposed tag on bug 1844191, is that intended?  It looks like a fix for that was merged and uploaded already.16:02
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 1844191 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Kinetic) "azure advanced networking sometimes triggers duplicate mac detection" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184419116:02
blackboxswdbungert: thanks for the heads up and noticing that. I was wondering why rmadison cloud-init kept our 22.4.2 in waiting in lunar. that was a very old tag on the bug, and I only recently added bug tasks for that bug just for reference17:08
blackboxswI removed the old tag as it's not applicable today to this situation. We want the 22.4.2 release into lunar-proposed17:09
arraybolt3[m]Is anyone else getting the error "Could not find command-not-found database. Run 'sudo apt update' to populate it." if they type a command that doesn't exist in their Lunar installation? This is happening in both a Lubuntu Lunar VM and a Lunar LXD container for me. Known issue or should I file a bug?18:21
arraybolt3[m]And is it likely to be just me?18:21
xnoxit seems to me like archive opening is incomplete18:47
xnoxbdmurray: do we need to change the cnf-extractor-charm juju config to set series to include lunar?18:49
bdmurrayxnox: lunar is in the list of releases in the prod-cnf-extractor env on wendigo so no?18:58
xnoxbdmurray:  how come there is cnf for kinetic at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/kinetic/main/ but no cnf for lunar at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lunar/main/ ?19:33
xnoxis fetching cnf somehow failing, and/or cnf for lunar failing to generate?19:33
bdmurrayxnox: I'll dig a bit deeper19:34
rbasaksil2100, vorlon: meeting?20:05
bdmurrayxnox: I'm getting somewhere (unpleasant) now https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/JDXJtWmjTv/20:18
bdmurrayManually building the lunar ones now, it looks like the kinetic ones are out of date too20:24
smoseranyone else get messages with subject "lists.debian.org has received bounces from you" from debian to an @ubuntu.com email address ?21:44
smosermine forwards to an @gmail, here is "a copy of the latest bounce" https://lists.debian.org/bounces/rEkrqTsEFyhuwnSgSIBJ8w21:46
sarnoldsmoser: oof what a complex mess. I suggest forwarding it to rt@ubuntu.com but this might require fixes from debian mail list folks, if it's fixable at all..21:49
rbasakgmail hasn't been playing well with Ubuntu MLs recently, basically rejecting everything21:52
rbasakThough that's perhaps a separate issue.21:52
rbasakI only mention it because MLs and gmail seem like a really bad combination righ tnow.21:52
sarnoldyeah; it's common for folks on gmail or google corporate email to not receive email on mail lists sent by other gmail or google corporate stuff21:54
arraybolt3[m]Thankfully my Gmail seems to get everything (or at least a lot of stuff). Still, should I perhaps make a backup account somewhere else so I can catch anything I miss?21:57
smoserthanks, sarnold and rbasak . i forwarded to rt@ubuntu.com .22:02
sarnoldthanks smoser :)22:02
arraybolt3[m]Google used to use Ubuntu to base their in-house OS on, you'd think they'd at least cut our mail system some slack...22:09
bdmurrayFor the record I've reported bug 1998265 regarding an apt OverflowError I'm encountering when trying to generate the command-not-found indexes.23:58
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 1998265 in apt (Ubuntu Bionic) "OverFlow error when using cnf-extractor" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199826523:58

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