
Teridonty!  I do indeed have it only at the top-level, and NOT under autoinstall.  Could you please provide a documentation link for that? 00:15
sarnoldTeridon: the bits i found start at "The installation environment" in https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall00:21
Teridonoooh I see.  seems obvious in hindsight00:22
sarnoldwell, I don't know about *that*00:26
sarnoldit's there, yes :) but I've skimmed that page a dozen times over the years and never realized the consequences of it00:26
Teridonyeah an example would be nice00:30
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blackboxswTeridon:sarnold +1 on docs. both subiquity (the live server autoinstall functionality) and cloud-init could do with a bit more docs around this. We just talked about this a bit at our last sprint.  As I'm cloud-init-side of the house I can promise to get some simple xamples together for cloud-init.readthedocs.io  and the plan is to share a simple architecture diagram and where different keys are actioned by the installer/cloud-init02:43
blackboxswhttps://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html#ubuntu-autoinstall is where cloud-init docs will land with examples02:43
sarnoldblackboxsw: yay! :D Thanks!02:44
blackboxswand https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-reference#user-data are the typical references I look at https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-quickstart in addition the what sarnold already mentioned (which are leafs under that top-level link anyway02:45
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nibbon_does Jammy still support preseed?09:14
R4v3nhello guys, does somebody already upgraded a CEPH 15 installed from ubuntu 20.04 repos to a ceph 16 and/or 17 after upgrading to 22.04 ?10:47
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ahasenacksergiodj: uh, " libstrongswan-extra-plugins : Depends: libldap2 (>= 2.6.2) but it is not installable14:04
ahasenackI need a trigger with proposed, that's ok14:11
sergiodjahasenack: yeah, and some other packages are failing because I still need to rebuild them15:27
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SpaceBassIm trying to upgrade 20.04 to 22.04 and I keep getting an error: ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'The package 'update-manager-core' is marked for removal but it is in the removal deny list.' 19:01
SpaceBassI see some bugs reported but no fixes 19:01
SpaceBassAnyone have any tips? 19:01
sarnoldSpaceBass: try: sudo apt update && sudo apt-get -s dist-upgrade  -- see what it suggests to remove, etc, I bet it's made some silly choices19:18
SpaceBassActually doesnt show anything 19:19
sarnoldokay mark me down as confused :)19:32
ahasenacksergiodj: do you recall lxc issues on the docker dep8 tests, like for example "lxc: command not found"?19:33
ahasenackI checked the script, it doesn't install the lxd snap, so it must come preinstalled, like in our normal vm and lxd images19:34
ahasenackI now submitted a test run that runs "snap list" just to be sure19:34
ahasenackoh, wait, I missed the `lxd` dependency in d/t/control19:34
ahasenackthanks :)19:35
sarnoldquack quack quack :)19:38
ahasenackI should get a duck, the pinguin I currently have on my desk isn't working19:40
sarnoldhe's doing his best19:42
sergiodjahasenack: sorry, was busy in a call.  all good?20:14
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ahasenacksergiodj: hm, there is no "lxd" deb package anymore, not even the one that installs the snap in postinst. That ended with focal23:42
* ahasenack tries snap install lxd then23:42
* ahasenack wonders how src:docker.io is getting away with it in lunar23:44
ahasenackhah, it's not23:44
ahasenackit's all red tests after focal23:44
ahasenackE: Package 'lxd' has no installation candidate23:44
ahasenackdocker-in-lxd        FAIL badpkg23:44
=== FoolishOwl2 is now known as FoolishOwl

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