
SabotenderI've been doing some research and this might be what I need to use to configure things, but is there someone who can take a quick look and confirm if this is compatible with my intended project: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessAccessPoint00:34
FNAShinobiIs there a way for my wnic to provide a virtualized interface in addition to the physical one?00:37
Sabotenderit seems to provide a complete walk-through including installing the utility to broadcast a ssid and bridging two connections because the adapter that actually has an internet connection would need to be connected00:38
sarnoldFNAShinobi: hmm, what are you trying to do?00:39
FNAShinobisarnold: join two different wireless networks with one wnic.00:41
Sabotendercreate a wireless access point firewall that I can personally manage no matter which wireless ap I might be connected to. the prime focus here is firewall. not every client device has access to their own host files, unfortunately.00:41
Sabotenderso, it takes one wireless internet connection with a wireless adapter then rebroadcasts this internet connection via a bridged additional wireless adapter00:43
SabotenderI have two wireless adapters here00:43
FNAShinobiI know OpenWRT can create two virtual access points from the same physical AP00:44
sarnoldFNAShinobi: so, I think that depends upon your wifi nic; run iw list and look for the "valid interface combinations:" section00:44
Sabotenderwhat is that00:44
Sabotenderoh is that something you install on an existing wireless router?00:45
sarnoldSabotender: that guide looks reasonable enough -- except that it references /etc/network/interfaces, which hasn't really been an ubuntu thing for a few years. it'll take some work to adapt this to modern stuff.00:45
Sabotenderthat is an option but I have an unused Odroid XU lite here that would be a perfect candidate for this project00:46
Sabotenderits hardware is found in actual wireless routers.00:46
Sabotenderlol now you are scaring me hehe00:47
sarnoldSabotender: unfortunately that's the way it is with a lot of stuff on the wiki :( for a few years it was *horribly* slow and so no one made fixes as they found problems and now it's been years of not getting updates..00:50
Sabotenderthis adapter supports soft ap mode00:52
Sabotender*these adapters, since they are identical00:54
sarnoldSabotender: good good :) that just leaves the rest of it, hehe00:59
Sabotender22.04 lts is the Ubuntu version I'm using. Hope its not too old/outdated01:24
sarnoldSabotender: that's a good choice; it's the instructions that are outdated01:25
Sabotenderoh the architecture01:27
bobdobbsHi all. I'm running ubuntu 22.04. The mariadb server on my system stopped working so I purged and reinstalled it. I'm now trying to restore backed-up databases. The databases directory is /var/lib/mysql, so I copied that directory.01:37
bobdobbsI've copied on the backed-up databases back to the restored /var/lib/mysql directory. But both applications and mysql commands are having trouble reading the restored database01:38
Sabotenderwow  these adapters support managed and ap modes including a long list of other features01:38
morgan-u2I have 22.04. chrome quits on the regular. Things are slow now with just hexchat and discord. oops I clicked and restarted chrome. WHat Happened? How can we tell? Can I do anything?  This -chrome quitting - is new. (before it would just slow everything down to a freeze.)  OyVey!01:42
sarnoldbobdobbs: hold on a bit..01:52
sarnoldbobdobbs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mariadb-10.3/+bug/199791601:53
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1997916 in mariadb-10.3 (Ubuntu) "MariaDB won't start with SSL errors after security update to 1:10.3.37-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 (focal, security regression)" [High, Won't Fix]01:53
sarnoldbobdobbs: does this look familiar?01:53
sarnoldmorgan-u2: try keeping a terminal with 'journalctl -f' running and see what happens01:54
bobdobbshai sarnold01:57
bobdobbssarnold: no, that isn't it.01:59
bobdobbssarnold: This is a local maria install. On my local webdev machine. Not on the net. So I don't have an ssl configuration for it.01:59
sarnoldbobdobbs: aha, dang01:59
bobdobbsIt's kind of annoying. I had a complete catastropic mariadb meltdown a few months ago as well. I managed to get online help from a sysadmin who knows the Deep Magic. But there's no way I can figure this out by myself.02:01
=== gry_ is now known as gry
=== chris15 is now known as chris14
jhutchinsbobdobbs: For most of the more modern MySQL databases, just copying the files isn't enough.  You have to run backups, then restore the backups.02:31
jhutchinsbobdobbs: There's an additional file - and of course I can't think of the name or location two years later and late in the evening.02:32
jhutchinsbobdobbs: Do some searches on recovering the type of database that you used.02:32
sarnold"what does mariadb call a wal file" or something? :)02:33
jhutchinsYeah, something.02:34
jhutchinsWe had a really bad people-got-fired time trying to migrate some 5.1 databases that hadn't actually been updated to 5.1 standards.02:35
bobdobbsjhutchins: when you say "run the backups and then restore them" - are you envisaging the possibility that backups can be created even when the server can read the databases?02:59
bobdobbsMy knowledge of db administration is very surface-level. I can't see how that works.03:00
rob0no. You need to have the mysql/maria server running to be able to do a dump.03:02
bobdobbsk. I've got the server running again. But even trying to dump a db produces that error03:03
rob0yes, you needed to do that before the db was corrupted :(03:03
bobdobbsI don't know if the databases were ever corrupted. Unless that's what the error is telling me?03:04
rob0A simpler SQL implementation that does not rely on a server is sqlite3. It's adequate in many read-mostly situations.03:04
=== leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb
rob0Yes, you can't simply copy the db directory, as jhutchins said.03:06
bobdobbsI see03:07
rob0This isn't really Ubuntu-specific, so you might do better in a place like #mysql03:07
rob0maybe someone there will know how to recover it from where you are now03:08
rob0(I don't)03:08
bobdobbsk. I'll try there03:08
=== William is now known as Conna
JohnnyonFlameHello, how am I supposed to package a lib so that cmake installs multiarch bits correct? e.g. I have a .pc file I want on the right folder04:15
zterm86 /msg alis LIST test04:19
=== realivanjx0 is now known as realivanjx
KBarWhile refreshing Firefox snap, it errored out on the last step: 'Handling re-refresh of "firefox" as needed'. Does it rerun itself automatically or am I supposed to run some command?05:02
arraybolt3KBar: What was the error?05:22
KBararraybolt3 https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yt8khfvNG5/05:29
KBar2022-11-30T09:56:58+05:00 ERROR Post https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh: dial tcp: lookup api.snapcraft.io: no such host05:29
KBarI think there was a command to "replay" a change?05:33
Flotsammhello, is PowerBI available for ubuntu 22.04 LTS or are there any alternatives?05:37
marcopolo1_Where will the iso go if i curl iso > iso05:48
arraybolt3marcopolo1_: It will become a file named "iso" in the current folder.05:51
arraybolt3So if you're in your home folder, you will be left with a file named "iso" in "/home/<username>".05:51
arraybolt3(Where <username> is your username.)05:51
morgan-u2sarnold, I  will do -- $ journalctl -f   what do I do with this after chrome quits again?  I might have to ask you this twice. (I will search back for my nick.)06:44
thomasd13Good morning guys. I have a little problem with my cross-debugger (gdb) built by yocto: When I try to execute it, it says: error while loading shared libraries: libncursesw.so.5: cannot open shared object file06:58
thomasd13But the shared library "libncursesw.so.5" is installed. And if I'm doing an "ldd gdb" it also gets listed by its full path06:58
thomasd13I've moved from Lubuntu 18.04 to 22.04. At 18.04 it just worked as expected. Has anyone an idea whats wrong here?06:58
thomasd13This log explains in detail: https://dpaste.org/vtYPe06:59
arraybolt3thomasd13: To be clear, you're building gdb from source using yocto?06:59
thomasd13arraybolt3, yes06:59
thomasd13The same gdb binary works on lubuntu 18.04, butn ot on 22.04. I dont understand why it does not find the libncursesw.so.507:01
arraybolt3thomasd13: You might need to rebuild it on 22.04 if you're using the exact same binary as before. Is there a reason that gdb from the Ubuntu repositories isn't working for you?07:02
thomasd13arraybolt3, I need a cross toolchain, which runs on a normal intel 64 bit CPU, but builds my software for AArch64 Arm processor. To debug the stuff, I also need the correct gdb for it. Thats why I rely on yocto stuff07:04
arraybolt3thomasd13: Ah. Is it possible that the soname of the library is no longer the same?07:06
thomasd13arraybolt3, I dont think that this should be necessary. The shared lib is in the correct place, its in the correct version, and its in the correct architecture07:06
thomasd13arraybolt3, no, its exactly the same. I checked it also on my working lubuntu 18.04 image07:07
thomasd13Okay, I think I found the issue (or more an hint) with strace07:15
thomasd13thanks for jumping in arraybolt3 :)07:15
arraybolt3Glad to at least try to help!07:15
=== SteelRose_ is now known as SteelRose
hiyaunknown time until fully charged <-- I get this and my charging is stuck at 99%, its a brand new laptop thinkpad, also power stats is a bit weird07:57
hiyaCan you take a look?07:57
hiyaWhen I take the AC adapter out and plugin, it says 'Full charged' for a moment and then goes back to unknown time until full07:58
elias_ahiya: This is due to the hardware and because the battery is new.08:03
hiyaelias_a: So what to do then? in bios it shows 100% charged :(08:04
elias_ahiya: New batteries require usually a few charge discharge cycles get full capacity.08:04
hiyaelias_a: https://share.riseup.net/#rhslfk1cuQkuGTtOGKN8Rw08:05
hiyaelias_a: but it use to show 100% correctly before for like first 5-6 charge08:05
hiyaonly until recently after I tried F37, this bug appeared, it showed 97% fully charged there or 99% full charged and stuff08:06
hiyaDesign and Energy difference are there in power stats08:06
hiyaI think that is causing it08:06
hiyaIt is overcharging08:06
elias_ahiya: Nope. What the numbers tell you is that your battery has more capacity than design (specified) capacity.08:08
elias_aThis is not an Ubuntu issue, though.08:08
hiyaOmg, see it is 100% charged now08:09
hiyaRandomly after a while08:09
hiyaWhat is going on08:09
hiyaelias_a: so it is not a gnu/linux issue? But bios shows it correctly only?08:09
elias_ahiya: The last mWh:s are charged very slowly with trickle charge.08:09
hiyaok :) So my battery is all good? I need not cry?08:10
elias_ahiya: Your battery is oustanding.08:10
hiyaI am getting supreme performance on power saver mode, it runs for ~12h08:10
hiyaMBP 16" level on T16 AMD :P08:10
elias_aoutstanding... :)08:10
hiyaelias_a: but this last 1% makes me nervous08:13
hiyaIs Linux kernel 6 coming to 22.10?08:14
elias_ahiya: That 1% difference is caused by the fact that boot process of your computer consumes more power than when just looking at BIOS with virtually no comsumption.08:16
elias_aThe AC adapter is not necessarilya able to push enough amps for both boot and charge.08:19
node1What could be the issue? https://pastebin.com/raw/XeLFvnKh08:20
elias_aAnd as I see o hint in your picture that it is a Lenovo laptop, i have to say this typical charging behaviour of Lenovo.08:20
hiyaelias_a: I see. It is my first thinkpad in life. I bought by selling 1 kidney :P08:21
hiyaI prefer GNU/Linux over macOS08:21
Diagon22.04 with nvidia dGPU & drivers. Nvidia Settings >> X Server Display Config - shows no sign of display connected to mDP. Thoughts?08:36
=== Daniel is now known as toolz
tangaroramaybe you are logged in to a wayland session instead of an X session?09:49
tangarorawayland is default for many distros now.09:49
tangaroraI have noticed limited support for the NVidia tool in wayland.09:49
Sabotenderyep, I need to configure this system to automatically log in during start up, heh09:57
Sabotenderugh. why can't this ever be a simple process11:04
dTalso, my soundcard recently spontaneously disappeared from my workstation11:08
dTalIt's the built-in audio to the motherboard, "25:00.4 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse HD Audio Controller"11:09
dTalIt shows up on lspci but not in /dev/snd or anywhere else11:09
dTalwhen I try to do "modprobe snd_hda_intel" I get "modprobe: FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel not found in directory /lib/modules/5.15.0-48-generic"11:09
dTalI guess some sort of borked update?11:10
ravagethe current 22.04 kernel version is 5.15.0-5311:10
Diagontangarora / with nvidia drivers, ubuntu is automatically set to use X.11:14
=== markthomas1 is now known as markthomas
JakePsydonGreetings from Athens11:30
JakePsydonDo you think 22.04 is buggy?11:31
=== alocer1 is now known as alocer
oerheks /clear12:40
tangaroraI have never had any trouble with Ubuntu in the last 8 years on multiple devices. It just works.12:59
tangaroraThough sometimes when vendors do some strange things, using strange chipsets, to save a buck or two... problems may occur.13:00
tangaroraLenovo, and most Dell models work without a problem... mostly so does HP, but sometimes they do have issues like with the mobile data chipset. Where as Dell and Lenovo use USB emulation in their WWAN hardware HP did not; requiring a highly speciffic driver for it... that ofcourse does not exist for linux.13:03
tangaroraFor a seamless experience (like if you buy a laptop with os installed)... buy one with linux installed. You have several vendors that deliver Linux preinstalled. Even Dell does.13:04
weqAnyone have a POC of installing ubuntu with LUKS+TPM during an automated installation process...?13:09
BluesKajHi all13:54
SteelRoseHi BluesKaj13:58
BluesKajhi again SteelRose13:58
=== chris15 is now known as chris14
ThePendulum'lo, wondering if anyone else has had a lot of issues with the recent nautilus update, or if it's just this particular installation. what comes to mind: scrolling up keeps jumping to the bottom, lots of total crashes especially in remote directories, can no longer copy text from other windows when renaming files, the bookmarks refuses to let me open the same location in two different tabs; I have to14:47
ThePendulumbrowse one of them away first14:47
bancroftis there a way to list the last things the OOMKiller killed even if it's scripts and not services?15:03
pavlosgrep -i 'killed process' /var/log/syslog15:09
SteelRosebancroft: it's reported in the kernel log15:10
SteelRoseso, what pavlos said15:10
bancroftgreat thank you!15:10
respawnWeird Al - Headline News15:10
leftyfbrespawn: can we help you with something?15:11
respawnups sorry15:11
snow_richardI rebooted my router so I guess I ghosted rssnow115:20
leftyfbsnow_richard: /join #libera for help with IRC15:22
snow_richardi used to use freenode before everyone left lol15:23
snow_richardi am in a 22.0.4 virtualbox15:24
snow_richardthe machine is windows 1015:24
leftyfb!discuss | snow_richard15:25
ubottusnow_richard: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!15:25
snow_richardI did have one question.15:25
snow_richardin Virtualbox, and hyper-v virtual machines15:25
snow_richardits not booted, so snapd doesn work15:26
snow_richardcan't connect to socke15:26
leftyfbsnow_richard: can you elaborate on "not booted"?15:26
snow_richardif you use hyper-v example, when you try to15:27
snow_richardinstall a snap you get a message about not being able to connect to the snapd server socket15:27
snow_richardcanonical has this hyper-v based virtual machine15:28
snow_richardit doesn't run systemd\15:28
snow_richardor any other standard kind of startups15:29
leftyfbsnow_richard: can you link to this image you're referring to?15:29
pavlossudo systemctl status snapd.service15:29
leftyfbpavlos: "doesn't run systemd"15:30
snow_richardactually i disabled the hyper-v because it wasn't15:30
leftyfbsnow_richard: ok, we can't troubleshoot an environment that doesn't exist15:30
snow_richardthat useful lots of startup time.  Virtual box is working well now I just think snapd is delayed in starting on it but eventually it does15:30
snow_richardanyway I think I have registered on the canonical forum so I could ask there if I want15:32
hggdhthis sounds more like a WSL install (which did not have systemd until about a month ago)15:37
SabotenderI completed the steps defined in the  document for configuring an access point but there is now no connections, and nmcli con show does not show any device that is bound with an ID such as wlan0, etc. is there any other place where this info might e displayed?16:08
rob0is this AP using hostapd?16:10
rob0your AP is configured by NM? I wouldn't think that makes sense. Typically it should be a static IP configured the old way.16:12
Sabotenderbut only one adapter I wanted to e configured using that. I wasn't aware that I could use my exxisting configuration with the static IP I set using the mate GUI advanced network connection section16:14
Sabotenderthat's how I configured the static IP16:14
Sabotendersince I couldn't do it using nmcli16:14
SabotenderI need to determine how these wireless nics are assigned , theres no data with this info. I thought it would e wlan0 and wlan116:21
rob0"ip addr ; ip link ; iwconfig" to a paste site16:23
Sabotenderoh that might e difficult since this odroid has no internet connection now and I would need to type it manually . just a moment please16:30
rob0ugh, sorry16:36
rob0I guess you could take a picture and post that?16:43
rob0normally I don't care for that :)16:43
EagleOwlNickH Awesome help with recovering that file. Thanks tons!16:44
bfortifieddo cloud-init module commands get run in the order they are defined in the user-data files? Wondering if it matters if `package_update` is run before or after a PPA is added.16:47
Sabotenderrob0:  https://pastebin.com/VHW28uVM17:03
=== realivanjx3 is now known as realivanjx
SabotenderI think I should had connected both adapters first before configuration, and gone from there. I already configured port forwarding and installed dhcp....which failed according to the log17:08
SabotenderI may need to start over with a fresh image but I am so disappointed because I did so much17:11
Sabotenderhow will I at least export the device driver so I won't need to compile that again? that was a royal pain17:12
bumblefuzzif I just ran a simple `rm filename` on an SSD, what's the best way to get that file back?17:15
bumblefuzzor can I17:15
leftyfbbumblefuzz: the best way is using your backup17:16
leftyfbbumblefuzz: the 2nd best is with a tool like "photorec" while mounting the filesystem read-only using a live usb17:16
leftyfbbumblefuzz: note: the latter is not guaranteed17:17
Sabotenderhmm I can just remove all the packages that I used for this thing to try to roll back everything17:19
pavlosbumblefuzz: if you remove it via the File Manager, you can find it in Trash but if you remove with rm, it is gone.17:23
bumblefuzzthere is no recovery option?17:23
jhutchinsbumblefuzz: Only if you set one up.17:23
leftyfbbumblefuzz: no17:23
leftyfbbumblefuzz: well, yes. It's called backups17:24
leftyfbbumblefuzz: or a filesystem that supports snapshots17:25
jhutchinsYou can set up "trashcan" systems with many of the file managers, but they don't often apply to console commands.17:25
pavlosyou can alias 'rm' to 'rm -i' so it will ask you, do you want to remove file?17:26
pavloseg. touch buzz; rm -i buzz17:26
jhutchinsSure, you could take a vacation day during the trip, tag it on at the end or somethnig.17:29
jhutchinsSure, you could take a vacation day during the trip, tag it on at the end or somethnig.17:29
jhutchins(Sorry, irssi buffer still wonky.)17:29
jhutchinsPhotorec or ddrescue are about the only things you can do _after_ you've deleted something.17:29
bumblefuzzso, there aren't any file recovery programs that work on SSD'S?17:39
bumblefuzzI already tried testdisk and it didn't recover anything17:39
lotuspsychj3did you photorec the whole drive bumblefuzz ?17:40
bumblefuzzI used testdisk17:40
bumblefuzzI couldn't figure out how to use photorec17:41
bumblefuzz`sudo apt install photorec` doesn't work17:42
lotuspsychj3bumblefuzz: photorec is a part of testdisk, sudo photorec17:42
lotuspsychj3bumblefuzz: then choose the filetypes you want to recover and the important part a media to recover to, another drive then the one you recover17:43
bumblefuzzand if nothing comes up?17:44
bumblefuzzI literally just deleted it17:44
lotuspsychj3bumblefuzz: i never seen a drive yet, that photorec didnt find files to recover from17:45
rob0Sabotender: your paste is 404, expired too soon?17:45
bumblefuzzlotuspsychj3 nothing is appearing is photorec17:46
rob0Like others, I try to work in IRC between $dayjob tasks.17:46
Sabotenderzomg Ijust discovered something17:58
SabotenderI removed all of those packages that were outlined in that guide, and cleared the horrible port forwarding thing and reconfigured the wireless adapter with the first removed to restore internet connectivity. connected remotely via ssh and then inserted the second adapter, checked status via nmcli and lo and behold I see wlan0 and wlan118:00
Sabotenderand so theres a significant problem with this configuration guide somewhere18:01
=== hacksistem334 is now known as Gabriel
Sabotenderso now I have questions.  is the mate connection mamager compatible with hostap , and is it possible to bridge two wireless adapters together, and is there a way to force the ate connection manager to ignore wlan1 so it won't manage it at all or is there a way to remove the mate gui connection manager so I can use nmcli instead?18:09
rob0It is possible to bridge multiple network adapters. Most consumer routers do this with Ethernet+802.11. You can bridge two 802.11 interfaces, but I'd wonder why you'd want to do that?18:11
rob0I doubt the GUI thing is your problem, but I do not know anything about it.18:12
rob0Did we ever get to what the ultimate goal is here?18:13
Sabotenderno I completely lost internet connectivity and wlan0 and wlan1 vanished from discovery18:14
Sabotenderoh one more question, one wireless adapter needs to connect to a different distant access point to get an IP and provide internet connection for the other wireless adapter, which is going to be operating as a standalone access point18:16
SabotenderI'm trying to create a firewall which I can manage for multiple connecting clients18:17
=== nuala is now known as help
=== help is now known as nuala
Sven_vBHi! I'm trying to set up Ubuntu focal with multiple user accounts, centralizing most user session settings but allowing for customization where needed. The traditional way seems to be to copy full sets of config at account creation time, via /etc/skel or other means. However, I'd like to have changes in default settings to continuously propagate to all users who don't have their own opinion on a setting (e.g. what background image and mouse pointer18:21
Sven_vBtexture). I read that at least for openbox and xfce, I should thus configure /etc/xdg/{openbox,xfce4} rather than /etc/skel. However, /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml advises "Do not edit this file, it will be overwritten on install. Copy the file to $HOME/.config/openbox/ instead." So am I again limited to an all-or-nothing approach to settings propagation? What exactly does it mean by "install"?18:21
Sven_vBare there Desktop Environments that can have ordered priority pluggable config files where later settings overwrite earlier ones? much like in systemd.18:40
=== FoolishOwl3 is now known as FoolishOwl
alkisg1Sven_vB: ls /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ ==> the structured settings are there, with priorities and all19:01
Sven_vBalkisg1, thanks!19:22
Sven_vBalkisg1, I can't find a file for xfce4 display power settings though. does it mean I have to create it, or am I looking in the wrong place?19:26
Sven_vBsame with panel settings19:27
alkisg1Sven_vB: I'm not using xfce, but the typical way is:19:30
alkisg1You run dconf watch / to watch for gsettings changes; then you go to e.g. change the wallpaper; and the watch tells you which setting was changed,19:31
alkisg1then you grep -r in that directory to locate the change if you wish, along with the others; and you can add your own files there to override the defaults19:31
Sven_vBalkisg1, will try, thanks!19:46
Guest67hi all20:49
Guest67what performance enhancements for linux are worthwhile anyone any clue?20:49
rob0That would depend on what you are trying to do with it. Also, that doesn't sound like an Ubuntu-specific question.20:50
Guest67debian. almost same right20:50
Guest67im building a setup and trying to get some further ideas for including in it. so any suggestions are welcome20:51
arraybolt3Guest67: You might find more info in #debian. Ubuntu is based on debian but significantly different from it, so advice that works on Ubuntu may not apply to Debian.20:51
rob0Best way to improve performance in Linux is to give it really good hardware and lots of RAM.20:52
arraybolt3And avoid GNOME. (That's my experience anyway.)20:53
Eickmeyer#debian is on irc.oftc.net20:53
arraybolt3Eickmeyer: They have a channel here too.20:53
Eickmeyerarraybolt3: It's unofficial.20:53
Guest67i just ask around in any group. linux optimizations are same all over20:54
arraybolt3Eickmeyer: Ah, didn't know that.20:54
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!20:54
arraybolt3Guest67: That's not necessarily true.20:54
Guest67well i have my setup im working on here https://github.com/thanasxda/basic-linux-setup/blob/master/init.sh if anyone catches anything thats not in let me know20:54
EickmeyerGuest67: We do not support Debian here. Sorry.20:54
arraybolt3Packages in Ubuntu may have differences or optimizations that Debian doesn't have, and vice versa.20:54
=== gry_ is now known as gry
kilbithhey, noob question: how to disable nouveau and use the intel gpu only on ubuntu 22.10 please?21:04
Guest67x21="$( if dmesg | grep -q nouvaeu ; then echo " nouveau.modeset=0 nvidia-drm.modeset=1 nvidia-uvm.modeset=1" ; else echo " rdblacklist=nouveau nouveau.blacklist=1 nouveau.modeset=0 nouveau.runpm=0" ; fi)"21:05
kilbithneeds rebooting I guess?21:05
Guest67export DRI_PRIME=1 to use primary gpu. also check bios21:05
Guest67those are kernel parameters btw i copy pasted from the script above21:05
kilbithno because there's also a windows partition21:06
kilbithPRIME's not installed because nvidia driver's uninstalled21:06
Guest67basically just set your primary card in bios and hook it up21:06
Guest67peg or pci option21:07
Guest67or igd i dont know how its called21:07
kilbithwould it affects Windows badly?21:07
arraybolt3kilbith: Exercise caution using random lines of code from here - Guest67 is not a trusted user and I'm not quite sure what the... oh great, now you're gone too.21:10
arraybolt3It looks like the code just sets a variable with some kernel options, but what the options do, I'm not sure yet. And it doesn't appear to save the variable anywhere.21:18
rob0the spelling of nouvaeu would be enough to fail :)21:21
arraybolt3oh lol21:23
Sabotenderhello can someone help me find the correct version of nmcli which is in a dpkg form so I can install it via USB? I am not sure which would e appropriate for my version of ubuntu21:28
SabotenderI removed the gnome connection manager  gui applet which was conflicting with nmcli and it accidently got removed along with it.21:29
sarnoldSabotender: it's in the network-manager binary package21:29
sarnoldSabotender: look for it in /var/cache/apt/archives/  -- you might already have a copy on the machine21:30
Sabotenderoh would it remove it if I used apt--get purge?21:31
sarnoldapt-get purge doesn't touch the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives21:33
sarnoldpackages are put there as they are downloaded and installed, there's no guarantee that anything will ever be in there21:33
sarnoldand it's very handy to delete packages from there when you're short on disk space :)21:33
Sabotenderhmm looks like I have unmet dependencies and apt reports broken packages21:37
SabotenderI will try to find the package and dependencies so I can install them via USB21:41
sarnoldSabotender: apt-rdepends network-manager21:42
alkisg1Sabotender: run sudo /usr/lib/klibc/bin/ipconfig enp2s0, or whatever your ethernet is, to get internet connection, to be able to install stuff normally21:43
Sabotenderfor wireless?21:44
Sabotenderi'll try21:44
alkisg1No cable?21:44
alkisg1No that's for ethernet21:44
Sabotenderethernet is not possibble for this odroid. wireless is the only option for internet21:45
alkisg1OK, I didn't see neither the wireless nor the odroid part :)21:46
alkisg1Try sudo apt install network-manager, to see which packages it needs, even if it fails. Then with apt install --print-uris package you may see the url to download it21:47
arraybolt3Is anyone else experiencing strange issues with LibreOffice Calc, especially when it comes to any text that includes email addresses in it? So far I found one really weird bug that I already reported (strange text corruption and duplication), and now I've been lately experiencing another one where multi-line text in a single cell that contains email addresses will end up mangling line breaks,21:48
arraybolt3merging lines that shouldn't be merged and splitting them in other places.21:48
arraybolt3This is on Kubuntu 22.04.21:48
arraybolt3Oh it gets worse, it's also randomly deleting some characters in the cell. What in the world?!21:50
sarnoldarraybolt3: maybe something like https://www.theverge.com/2020/8/6/21355674/human-genes-rename-microsoft-excel-misreading-dates  ?21:51
arraybolt3sarnold: Oh that's hilarious. But no, it's not misreading anything, it just seems to have some parsing glitches when it comes to email addresses.21:52
sarnoldarraybolt3: I'm wondering if maybe you need to set a format on the field to "text" or something else to encourage it to leave the field alone21:52
arraybolt3That sounds like a good idea, lemme see if my used-to-MS-Excel-blah brain can figure out the button to do that.21:53
arraybolt3There, switched the UI mode and then found the button. Just gotta make it look like Excel I guess :P21:55
arraybolt3Nope, it's still corrupting stuff, but now I think I see why. It looks like it's inserting a random newline any time it parses an email address, which is what's causing the mess.21:55
arraybolt3sarnold: Hey, thanks, that helped me debug it!21:56
arraybolt3Now I just need to file a bug report.21:57
arraybolt3But for now, I'm switching to Kate for dealing with Debian packaging, since I do not want Calc mangling my stuff.21:57
jhutchinsarraybolt3: Watch out for hidden characters.22:10
Sabotendernetwork-manager : Depends: libnmo (= 1.36.4-2ubuntu1) but 1.36.6- Oubuntu2 is to be installed22:11
Sabotenderso does this mean that the network-manager package is still present, and I just need to get that lib that has yet to bbe installed?22:13
jhutchinsSabotender: Without digging through the scrollback, it sounds like you've been mixing releases or installing out-of-stream packages.22:14
jhutchinsSabotender: The way to "solve" that is to remove those packages and build a system with consistent sources, even if the packages aren't bleeding edge.22:15
arraybolt3jhutchins: He's dealing with an ODROID, I think there's some weird customizations made by the manufacturer on the Ubuntu image.22:15
leftyfbif this is a custom image, it's not supported here22:16
jhutchinsThat sounds like a job for Linux from Scratch!22:16
tomreynlast time we talked it was a debian image, did this change since?22:16
tomreynwell the version numbers ponit to something ubuntu-derivate-ish22:17
leftyfbSabotender: please run this on your odroid and take a picture and post it to imgur.com:  uname -a ; cat /etc/os-release22:17
alkisg1leftyfb: my odroid was 99% ubuntu, it just had a custom kernel to cope with the hardware; they were trying to be as close to ubuntu as possible; so you won't see any difference with these commands22:22
alkisg1Sabotender: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libnm0 => the jammy version is 1.36.4-2ubuntu1, the jammy-updates one is 1.36.6-0ubuntu2. It looks like you want the jammy version, not the -updates one22:22
alkisg1*actually uname -a should show a diffence, e.g. mine in focal was 3.16!22:24
leftyfbalkisg1: this channel historically doesn't support custom images, regardless of how close they are. And if what you say is true, no way we should be supporting 3.1622:26
alkisg1Of course, I've no problem with that policy22:26
alkisg1It would be nice to have an #ubuntu-unofficial-flavors though, for such cases. E.g. even raspberry pi was unofficial until a couple of years ago22:28
Sabotenderlooks like its an address for ubuntu terms and legal stuff. but I amm running  Ubbuntu 22.04 LTS22:28
leftyfbSabotender: please run this on your odroid and take a picture and post it to imgur.com:  uname -a ; cat /etc/os-release22:29
arraybolt3Sabotender: There's a reason they want to see the exact output of the command - sharing bits of info like that is rarely helpful. All of the data in the output of that command is important.22:30
alkisg1https://wiki.odroid.com/odroid-n2/os_images/ubuntu/20220622#features says the hardkernel 22.04 ships with the 4.9 kernel :)22:32
arraybolt322.04 is supposed to come with the 5.15 kernel though. And I believe the problem that they're having is a kernel problem.22:33
alkisg1They just need to reinstall network-manager,it's not related to the kernel afaik, but a channel policy should be respected until it's changed :)22:34
SabotenderI thinkk  you only wanted to see this information so you can tell me that theres no support, but I could have already surmised this22:47
alkisg1Sabotender, you may use the #linux irc channel until ubuntu gains an "unofficial-ubuntu-flavors" channel.22:48
alkisg1Cinnamon has just opted to become official, maybe we'll see an odroid one in the coming years:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2022-November/002691.html22:48
leftyfbSabotender: I thought you had no network? Also, you didn't run the commands correctly and either you don't have a valid image or still have lots of updates to do22:48
Sabotendermy mobile uses image to text interpretation22:50
leftyfbSabotender: please never do that22:50
leftyfbSabotender: here or any other place where you're trying to troubleshoot22:50
Sabotenderthis is what I was using to make things easier for me, bbut thank you I will continue using google for research22:50
leftyfbSabotender: uname -a22:51
SabotenderI will assume theres no support for my setup22:51
murmelI wonder if it would make more sense to push those people to armbian (so they have at least a community which supports them)22:53
jhutchinsWhat would make more sense would be if the generic "Ubuntu" channel supported all aspects of Ubuntu, not just a specific sub-set that is all some people know.23:09
jhutchinsThere's no excuse about bandwidth - this channel has plenty of dead air.23:10
sarnoldarraybolt3: woohoo! :)23:16
ThePendulumhi, has anyone here had significant issues with nautilus after recent updates? scrolling jumping up, crashing when browsing remote directories, cannot copy text from other windows when renaming files, bookmarks won't let me open the same location twice23:25
ThePendulummight be my particular installation, just trying to rule out these are common issues others are having too23:25
ThePendulumit's Files 43.0 on endeavour, figured if these issues exist on ubuntu there's not much of a point fiddling with it23:32
ezakimaktrying to install wireguard on 18.04, several guides all say to do add-apt-repository ppa:wireguard/wireguard, but that is failing.23:36
leftyfbezakimak: https://launchpad.net/~wireguard23:39
ezakimakok, I did do that. but it doesn't seem to have the kernel module23:39
sarnoldI think jason stopped maintaining it once he got wireguard into the kernel23:39
leftyfbezakimak: you don't need a kernel module23:40
sarnold(after all, his goal in getting it into the kernel was tro reduce the amount of work he was doing)23:40
ezakimakwell it gives an error : "ip link add wg0 type wireguard"... "Error: unknown device type. Unable to access interface: Protocol not supported"23:41
leftyfbezakimak: use sudo23:41
ezakimakworks just fine on newer ubuntu installs23:41
leftyfbezakimak: what kernel are you running?23:41
ezakimakdon't need sudo. already root.23:41
sarnoldezakimak: try installing wireguard-linux-compat  ?  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wireguard-linux-compat/1.0.20201112-1~18.04.423:41
leftyfbezakimak: you're not running a support release of ubuntu. You'll need to reach out to google for support23:42
ezakimak /etc/issue says Ubuntu 18.04.03 LTS23:42
sarnoldleftyfb: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-gcp23:42
leftyfbezakimak: it's a custom image made by google running a custom kernel not supported here23:42
sarnoldleftyfb: that's a standard ubuntu kernel on a standard ubuntu system23:43
leftyfbbah, my apologies23:43
leftyfbI didn't know Canonical included a GCP kernel in the standard releases23:44
sarnoldwe've got something like 70 kernels23:44
sarnoldtake a look at this and weep https://kernel.ubuntu.com/sru/dashboards/web/kernel-stable-board.html23:44
leftyfbezakimak: my guess is the GCP kernels don't have the wireguard bit included. But I don't know for sure23:44
sarnoldcertainly nothing that old has wireguard built-in, and I don't kow if that wireguard-linux-compat will help or not23:45
leftyfbsarnold: I know there's lots of different kernels. I didn't know GCP was one of them23:45
sarnoldI wonder why he's still on a 5.0.x though .. there's a 5.4.x kernel .. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-gcp-5.423:46
ezakimakjust apt-get upgrade to get latest kernel ?23:55
ezakimakhrm. that doesn't list the newer kernel in the list23:56
ezakimakah. dist-upgrade23:57

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