
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley: https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/featherpad-theme-issue/3845/402:02
arraybolt3[m]Looks like Qt6 may be throwing a wrench in the works of theming. What are our plans here? Is all of LXQt supposed to eventually build against Qt6, or do we have a different plan?02:02
arraybolt3[m](Hmm, looks like LXQt isn't ready for Qt6 yet.)02:05
arraybolt3[m]Dan Simmons: With regard to XScreenSaver, I was indeed able to remove the config file you mentioned and it started working. However, I also discovered that the Preview button is entirely broken - launching xscreensaver-settings from the terminal, then selecting a screensaver and clicking Preview, nothing happens. No error or warning in the terminal, no message on the screen, nothing. Total silent failure.02:21
arraybolt3[m]I'm going to start by porting our old XScreenSaver configuration to whatever the new format is and see if that changes things, but if not, we may have an upstream bug to file.02:27
arraybolt3[m]Except that we're on XScreenSaver 6.02, and the dev has made it very clear that he only wants bug reports for 6.05.02:33
* arraybolt3[m] is making my own head spin :P02:33
arraybolt3[m]OK, on the bright side, solved part of the "no preview" mystery. Previews still work by double-clicking on items, so probably there's a bug in the button code, which should hopefully come with an easy patch. On the not-so-bright side, I cannot seem to find a sample XScreenSaver configuration file. I have to go afk, but there's my findings so far.02:56
arraybolt3[m]Sheesh. Alright, time to do this on hard mode. /me spins up a VM and attempts to build XScreenSaver from source to see if that spits out the file I'm looking for03:46
arraybolt3[m]Success! Alright, now I can start doing config porting. I hope. I may have to do one more compile, but I'm getting closer.04:34
arraybolt3[m](Actually I'll definitely need to do one more compile now that I think about it.)04:36
arraybolt3[m]Rik Mills: Sort of the wrong channel for this, but I noticed that you're still opped up in #kubuntu. Is that intentional?05:30
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
kc2bez[m]<arraybolt3[m]> "(Actually I'll definitely need..." <- For the config change it isn't necessary to compile it. You can just grab the config out of the tar. We then need to replace the one we have in default settings. 09:25
arraybolt3[m]<kc2bez[m]> "For the config change it isn't..." <- I never could find it in the tar for some reason. Maybe I didn't look closely enough?14:00
arraybolt3[m]aHA! Finally! Found it!14:22
kc2bez[m]Ah cool, I was just unpacking it to find it.14:24
kc2bez[m]Anyway, this is where it needs to go - https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/lubuntu-default-settings/src/branch/ubuntu/lunar/src/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XScreenSaver14:25
kc2bez[m]The new format is quite different.14:26
kc2bez[m]It has the option for themes so we don't need to implement the hacky way we were doing color changes before.14:26
kc2bez[m]I haven't had any time to mess with it though.14:27
arraybolt3[m]Sounds good. Hopefully I'll bugfix that today, and then maybe keep plugging away at LXQt 1.2.15:22
arraybolt3[m]Good. Grief. This is the most complicated config file, like, ever. I think I'll need to start from scratch and try to fiddle with it until it looks right, if it's possible to make it look right at all.16:41
arraybolt3[m]Getting closer, I have the color theme working!17:35
arraybolt3[m]Dan Simmons: OK, I have a working XScreenSaver file. I think the only thing I didn't get done right is I can't manage to set the header text to say "Lubuntu 23.04" anymore. I tried several things, none of which had any effect, so this config file just leaves the original "XScreenSaver, Version 6.02" (or whatever it says) text in place.17:59
arraybolt3[m]Bah, the file doesn't want to send as a Matrix code block. :(18:00
arraybolt3[m]And at some point I had the Preview button working again but that stopped for some odd reason...18:01
arraybolt3[m]Hey, got the Preview button working again!18:05
kc2bez[m]Don't stress too much over the "Lubuntu 23.04" thing. 18:15
arraybolt3[m]Sounds good. But I found a very annoying bug.18:15
kc2bez[m]Oh fun18:16
arraybolt3[m]Turns out you have to set the image directory and text file fields or else it kills the Preview button.18:16
arraybolt3[m]So we have to pick... some... random things to set those to.18:16
arraybolt3[m]Currently I have the text file set to /usr/share/doc/2048-qt/copyright, and the images dir set to /usr/share/lubuntu/wallpapers. The latter is good, the former... yeah, no. Ideas?18:16
kc2bez[m]Wallpapers folder? 18:17
arraybolt3[m](Not to mention the fact that doing these things may be adding additional dependencies we don't want. Uninstalling 2048 or removing the wallpapers should not break the screensaver.)18:17
kc2bez[m]Hmm so maybe we need a generic text doc that we can add that has a welcome to Lubuntu message or something 18:18
arraybolt3[m]That sounds like a good idea.18:18
arraybolt3[m]There's still a few more kinks I need to work out (text source URL for those who don't want to use a text file, and figure out how to set some of the settings to sane defaults), but so far it's coming along nicely.18:20
kc2bez[m]Nice, thank you for working on it.18:20
arraybolt3[m]From a Lubuntu end-user viewpoint, using the wallpapers folder is a great idea, but that also makes xscreensaver broken on other flavors. So... I think we should add both a sample text file and a sample images folder to the packaging so that all the features work on all flavors. Both the images and the text file would be generic and sensible regardless of the flavor in use Does this seem like a good idea to everyone? Simon Quigley18:28
arraybolt3[m]Dan Simmons @teward00118:28
arraybolt3[m]It just dawned on me that xscreensaver may have some default way of making these fields empty that I don't know about. Hold one one second...18:30
kc2bez[m]Yeah, I don't think it will be broken. It breaks when we supply our configuration changes. If you delete our config it works.18:48
arraybolt3[m]Heh, it does. It sets the text file to xserver-common's copyright file, and the images dir to /usr/share/backgrounds.18:49
arraybolt3[m](Just build 6.02 from source in a VM to see how it autoreplaced certain variables in the config file.)18:49
kc2bez[m]We could point to the same thing 18:49
kc2bez[m]Maybe even should point to the same thing.18:49
* arraybolt3[m] does a quick apt-file to see what owns /usr/share/backgrounds18:50
arraybolt3[m]kc2bez[m]: Definitely agree. The user can set these things to whatever they want using xscreensaver-settings later, we just need some values that will keep weird errors out of the user's face without breaking any buttons. I'm somewhat annoyed that the fields can't just be blank, but whatever works, works, so long as it works everywhere.18:51
kc2bez[m]We're on the same page.18:53
arraybolt3[m]Hmm, looks like /usr/share/backgrounds is usually a wallpaper spot. Is there any particular reason Lubuntu doesn't put its wallpapers there by default? If not, we might be able to change it, which would give us the best of both worlds (multi-flavor compatibility and nicer-looking screensavers).18:54
kc2bez[m]Well, we use the freedesktop spec and the XDG folders hierarchy.18:55
kc2bez[m]My guess is /usr/share stuff is older Unix standard.18:56
arraybolt3[m]It looks like Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Kylin, Ubuntu Studio, Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix, and Ubuntu MATE at least all use that folder for wallpapers.18:57
kc2bez[m]Interesting 18:57
arraybolt3[m]Anyway, I see what you're saying. It's not critical to do that, and besides it's more developer work for something of lesser importance when we have a bunch of other stuff to work on.18:58
arraybolt3[m]OK, if I send a link, can someone look over the new XScreenSaver file before I push it to Git? Due to some things that changed (or at least that I couldn't get to work right), I made some design decisions (like allowing the splash screen since it can't be disabled anymore, and changing the font of the password dialog since biwidth didn't seem to be being picked up right and so looked horrible). I'd rather have someone look at what19:18
arraybolt3[m]I did and say "yeah OK that looks good" rather than "you did WHAT no revert that". :P19:18
arraybolt3[m] * OK, if I send a link, can someone look over the new XScreenSaver file before I push it to Git? Due to some things that changed (or at least that I couldn't get to work right), I made some design decisions (like allowing the splash screen since it can't be disabled anymore, and changing the font of the password dialog since biwidth didn't seem to be being picked up right and so looked horrible). I'd rather have someone look at19:18
arraybolt3[m]what I did and say "uh change that to XYZ and then it's good" rather than "you did WHAT no revert that". :P19:18
kc2bez[m]Yeah, throw it in a paste someplace and folks can test it. If someone drops it in their home folder as xscreensaver they should be able to test it.19:20
kc2bez[m]sorry .xscreensaver19:21
arraybolt3[m]I found that the most reliable way to get it to kick in was to copy it to /usr/share/X11/app-defaults/XScreenSaver, then run "killall xscreensaver" followed by "rm ~/.xscreensaver", then launch xscreensaver-settings and restart xscreensaver. Other things I tried seem to not get the settings picked up, so if it doesn't pick it up the first time, try that. Paste incoming...19:24
arraybolt3[m] * I found that the most reliable way to get it to kick in was to copy it to /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XScreenSaver, then run "killall xscreensaver" followed by "rm ~/.xscreensaver", then launch xscreensaver-settings and restart xscreensaver. Other things I tried seem to not get the settings picked up, so if it doesn't pick it up the first time, try that. Paste incoming... (edit: fixed wrong path)19:24
arraybolt3[m]Oh great now I notice a comment I added is no longer valid. /me fixes19:26
arraybolt3[m]Alright here's the one without the faulty comment. https://termbin.com/biyz19:27
arraybolt3[m]I also noticed I accidentally left textURL set to Wikipedia rather than feedburner ubuntu-news like we used to have it.19:30
Eickmeyer[m]FWIW, Ubuntu Studio uses that folder for compatibility with other desktops. Using /usr/share/wallpapers only seems to work for Plasma afaict.19:51
arraybolt3[m]lxqt-qtplugin updated.20:55
* arraybolt3[m] goes afk, will check up on pings later21:17
* arraybolt3[m] * goes afk, will check up on messages later21:17

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