=== RoyK^ is now known as RoyK [08:48] Does anyone knows a guide/book/tutorial that explains how to set up NFS to share home directories with Kerberos? [08:50] !nfs | joris can this help? [08:50] joris can this help?: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. [08:50] yeah I saw that allready thanks [08:51] but I am hoping more for a tutorial that let me walk through all the steps necessary to achieve this [08:52] now I find a lot of parts of a puzzle and not I am not too sure how I can put it together... [08:53] joris: the guides on linuxconfig are usualy great, not sure if i can find a kerberos version of it [08:54] https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-configure-nfs-on-linux [08:54] looks more like the nfs part only [08:57] joris: maybe this; https://computingforgeeks.com/configure-nfs-server-client-use-kerberos/ [09:00] good morning! cpaelzer, I am considering letting postgresql-common sync (for pg-15) now. Any objections? I was holding off because 1) there were some perl packages still blocking things last week. 2) pg-common was blocking things to migrate as well (letting migration ref fail unblocked things - this was due to lack of a supported version for lunar) [09:01] morning athos [09:02] morning :) [09:09] athos: hiho [09:09] athos: I haven't checked the recent package, but +1 to the general intend [09:09] athos: do you want/need a review on somwthing before doing so? [09:15] I will file an MP so we can get the sync propose reviewed before moving forward! I was checking the pg-15 migration status and instead of patching universe packages to let it migrate to unblock things before transitioning into pg-15 as the default pg, it just seems better to migrate to pg-15 as default already given the state of the universe packages (already depending on pg-15 as the default one) [09:15] Cc sergiodj (FYI) for whenever you are around ;) [10:09] https://code.launchpad.net/~athos-ribeiro/ubuntu/+source/postgresql-common/+git/postgresql-common/+merge/434070 [15:10] athos: heya. on it === esembee_ is now known as esembee [18:14] Hi lvoytek :) I suppose you will need sponsiring for https://code.launchpad.net/~lvoytek/ubuntu/+source/net-snmp/+git/net-snmp/+merge/434101, right? Let me know and I will push the button :) [18:45] athos: Yeah, thanks for the upload! [19:17] p4 [19:17] ops :)