[00:00] leftyfb: hah, I bet the idea is way older than that [00:00] inetd was A Thing for ages :) [00:29] sarnold!!!!!! [01:26] pizza!! :D [01:28] * arraybolt3 now wants to eat soem pizza [01:28] s/soem/some/ [01:28] the place I stay at, has a pizza place which is open till 6am [01:32] heaven [01:34] definitely great :) [01:34] Is the pizza good? [01:34] yeah! but at least in comparison to other stuff, it's not as cheap [01:34] (I guess I've never had bad pizza, though it's definitely not healthy and sadly I can't even eat it anymore most of the time :-/) [01:35] how come? [01:35] yeah, I mean pizza is rather on the easy side to "cook" [01:35] Sensitive to dairy and animal fat. It's really sad. [01:35] ugh [01:35] But whatever. There's lots of other yummy food in the world. [01:36] sure but for me, cheese [01:36] especially french cheese [01:36] The fun part is figuring out good milk alternatives. Me and my best friend made garbanzo milk earlier today, it actually came out really good for coffee creamer. [01:37] garbanzo? [01:37] chickpeas, I think [01:37] Yep. Garbanzo. aka chickpeas. [01:38] pretty sure you don't mean https://garbanzo.io/ ;) [01:38] ahh k [01:38] pre-hummous [01:38] * arraybolt3 is scared to click that link [01:38] it's a software to learn spanish [01:38] Oh lol. [01:40] I don't really think of 'spanish' when I think of garbanzo beans [01:41] ask them why they named it that way ;) [01:41] They're Italian... though they can make a decent burrito. [01:42] But then again people think my sense of taste must have a corrupted sector or something, chances are if my dad hates a food, I'll love it. [01:43] hahaha [01:43] arraybolt3: are you sure you are dads kid? ^^ (I mean for me it's also almost the same) [01:43] Very sure. [01:45] I guess some genes just must have tried to write to the same file at the same time or something. I like lots of foods my mom likes, lots of foods my dad likes, and then there's this "twilight zone" of things that one or both of them think taste horrible that I love, along with the "antimatter zone" of things that one or both of them love that I hate. [01:46] Like I think mayo should be used as a caulk substitute with some added ingredients, not as a food item, but raw fish tastes great. So does salmon salad made with dill relish and salsa. [01:53] on the topic of ubuntu: can somebody explain to me how this is not a bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapstore-server/+bug/1993243 [01:53] -ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Launchpad bug 1993243 in Snap Store Server "can't refresh or install packages" [Undecided, Invalid] [01:57] murmel: because replacing squid-deb-proxy with squid would probably fix it [01:58] ugh, so basically I need to run "full" squid to use snapd? still sounds a bug to me, as snapd errors out within a millisecond, and doesn't try to use no proxy [01:59] you asked it to use a proxy, but the proxy you told it to use says no [01:59] i didn't? [01:59] I only ever typed in the proxy during install [01:59] "this only ever happens when I add a proxy during install." [01:59] skip that step? :) [01:59] yes, that's an apt proxy, says nothing about snapd [02:00] sarnold: I don't mind downloading the updates all the time I install ubuntu into a vm /s [02:01] murmel: it might be worth adding a ubiquity bug task to say that the installer should ask for different proxies for different uses -- one for snap, one for deb, one for general system use, that way you can configure them as needed [02:02] sarnold: sounds good, still a bit annoying, as 18.04 and 20.04 didn't have that issue [02:03] which means snapd changed it's proxy detection to the same variable as apt oO [02:03] murmel: is that because the installer changed, or because snapd these days uses a proxy but snapd from two or four years ago didn't? [03:33] good morning [03:59] heya [06:36] xu-irc5w is a troll, yes or no? (Referring to the current events in the #xubuntu channel.) I dunno if he's just bored or trying to cause trouble. [06:39] there's a lot of them hanging around lately arraybolt3 [06:42] Yeah. Here's hoping they don't start using AI to generate their responces. [06:43] (Though that might be funny to detect - just say "Write a Wikipedia article about John Doe" in the middle of a support session, if the user suddenly floods the channel with junk you know it's a bot :P) [06:43] i think its already the case [06:43] the multiple joins are concerning [06:45] OK, I just told him how to remove a giant (over 300 GiB) logfile using "sudo rm /path/to/logfile". If he's a troll, the next message will probably be "This is taking a long time. OH NO I JUST DELETED MY WHOLE DRIVE" [06:46] (At least that's my guess.) [07:55] lotuspsychje: I just don't see how this is real. It looks like he cleared his cookies yet he claims not to have, he runs Vim when trying to install rkhunter, now apt can't find rkhunter but he want to know how to run it, Brave won't launch yet there's no error message about it in the console output, and the log file issue looks like something he could have found with a Google search so he [07:55] could sound believable. [07:56] it tiring for sure [19:59] oerheks: everything they have suggested is unlikely :) [19:59] yeah, i just joined in .. [20:10] it's been pointed out to me that RiverGolem1 is a known troll. They've been banned from other channels for constantly posting inane questions. They've joined #u with the same hostname and almost 200 different nicks since June [20:12] heh do they all end in numbers? [20:13] most do, not all [20:14] 8 out of 192 do not have numbers at the end [20:16] * daftykins is now known as daftykin357 [20:18] *so* shady [20:18] just more reason to keep an eye on them [20:19] I I outsourced keeping an eye on daftykins to mischief. seems to be working so far. [20:19] she keeps us both in line ;) [20:19] * sarnold nods [20:24] (Mischief is my cat, for those unfamiliar - or rather i'm her staff) [22:56] the new gnome drop down in the top right is nice for the sound changer alone [22:56] needs a MIC options as well though [23:55] daftykins: Nice, is it a requirement to have her on a leach when outside on public property? [23:56] leash*