[02:17] aye [03:16] cann't access launchpad.net now, what's going on? [03:18] sad firewalls [03:20] yunze-ku, it's probably back, try again? [03:21] try another laptop can access....ok, I'll reboot pc :-( [03:21] sorry [03:21] no need to go around rebooting anything :) [03:21] I just wanted to make sure you weren't blocked for too long [03:25] ehh,,,what firewalls u mean? [03:27] I don't actually know what kind of firewalls they are; they're complicated 100gbps fail-over sorts of things that are supposed to handled one of them dying entirely, but somehow they seem to cause a problem like this every few months :( [03:27] the ones in the data centres i assume [03:27] I assume they cost more than my salary :) [03:31] fine... it back now , i can access now with no reboot. [12:28] hello, this account is creating "merge-proposal" spam - https://launchpad.net/~spoety40 [12:28] https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/indicator-keyboard/disable-flaky-test/+merge/434278 [12:29] https://code.launchpad.net/~cmiller/firefox/googapi/+merge/434281 [12:30] ricotz: Thanks, I'll have a look after my next meeting. [15:01] ricotz, I have suspended the user's account now. === gurupras- is now known as guruprasad [15:15] Thanks, Guruprasad! [15:33] jugmac00, guruprasad, thanks [21:44] hello, looks like bos02 requires a kick :) [21:52] ricotz: there is ongoing maintenance with bos02 - that is why we brought up bos01 again, which is working nicely [22:03] jugmac00, I see, thanks, I will be patient [22:38] I get the "Uh oh! Something has gone wrong. We're sorry!" page when I try to bring up https://launchpad.net. Does anyone else see the same thing? [22:39] kartik_subbarao: No, seems to work for me [22:41] Hmm interesting, works for me now in Chrome, but not Firefox. I also get the error with curl [22:41] oh well. Hopefully something transient