=== diddledani3 is now known as diddledani === davef_ is now known as davef [16:20] chocolate orange/jaffa cake stash is now optimal [19:22] ooh some discount wins? [19:22] good eve everyone [20:51] 2euro a pop. about uk1.50 [21:04] Be a shame if anything happened to your Jaffa Cake stash 😈 [21:06] :D [21:06] i've got a second toblerone on the go this evening [21:28] i'd have to fall back to my second jaffa cake stash. [21:28] and of course in the words of chief o'brien. i wouldn't like to not have a 2nd backup [21:29] :D [21:30] i'm struggling to resist ordering some upgrade parts for an old HP ML350p gen 8 server i convinced the biz to give me for free [21:31] like taking in an abandoned puppy at crimbo [21:32] indeed! [21:32] and putting it to work for another [21:32] oh what adorable processors it has [21:32] and you will be visited by 3 amazon men bearing gifts, ram, disk space and video cards [21:33] well i wouldn't say that ;) only a hex-core E5-2620 @ 2.0 GHz [21:33] guided by gps [21:33] 24 GB RAM right now, 4 x 300 GB SAS 10k HDDs [21:34] oh forgot i have a pic of its' super sexy baffle, one sec [21:34] daftykins: So your question is whether your upgrades cost you less than a ~8 core modern machine with 24G RAM and 1.2T of SSD [21:35] i'm only thinking £20 on RAM and £10 for another 2.5" caddy :D [21:35] oh that's ok [21:35] https://i.imgur.com/fsNGg8L.jpg [21:35] might sound weird but it's also a very burnt in pc which is worth something [21:35] look at that beauty [21:35] zxmpi: You'd rather fly on reused boosters - right? [21:35] pretty spotless [21:36] yeah [21:36] there is value in reliable [21:37] I guess that depends if you know where you are in a bathtub curve [21:37] it's why i still have my psion 3mx :-) [21:37] oh sure. there is a point of deminishing returns [21:37] but a solid no trouble server can be better than a brand new shiny unknown [21:38] nod [21:38] the number of times i've seen someone drive to arse end of ireland with shiny new kit for it to fail and have to come back and bring something older but reliable out instead [21:40] lol [21:41] suuuuurely they'd stress test at HQ prior to going in [21:41] a quick overnight burn in and it would be fine. i always felt if it was going to donkeygobackwards then it might warrant a longer 2-3 day burnin [21:42] hp/compaq made some seriously crap pcs when they merged [21:43] that HP is the loudest one i've ever heard, i took along the firmware update ISO during the week and when it did the management firmware it spun up full tilt for a bit [21:43] the client employees all work upstairs, pretty sure it didn't save them from the sound :D [21:43] that's pretty normal during firmware updates/crashes [21:43] use that to make the dot matrix printer you're offloading sound quieter :-P [21:43] yeah the Dells i've got don't go anywhere near that level though [21:44] try an original IBM bladecentre [21:44] i am intrigued! [21:44] daftykins: 14 machines in one rack, but they have two fans - fans that are comparable to jet engines [21:44] once you disconnect the ibm model m the noise drops a bit :-P [21:47] daftykins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ib0GbYhWVs [21:49] @_@ [21:50] try 10:26 on that [21:53] getting there... [21:54] lol he can race them [21:57] * zxmpi rembers when we had a printer tahat used to walk in college as it lurched from side to side at high speed and trap users in their seats when it bumped into the chairs jamming them in place [21:57] https://www.catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/W/walking-drives.html