=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher [11:54] HI IT SAID LINUX WOULD UPDATE AUTOMATICALLY [12:05] xu-irc5w: ? [12:05] In a meme [12:06] Windows always required new updates Apple costed n Linux would update automaticlly [12:09] ah, ok [12:20] Still interested in that screen shot ;D [12:46] Can somebody tell me hoe to get to the Linux Offtopic room? I'm feeling kinna "Chattzy" [12:46] =L [12:47] xu-irc5w: There is #xubuntu-offtopic [12:47] but I don't know how much is going on there [12:47] probably you just have to pick a topic you like or some "off-"topic on libera and join one of these channels ;) [12:48] Iäm banned! [12:48] Can i program the update to install itself? [12:50] W/o reboot [12:50] whether it requires a reboot depends on the update [12:51] Thats so stupid it said it wouldnt [13:22] WOULD YOU RATHER RE A BOOT OR BOOT A RE? [13:23] I HAVE BEAN FARTED WITH FANS FOR FAR TWO LONG [13:44] LOVE YOU! [13:45] MERRY CHRESMAS! [14:08] IMAGINE HAVING A GIF WHERE THE GIRL IN THE EXORSIST SITS N STABB HERSELF [14:08] DIE DIE [14:09] !admin [14:10] !TECHSUPPORT [14:11] well, that failed. It's !op apparently. [14:12] https://thumbs.gfycat.com/SatisfiedBarrenAsiaticlesserfreshwaterclam-small.gif [14:20] !op proffecional 🙄 [14:21] SOMETIMES I FALL ASLEEP WITH A VIBRATING DILDO IN MY ASS [14:21] ! [14:21] !op [14:21] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [14:21] :') [14:21] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [14:22] LAUGH N STARRIN IN AT THE SUN IS GOOD FOR THE HEART! [14:22] IT COMPENSATE MY SMOKING 🙄 [15:00] !OPERATOR! [15:02] TEST? R WE OPERATING? [15:07] AR WE A FUCK [15:07] !op [15:07] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [15:07] OK [15:07] EMÖRJENCI [15:07] WOULD YOU FUCK A DUCK [15:11] YES? [15:12] I HAVE BEEN MOURNING MY SINS [15:26] thanks! [15:28] Np! === doc|home is now known as doc [17:52] hello [17:54] How to go top at Terminal xfce4 xubuntu ? [17:56] CTRL SHIFT START [17:57] that's a taskmanager for me [17:58] Why ? [17:58] I don't know. I think that is a default setting. [17:58] I prefer htop myself. [18:01] ps aux | less [19:40] ps awxo pid,command | grep