
=== tobias-urdin8 is now known as tobias-urdin
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mohaWhat's wrong with my netplan config file ( http://ix.io/4j1T  ) That I get this error: https://p.teknik.io/sgHL4 when appying the setting?16:20
mohaMistaken; My netplan config: http://ix.io/4j1U16:21
ahasenackyou seem to have multiple default routes17:17
fooHowdy. Trying to decide if I have a code problem or a system problem. I have this process: 44698  0.0  0.0 541024  3676 ?        Ssl  Dec16 - not sure if the python script crashed or it's stuck in a loop somewhere? 17:42
sdezielfoo: try strace'ing the process in question maybe? 18:09
foosdeziel: thank you! I did, nothing coming out of it. 18:11
sdezielfoo: if it's stuck while doing network IO, you can probably learn more about the destination with `sudo ss -netp | grep $PID`18:20
foothakn you! 18:21
fooIt's possible, actually18:21
mohaRunning this script: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible/blob/master/scripts/bootstrap-ansible.sh on Ubuntu 22.04, I get this error: https://ibb.co/D1rBy1s20:35
mybalzitchmoha: unterminated s command20:39
mohaIs it clear on which line؟20:40
mybalzitchread your own screen shot, it shows the line. likely due to a failed copy/paste20:42
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