[01:31] arraybolt3: best file a bug and mention the OOPS ID - none of us are likely to be looking at page timeouts until the new year, and mentioning the OOPS ID in a bug report will stop the OOPS from expiring [03:09] +1 [03:17] Hello! I wanted to know how to change email where will bugs go? I added email+bug@gmail.com and i also have email+ubuntu@gmail.com one i want people to see to contact, other for bugs. where i can make it sure? alo made [03:17] for wiki ubuntu but that i dont have to put in launchpad then, no? And for email launchpad and list supscriptions i added +subsciprtions https://launchpad.net/~kangarooo === lukedashjr is now known as luke-jr === rhansen_ is now known as rhansen