[00:30] Could someone recommend a music player? [00:31] I can but it's incredibly over-engineered [00:31] Logitech Media Server w/ Squeezelite [00:31] but it literally does everything I want in a music player [00:31] that and MusicBrainz Picard for library management [00:33] Do you run that on a server? [00:39] Ok, never mind. You're right. Over-engineered. [00:39] I wish Linux had better music player options that don't rely on stuff like LMS. [00:40] I prefer Clementine, but it's buggy when dealing with WMA files (throws a decode error). [00:40] Most other players I've tried are missing functionality I need or are difficult to use. [00:41] Cantata *might* be something I can deal with, but right now it's barfing on MP3 files and I don't know why. [01:20] WMA files?!?! [01:20] does MSFT even make tools to create those these days? [01:21] I don't remember how long ago I did that. AFAIK, there's only one or two albums I did in that format, mostly because I was being lazy and a Windows machine was the only thing handy at the time. [01:22] I'll have to dig up the actual CDs and re-rip them. [01:22] Been meaning to re-rip everything into FLAC that I hadn't done in the first place. [01:22] I'll just pile that on top of the mountain of tasks I need to do. [01:23] My music collection is a hodge podge of things going back 25 years. [01:30] Ok wow, it *is* only one disc. [01:32] Okay, I'll see if I can hunt it down tonight. [01:32] Right after I experiment w/ Clementine a bit and see if I can find other file formats it's barfing on. [01:35] IIRC, Clementine was having problems with more than that one album back when I was using KDE. [01:37] Never mind, I'm way overthinking things and yet not thinking enough. I'll deal with one album at a time as Clementine barfs on them. [01:39] I've gone through a lot of different systems for music from all local to even doing the 30 free trial of spotify. I'm currently doing the PlexAmp thing (and thus Plex for movies/tv) via a Synology NAS. I use EasyTag because I'm particular. [01:43] (I did the Logitech squeeze box via a synology before, which was really a good option for loving room use which I don't have a great answer for that right now because I hate turning the TV on, and I don't have a decent stereo there anyway, which isn't the squeezbox's fault, of course). [01:45] navidrome is pretty great. [01:45] Yeah, and the hardware players are getting pretty scarce again [01:46] https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Squeezebox-Player-Discontinued-Manufacturer/dp/B002LARRDK [01:46] Actually, that's not bad for !450 [01:46] $150 [01:59] kinda a bummer that rpi doesn't have a better analog codec