[01:33] [matrix] Got pipewire-alsa added to the seed and the metapackage updated. [01:34] thanks arraybolt3 [01:34] +1 [01:44] [telegram] *yawns* [01:56] [matrix] o/ [01:56] @teward001: How's it going? [01:56] [telegram] bluh [01:57] * arraybolt3 casts teward001's covid into a black hole and then decays it to oblivion [01:57] [telegram] nah i'm just tired [01:57] [telegram] want sleep [01:57] [telegram] cant get sleep [01:57] [telegram] hisss [01:58] Ugh. I've had that. Chamomile tea is supposed to help, though I think you're the guy who said that you hated tea, so... [03:01] [telegram] meh the issue is i was not at home so if i slept i'd be spending the night at mom and dad's. [03:01] [telegram] so. now i am home so. *curls up in bed* [03:01] [matrix] 👍️ [05:03] [matrix] XScreenSaver fix just migrated through \o/ [05:58] \o/ [07:02] Glad that we have pipewire-alsa deployed - I'm having some serious audio troubles over on my end with Chrome, VirtualBox, and Thunderbird apparently interacting poorly with each other (at least that's the best I can figure). Hopefully the fix will be deployed soon. [07:02] Er, will automatically install soon. [19:19] [telegram] 2 installs today's ISO xscreensaver looks good.. (re @lubuntu_bot: (matrix) XScreenSaver fix just migrated through \o/) [19:41] Woot! [19:45] Just rebooted after an update installed pipewire-alsa, now Thunderbird and Chrome can play audio at the same time.