[06:40] [telegram] technically speaking neither am I. Are you attempting to fix something that doesn't currently happen? (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) (Not to merge, but to back up the symbols file - ChangZhuo apparently isn't convinced by my logic there)) [06:41] [telegram] if so then its a wishlist level item and I dont think you need to waste your time there UNLESS its necessary by something else [06:41] [telegram] not that I have a say in Debian :P [06:45] [telegram] re: liblxqt is not necessarily only going to be used by packages in upstream LXQt -- show a *need* for this currently and then there will be no argument. Unless this is needed debian policy recommendations usually trump this [06:47] [telegram] Lubuntu support group still exists? [06:48] [telegram] yes it does but its not this channel [06:48] [telegram] Yes I am clicking the link from Lubuntu site and is not opening [06:49] [telegram] could be a temporary transient error. [06:49] [telegram] though I think the lubuntu.me site might be taking a vacation. *stabs it* [06:50] [telegram] thats less of an issue of the telegram channel not existing and more an lubuntu.me site specific issue [06:51] [telegram] Also I am searching of telegram for Lubuntu support and doesn't showing anything [06:52] [telegram] yeah it might not show up on standard search [06:52] [telegram] oic hmm [06:52] [telegram] hang on [06:52] [telegram] The same for off topic [06:53] [telegram] as i said [06:53] [telegram] "hang on" [06:53] [telegram] Bit the development and the announcements is working [06:53] [telegram] and stop typing - i see the issue [07:11] [telegram] Thanos refresh your page, most of the links should work again [07:11] [telegram] well, at least the English ones [07:11] [telegram] i've prodded the links now to use different ones which i know should work [07:13] [telegram] Yes Thomas !!! 🙂🙂 [07:14] [telegram] updates *are* in progress on the main site though [07:14] [telegram] so patience while we do updates there too === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc