[00:24] HelloI was updating snap packages and this error popped up along the line, what went wrong? : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/30dfe6f9/file_62667.jpg [00:25] HelloI was updating snap packages and this error popped up along the line. What went wrong? : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/9cf103e4/file_62668.jpg [02:11] arraybolt3: Happy new year Aaron! [08:48] Hi === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [10:53] hello? [10:54] hello [10:55] is anyone there [11:30] https://9to5linux.com/ubuntu-users-get-massive-kernel-security-updates-more-than-20-vulnerabilities-patched === wodencafe is now known as wodenmountain [13:29] It could be that the OS is not able to unlock the /home/ directory if you have cryptographed it. I had a similar issue with older versions, church check your logs. You can do that booting into emergency/recovery. I don't remember which logs you have to check, though. (re @IrcsomeBot: greetings, I have not been able to find a solution for why my password does not work on lock screen. I'm running kubuntu 22.10 but this starting happ [13:57] Hi all === wodenmountain is now known as wodencafe [18:31] Hi All, Unable to install chrome using it's Deb pkg kubuntu 22.04 [18:32] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/8e42fb4f/file_62690.jpg [18:32] Tried all dpkg related commands but still same error [18:34] Can anyone pls help [18:34] missing packages, run proper updates first? sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade [18:34] Done already, [18:35] dpkg -i [18:35] Yes correct that's the command I gave for install [18:36] maybe the file is corrupt, download again? [18:37] Did that. [18:39] can you pasetbin the full output when you try? a jpg is so poor, lack information [18:48] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/28d8c607/file_62691.jpg [18:48] This is the full output [18:50] Warning msgs are for pkgs which I Uninstalled otherwise the the error is same for all ^k string pkgs [18:54] i stop reading jpg [18:54] !paste [18:54] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [18:56] Allright [18:57] include a full upgrade command too, please [20:46] alguem sabe como instalar drivers nvidia no novo kubuntu? [21:12] It's been a while since I've used kubuntu. Is there any seamless way to system wide disable for all users (or even remove) baloo because I've never liked it and there is general consensus it sucks and better alternatives exist. [21:27] I notice that the default settings for baloo is to only index the file name. Does that mean baloo won't go crazy searching the contents of files by default? Because my understanding is that if you have large zip or tar or whatever files like that, baloo will chew up your resources going through all that unless you tell it not to do that. [21:44] one could give baloo more diskspace to index, and be patient for it to index, or disable ; sudo balooctl disable https://askubuntu.com/a/1243231 [23:57] /names@IrcsomeBot