
dot-tobiasHi everyone.08:30
=== dot-tobias is now known as dot-tobias[away]
=== dot-tobias[away] is now known as dot-tobias
=== dot-tobias is now known as dot-tobias[away]
=== dot-tobias[away] is now known as dot-tobias
=== dot-tobias is now known as dot-tobias[away]
=== dot-tobias[away] is now known as dot-tobias
=== dot-tobias is now known as dot-tobias[away]
=== dot-tobias[away] is now known as dot-tobias
mupPR snapd#12474 opened: snap: provide more error context in `NotSnapError` <Squash-merge> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/12474>14:43
mupPR snapd#12475 opened: many: fix formatting for go1.19 <Skip spread> <Needs Documentation -auto-> <Created by MiguelPires> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/12475>15:33
mupPR snapd#12476 opened: tests: cleanup the nested tests environment to avoid dirty tests directories <Run Nested -auto-> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/12476>16:33
mupPR snapcraft#4011 opened: requirements: update dependencies <Created by tigarmo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/4011>17:35
mupPR snapcraft#4012 opened: linters: migrate to ruff <Created by tigarmo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/4012>18:25
mupPR snapcraft#4013 opened: tests: update ruby bundle v1 spread test <Created by mr-cal> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/4013>20:35

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