[20:05] OvenWerks: Are you on 22.10 or 22.04 most of the time? [20:16] Meh, nevermind, building for all. ppa:ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-installer for the rewrite. [20:17] arraybolt3: If you want something fun to test ^ [20:17] (complete rewrite of ubuntustudio-installer) [20:17] Sounds fun! I'll do that next. [20:17] It's still building and will need to publish, so not quite ready yet. [20:18] Lubuntu Studio 22.04 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 [20:18] Nvm, awaiting publishing. Available for Lunar, Kinetic, and Jammy. [20:18] Rather, will be available. [20:58] Looks like the Kinetic package finished. Testing it now. [21:19] arraybolt3: How's it looking? [21:26] Imagine -installer breaking arraybolt3 's machine. [22:00] Eickmeyer: Going well kinda. [22:00] Running it in a VM. [22:00] I checked a ton of boxes, hit OK, the dialog vanished... and is still gone. [22:00] Oh wait here it is. [22:00] OK, so it takes a bit for each new dialog to appear. [22:00] Yeah, especially if it has a ton of info to process. [22:00] (Had to go afk for a while, back now.) [22:01] "Imagine -installer breaking..." <- lol I think at this point even if it broke my primary rig, we'd probably be OK. [22:02] (One thing I really like about Linuxf, breaking the guts of your system isn't an "oh no the world has ended" event anymore, it's an "Aw, man, gotta repair it. Worst case scenario I can reinstall.") [22:02] s/Linuxf/Linux/ [22:02] Yeah, it's definitely a NBD moment anymore. [22:03] (Technically Windows can be treated the same way, but I have a suspicion it's probably way harder to "just fix" than Linux, mostly because of how much trouble it's given me back when I used it.) [22:04] And don't even get me started about licensing and actually getting a legal Windows disc. [22:04] Eickmeyer: What does "ubuntustudio-menu" do? I didn't check it or kubuntu-backports since I was on Lubuntu, but I'm wondering if I should have checked the latter. [22:05] It adds the custom menus (Audio Production, Graphic Design, Video Production) and their submenus. [22:05] If you're on Lubuntu, you don't really need kubuntu-backports. [22:05] Oh fancy! So I should have checked it XD [22:06] Er, right... I meant "should have checked the former". [22:06] Yeah, totally. [22:06] s/latter/former/ [22:06] I'll just check it too when I'm done. [22:07] It'll take you back to the main dialog when all the install is done. [22:07] It's a loop until you hit close. [22:07] Oh nice! [22:09] * arraybolt3[m] eats homade cake while waiting for the download [22:10] * arraybolt3[m] * eats homemade cake while waiting for the download [22:10] Sounds like the thing to do. [22:22] Eickmeyer: OK I hit a slight bug, the second time trying to install stuff (when installing ubuntustudio-menu), it added the ubuntustudio-backports PPA a second time (or at least claimed to), then said "The following PPAs will be purged from your system" and displayed a blank list. [22:22] (I skipped by it too fast, otherwise I'd have screenshots.) [22:22] arraybolt3: Ok, I'll have to play around with that. [22:22] The logic in the PPA handling has been a pain in my side. [22:23] Rebooting the VM. [22:23] It should skip if there are no changes, but... oh well. [22:24] Also it looks like it didn't install the latest versions of everything? [22:25] Fighting with a screenshot... [22:25] Where... did it put it?! [22:25] Hold on, Unity is giving me grief... [22:25] Well, whatever is in the repos + whatever is in the backports PPA. [22:26] * arraybolt3[m] uploaded an image: (558KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/lubuntu.me/VphaiekOTkJPaymcgEgVkjUS/image.png > [22:26] Might not be latest. [22:26] This is what I get right after rebooting. [22:26] So it looks like it installed older packages and now is upgrading them? [22:26] Well, avldrums literally just got copied over from backports-staging, so that checks out. 😂 [22:26] Ah. [22:27] So I just have really good timing :P [22:27] As far as papirus-icons, idk. But that can happen. [22:28] Alright, lowlatency kernel is installed, looks like tons of Studio apps are installed, I think it worked! [22:29] Sweet. And you found a bug, so that makes me happy. [22:29] Eickmeyer: Hmm, Freeshow isn't installed though. [22:29] Does Snap handling need added by any chance? [22:30] Snap handling is tricky as it can't be part of a metapackage. [22:31] Makes sense. Can't a "metapackage" be emulated in Python, though? Just have it install the apt package and then do "sudo snap install " for all the Snaps? [22:31] Or have a separate checkbox for Snaps? [22:31] * arraybolt3[m] hopes I'm not suggesting things that would entirely overhaul the whole architecture of the system [22:32] Well, believe it or not, this is written in bash, not python. The handler for the PPA was tricky enough. [22:32] Each snap would require its own handler. [22:32] Wow. I see what you're saying. [22:33] Maybe I can hack on the code and try to add it at some point? If you don't mind pull requests. [22:33] It seems like Bash would make it easier in some ways and way harder in others. [22:33] I mean, I don't mind, but I don't feel like it's quite ready for contribution yet since it's got that glaring PPA bug. [22:33] Makes sense. [22:33] (Ardour launches \o/) [22:34] Well, bash is all I know how to write from the start. It could eventually be ported to Python, I suppose. [22:34] (Uh... avplayer segfaults every time I try to launch it, I think.) [22:35] Yeah, that's because avplayer is from digikam which is still a git snapshot in kinetic. I have an SRU opened to get it up to 8.0 beta. [22:35] That's probably outside the scope of the current project, but just fyi. [22:36] Right. Also, this is forked/conjoined with edubuntu-installer, which is currently awaiting AA approval. [22:38] Woot! [23:18] arraybolt3: Found the problem. A case of backwards and unfinished logic. [23:32] * arraybolt3[m] ❤️ coding errors like that, or at least I seem to given how often I make them