[15:51] hello, I am trying to install the package PageEdit on Ubuntu Mate 20.04, but it's not in my repositories why? [15:52] accordint to https://www.faqforge.com/linux/how-to-install-pageedit-xhtml-editor-on-ubuntu/ it should be available, simply typing sudo apt install pageedit [16:53] is anyone aware of a public statement that Ubuntu MATE LTS releases are moving to a 5 year support lifecycle? I saw a 2025 EOL for 20.04 noted on the English language Wikipedia, but there's no reference there to back it up (so I added a 'citation missing' there for now). [16:56] Seems unlikely that Ubuntu MATE would change it's lifecycle to be different from Ubuntu's. [17:00] well ubuntu's is 5 years for LTS. i think most flavors have 3 years for LTS [17:00] It's 4. [17:00] Holy shit. I'm wrong. [17:00] It's been 5 all this time? [17:00] Huh. [17:03] superkuh: 3y for 18.04 LTS https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/ubuntu-mate-18-04-lts-reaches-end-of-life/23966 [17:03] With the 4 year cycles between lts's I always thought it was 4. [17:04] Although I still use an Ubuntu 14.04 with MATE desktop machine under Canonical's ESM program today. Nice that ESM support/bug fixes extend so long. [17:05] it's been 5y (free, public support) for Ubuntu LTS releases for as long as i can think, 4y to cover the time until the next LTS, then another year to have time to migrate. [17:05] 14.04 ESM covers select packages, probably not those used by the MATE desktop [17:06] Yes. [17:06] I always recall it as 1 year less but maybe that changed over the years. [17:06] But it's not like MATE has changed a lot in the last decade. [17:08] so, unless we learn differently, i'd expect Ubuntu MATE to stick to the 3y LTS lifecycle. [17:12] s/until the next LTS/until the next but one LTS/