
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
vpa1977Hi, would it be possible to review https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-testtools/+bug/2002923 - this package merge is required for setuptools, python3-defaults, python-pbr and sphinx packages migration. Thank you !!!!!00:51
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2002923 in python-testtools (Ubuntu) "Please merge 2.5.0-4 into lunar" [Undecided, In Progress]00:51
LocutusOfBorgmwhudson, according to the work we did with debian maintainer and ubuntu developers, I plan to see 1.21.18 migrate if no mayor issues are found (e.g. the lto issue I had to quickly fix908:25
ginggsvpa1977: replied08:26
nteodosioCan I have these autopkgtests triggered please?11:35
seb128nteodosio, hey, triggered!12:15
nteodosioThx Seb!12:17
ogayotHello, may I also request some retriggers for samba & sssd please? Both packages were blocking talloc and have been rebuilt against python3.11. Thanks!14:08
ogayot./retry-autopkgtest-regressions --series lunar | grep -F package=samba14:08
ogayot./retry-autopkgtest-regressions --series lunar | grep -F package=sssd14:08
schopinogayot: on it14:27
schopinogayot: I'm seeing failures related to sambamba and shunit in the list, I'm assuming they're unrelated?14:30
nteodosioCan I have these autopkgtests retriggered please?15:00
ogayotschopin: oh, right, I should have done a more restrictive filter. Thanks!15:02
=== sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie
ginggsnteodosio: .16:32
ginggscoreycb: senlin is historically very flaky on s390x, would you take a look please?16:34
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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