[05:28] xnox, running the unit tests requires setting up the Launchpad dev environment - see https://launchpad.readthedocs.io/en/latest/how-to/running.html. You will have to do everything till the 'Running' section on that page. Then you can refer https://dev.launchpad.net/Testing for the instructions on running the whole test suite or a subset of tests. [07:14] We run the full test suite on external CI after every merge before the change is added to our stable branches. [07:15] The full test suite takes a few hours to run on my laptop. It might run quicker on better hardware and it runs in ~1 hour on buildbot, which is where we run the post-merge checks. [08:09] xnox: running a single test goes like this: [08:09] bin/with-xvfb bin/test -vvct [09:45] excellent thank you both. [09:46] maybe a link to dev.launchpad.net/Testing from the readthedocs would be nice. Where abouts is the sourcecode for launchpad readthedocs site? [09:57] xnox: it is inside the Launchpad code base.. and we are in midst of moving the documentation, though it will take some time. Thanks for considering to contributing. [09:58] https://git.launchpad.net/launchpad/tree/doc [10:37] tah