[08:06] Moanin' [13:09] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/ubuntu-frame]** AlanGriffiths drafted [pull request #122](https://github.com/MirServer/ubuntu-frame/pull/122): Automate reloading display configuration... (full message at ) [16:33] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/ubuntu-frame]** Saviq assigned to [pull request #122](https://github.com/MirServer/ubuntu-frame/pull/122): Automate reloading display configuration [16:33] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/mir]** Saviq assigned to [pull request #2809](https://github.com/MirServer/mir/pull/2809): Add wl_output version 4 [16:42] alan_g one last thing, we're so quiet about which file we're loading the display config from, how about a debug log for where we're looking for it, where we've found one? [16:43] OK, coming up [16:49] alan_g also, gensymbols unhappy [17:07] That looks unrelated [17:09] Don't see how… it consistently spewed this on all sbuilds [17:11] Just to confirm I kicked a rebuild of main here: https://github.com/MirServer/mir/actions/runs/3995157139/jobs/6882225542 [17:14] Not saying it isn't an error. But mislaying a symbol for an inlined destructor... [17:32] ...https://github.com/MirServer/mir/pull/2798/commits/47c47c90bc305131199edbb711336b7546c50b8e [17:47] Will look it first thing. Good night o/