[02:20] good morning [06:31] Good afternoon lotuspsychj3! How is your day so far [07:28] hey. === Cornich0n_ is now known as Cornich0n === Cornich0n_ is now known as Cornich0n [13:10] hi [13:11] i wonder if there is still dvd/bluray readers on current gen laptops. [13:12] i think they are all gone? maybe still on gamers laptop? [13:12] nah no optical drives typically these days [13:12] i thought it was #hardware nm. [13:18] ok, yeah the 2 ones i checked did not. [13:19] so all games are dematerialized nowdays, they will stop manufacturing and selling PC games blurays and DVDs. [13:45] let's say we've seen the birth of 1.4M floppy disks and we might as well see the death of the 80 GB blurays, lol. [13:48] where once games on disc for games consoles helped avoid the problem of slow connections, in many cases they serve as only a license now... and what might be on disc is already replaced by a patched game that must be downloaded online [13:55] yeah, it's often the case, and the added DLC [13:57] i still have a bluray drive myself in my desktop but i like ripping my films onto network storage for discless playback [15:25] arraybolt3 : is ubuntu license = gnu gpl ? [15:27] matt3: https://ubuntu.com/legal/intellectual-property-policy [15:28] im sure matt3 already discussed that 50 times, should probably know the answer by now [15:29] i feel like feeding the troll a little today sorry :P [15:30] haha [17:28] https://pod.haxxors.com/posts/1131210 in case anyone else finds this useful :) [17:29] (adjusting your monitor settings from Ubuntu instead of the OSD) [17:52] * arraybolt3 only just now learned that was even possible [17:53] same here :D [20:01] hell yeah, I've been looking for something like this [20:01] ravage: thanks [21:52] awesome ravage - that is pretty cool === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc