[01:45] Phew, just published post event report for UbuCon Asia 2022. I would like to thank the community team (especially Fallen @fallen:kewis.ch: ilvipero: ) and all other folks who supported the event for a lot of help with organizing:) [01:45] https://2022.ubucon.asia/news/2023-02-04-post-event-report/ [05:59] Report looks good youngbin_, thank you for all your hard work too. [07:58] https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/events/ [08:02] aaronprisk[m]: thank you so much to fix this https://ubuntu.com/support/community-support mate ! this will surely make a big difference [08:12] added a new comment on my wishlist [08:12] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yelp/+bug/1988847 [08:28] ill set fix released, as this pretty much what i wanted [08:28] tnx to all your efforts [18:50] You're very welcome! Glad we could get those changes made. Hopefully that gets more people to join into the IRC. [18:56] aaronprisk[m]: im sure it will, yelp is on -desktop on the dock by default and prob some other flavours too, so they can all click to the community faster on livesessions or physical installs [18:57] im actualy also interested to findout where https://ubuntu.com/support/community-support showsup on all other ubuntu flavours