[03:51] good morning to all [04:03] Hey [04:03] morning kovital === leamas1 is now known as leamas === JanC_ is now known as JanC === EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^ [17:53] This is a gripe about user computing in general but maybe Ubuntu could do something about it. Point "PT" is a terrible way to size fonts for display screens. Why can't we size fonts relative to screen size and density? [18:44] but there is scaling % [22:29] zenadm1n: when your display is properly configured, "pt" does take screen size & density into account... [22:32] the problem is probably that many applications & toolkits don't do things correctly, so operating systems have to cheat to make things work for those & while trying not to break things for others too much [22:37] so it's a really complicated issue :-/ [22:38] one other issue is that you'd also have to take viewing distance into account to set a proper default for a particular device [23:23] ubuntu mate or xubuntu [23:24] that's for you to decide [23:26] IF you want my personal opinion, I'd go Xubuntu - I've used MATE before and Xubuntu's UI is a bit nicer and somewhat more intuitive for me. [23:55] I'm too late for the mate vs xfce question; but why limit yourself to just one? I'm a fan of BLOATed boxes, thus decide when I login which I'll use today in a session (not a great idea for newbies though; can complicate things..)