[08:19] goood morning desktopers [09:58] seb128, good morning :) [09:58] ricotz, hey, how are you doing? [09:59] seb128, feeling good, thanks [09:59] how are you? [09:59] ricotz, I'm alright thanks! [09:59] seb128, while you are familiar with fonfconfig, could you pick up fontconfig 2.14.1-4? [10:11] ricotz, ack [11:01] security.ubuntu.com is slow? [11:01] barely 100-200kB/s at most, from Orange (FR) [11:02] "ricotz, ack" <- Thanks [11:02] lissyx, yes, infra issue not specific to security IS is aware and they are working on it [11:03] ok, good [11:03] ricotz[m], just curious but do we need that change to resolve $things? [11:03] not touching my laptop in days, I was doing a bit of upgrades :) [11:03] lissyx, for non security, try using a mirror ... seems they are still responding in a proper manner [11:04] (archive.u.c itself is also slow) [11:04] it's no big deal [11:04] it's not like I was going to work [11:04] I was just curious [11:17] seb128, yes, libreoffice currently carries a patch to workaround that [11:22] seb128, I dont think we'll have a meeting this week either [12:04] lissyx, ack [13:49] Hello desktop team! Since I'm looking through issues marked for jammy still, I found this old thing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1967632 [13:49] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Launchpad bug 1967632 in firefox (Ubuntu) "[snap] apparmor denied when trying to load pkcs11 module for smart card authentication" [High, Triaged] [13:49] Does anyone know what's the progress here? [13:54] sil2100, looks like a duplicate of 1843392? I was just starting having a look at it. [13:54] bug 1843392 [13:54] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Bug 1843392 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "[snap] smart card reader no longer works" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1843392 [13:54] nteodosio: thanks! It was mentioned in our 22.04 release notes, so I was just wondering how things are moving forward with it [16:15] gnote signed tags 8dd274f Jeremy Bicha upstream/43.1 * Upstream version 43.1 * https://deb.li/3Gj0x [16:16] gnote pristine-tar 670d059 Jeremy Bicha gnote_43.1.orig.tar.xz.delta gnote_43.1.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnote_43.1.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/Hfsj [19:11] RikMills: Sorry about that kubuntu-settings upload. I thought it was best to not let the branches diverge. [20:37] GunnarHj: np. usually our _staging branch is WIP stuff, to be merged into the _archive branch when ready to upload. in fact the kubuntu tooling won't make an upload unless we are working from the _archive branch [20:38] i.e. we have gbp-archive that checks [20:39] that staging branch was WIP and had not decide whether to carry on with it or nuke it [20:42] RikMills: I think I understand.. Will (try to) keep my hands off going forward. ;) But the conflict issue was somewhat urgent. [20:51] GunnarHj: yeah, I understood that. I looked to go fix, but was too slow [20:52] *late [20:56] RikMills: And I missed the need for breaks/replaces in fontconfig. But that has been fixed now. [21:27] RikMills, please see fix in fontconfig 2.14.1-4 in debian [21:32] ricotz: the LP bugs says that fix won't work for us [21:32] anyway, this side should be good now I think.... [21:34] ah, already uploaded, hmm :\ [21:35] RikMills, I see === dupondje1 is now known as dupondje