[21:19] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ubuntu-mirror.magnetic-it.com-archive [21:19] this is broken since a few months it seems [21:22] Znevna: hello ! broken how ? [21:23] the TLS cert ? [21:23] it's pretty strange, Firefox is happy with the cert but curl isn't [21:23] not the cert [21:24] the /ubuntu opens another /ubuntu and so on [21:24] :P [21:26] Znevna: that's not unusual, the main archive servers do the same [21:26] ah ok [21:27] but those files 'Archive-Update-in-Progress' are months old [21:27] normal too? [21:27] Znevna: yeah, this hints at a bad sync'ing process [21:27] but shouldn't break things [21:35] ah so it's the cert [21:35] hm === lesbraz is now known as sbraz