[08:49] * jlj waves at davef [22:18] happy Monday eve! [22:47] o/ [22:48] cor, the non-tech pair i had to talk through changing their company laptop firmware passwords due to the Dell updater not accepting the symbol i used did well today [22:48] all updated ahead of Wednesday's audit [22:49] and i did a 3 hour stint putting new kit into an opticians after closing to enable their remote access plans \o/ [22:49] treating myself to a restaurant meal with Guinness after :D [22:51] had 1st over the phone tech support call in yonks. dentist with screen problem. was fun on dumb phone trying to see if i could view sms pic while still on a call and then talking him through rotating the screen back to normal orientation [22:51] xD [22:51] oh the old classic intel integrated rotate key combo was accidentally hit? [22:52] i used to troll my students using that one [22:52] er i mean... educate [23:20] yeah, of course when he went to display setting he clicked on every option but the one i told him [23:20] xD [23:20] got there in the end [23:21] "wait, don't go - it's still upside down!" [23:21] "that's what you get"