
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gallery-dl (focal-backports/universe) [1.24.4-1~bpo20.04.1 => 1.24.5-1~bpo20.04.1] (no packageset)00:06
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: yt-dlp (jammy-backports/universe) [2023.01.06-1~bpo22.04.1 => 2023.02.17-1~bpo22.04.1] (no packageset)00:09
bdmurrayguiverc: the email is out00:17
guivercthanks bdmurray ; I just noted secs before, but i do appreciate the ping ! so Thank You !00:17
kc2bezThanks to the release team!01:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: rustc [riscv64] (lunar-proposed/main) [1.67.1+dfsg0ubuntu1-0ubuntu2] (i386-whitelist)01:55
ricotzdoko, hi, python3.10-minimal 3.10.10-1 fails to configure07:44
didrockshey, it’s been too long I had some issues with britney. adsys (in main) has a dep on sssd | krb5-user. First one is in main, not the second. Why then it’s blocked as the first alternative should fullfil it, no?08:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libcupsfilters [amd64] (lunar-proposed/universe) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu5] (no packageset)08:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libcupsfilters [s390x] (lunar-proposed/universe) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu5] (no packageset)08:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libcupsfilters [arm64] (lunar-proposed/universe) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu5] (no packageset)08:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libcupsfilters [ppc64el] (lunar-proposed/universe) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu5] (no packageset)08:25
arraybolt3didrocks: I would assume because if a user swaps out krb5-user it will break things (assuming that krb5-user is regressing it). The ProposedMigration Wiki page states "All of its (the package's) dependencies must either be satisfiable by packages already in the release pocket, or be satisfiable by the group of packages which are going to be installed at the same time". Which implies that08:26
arraybolt3all of the *needed* dependencies being satisfied isn't sufficient - it has to be *all* the dependencies.08:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libcupsfilters [armhf] (lunar-proposed/universe) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu5] (no packageset)08:26
didrocksarraybolt3: the issue might be linker related, it seems that it linked directly against it for some reason, I will investigate, thanks!08:28
arraybolt3AFAIK, Britney doesn't discriminate between the various repos in Ubuntu. I don't believe it cares about what is in Main and what is in Universe and stuff like that.08:28
LocutusOfBorgxnox, why shouldn't I just take the Ubuntu dkms delta and upload to Debian?08:28
arraybolt3didrocks: Glad I was able to help!08:28
LocutusOfBorgand not forward upstream=08:28
LocutusOfBorgdeal.ii failed again with no logs... cjwatson some tail -f please?08:29
arraybolt3didrocks: Interesting, it appears I may have been wrong about Britney not discriminating between repos. Now that I'm actually looking at the output, it looks like it really hates that there's a universe dependency in there. I searched the entire ProposedMigration page for "Main", "Universe", "Restricted", and "Multiverse", so I though I was right.08:37
arraybolt3In that instance I guess I don't know why it wouldn't be let through.08:38
didrocksarraybolt3: I find it, actually, some linkage added the direct dep08:43
didrocksso eliminating the alternative08:43
arraybolt3Well, hey, at least part of what I said was good for something!08:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libcupsfilters [riscv64] (lunar-proposed/universe) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu5] (no packageset)08:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: 27 entries have been added, updated or disabled09:03
LocutusOfBorgvorlon, hello, do you think a merge of google-perftools can heal i386 builds?09:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [arm64] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu1]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [s390x] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu1]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [arm64] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu2]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [s390x] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu2]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [arm64] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu3]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [ppc64el] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu3]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [amd64] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu4]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [armhf] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu4]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [s390x] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu4]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [arm64] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu5]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [ppc64el] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu1]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [ppc64el] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu2]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [armhf] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu3]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [arm64] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu4]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [amd64] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu5]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [ppc64el] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu5]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [s390x] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu5]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [amd64] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu2]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [s390x] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu3]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [armhf] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu5]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [amd64] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu3]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [riscv64] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu5]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [ppc64el] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu4]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libcupsfilters [amd64] (lunar-proposed) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu1]09:47
dokoricotz[m]: why do you need 3.10?09:51
LocutusOfBorgautopkgtest for boost1.81/blacklisted: arm64: Regression ♻10:00
LocutusOfBorgwhat is the point of having icu not migrate due to a blacklisted regressed test that won't be ever run?10:01
LocutusOfBorgI remember this question was already asked but I forgot the answer...10:01
LocutusOfBorgand I can't see on hints-ubuntu git repo the actual hint...10:03
LocutusOfBorg(same for dgit and ros-ros-comm)10:04
zhsjLocutusOfBorg: migration-reference/0 has been run, so probably it will sort out itself.10:06
* LocutusOfBorg fingers crossed10:14
ricotz[m]<doko> "ricotz: why do you need 3.10?" <- It is still installed, so just saying it miscompiled again10:54
dokoapt remove is your friend11:18
ricotzdoko, I guess even the iso still includes python3.1011:28
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  you can upload anything you want to debian; but please do not forcesync dkms package to Ubuntu. we were unable to migrate kernels for months now, in part due to massive amounts of tests that dkms triggers; regressions that it introduced; behaviour change that is unsuitable for Ubuntu; and a bug in migration that caused dkms to migrate with a regression.12:52
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  note, that in Debian, kernels do not vendor in dkms modules that are available in the archive, like Ubuntu kernels do. thus there needs to be a policy/social decision if what new dkms upstream does makes sense or not.12:53
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  DO NOT FORCESYNC dkms even if you upload the delta to Debian, as that will again invalidate the expensive ongoing testing, further delaying work of my team in Ubuntu.12:53
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  at the moment the highest priority is to maintain status quo w.r.t. `apt install zfs-dkms` and get linux kernels migrated, without any new churn of the dkms package.12:54
LocutusOfBorgxnox, any idea w.r.t. xtrx-dkms/lunar/ppc64el?13:16
LocutusOfBorgwell, forcesync is the way, doing13:16
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  i'm sorry i don't understand "well, forcesync is the way, doing" => please do not make any dkms uploads into Ubuntu right now.....13:33
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  xtrx-dkms that last build is not compatible with v6.1 in luna-release, but i see an upload in lunar-proposed that claims to fix that https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xtrx-dkms/0.0.1+git20190320.5ae3a3e-3.213:35
LocutusOfBorg<xnox> LocutusOfBorg:  xtrx-dkms that last build is not compatible with v6.1 in luna-release, but i see an upload in lunar-proposed that claims to fix that https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xtrx-dkms/0.0.1+git20190320.5ae3a3e-3.213:47
LocutusOfBorg^^ that was the forcesync I mentioned13:47
xnoxah, ok13:58
xnox$foo-dkms forcesyncs are fine =) ^dkms$ is the problematic one13:58
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: lxc (bionic-proposed/main) [3.0.3-0ubuntu1~18.04.1 => 3.0.3-0ubuntu1~18.04.2] (ubuntu-server)13:58
xnoxstgraber:  turns out our kernel testing team has been hand hinting by-hand every run of lxc tests on every hwe kernel upload into bionic since forever, by manually reading logs to ensure only the one subtest fails..... ^13:59
xnoxit would be nice if you could review that sru.13:59
LocutusOfBorgxnox, the idea of the forcesync of xtrx-dkms was to speedup dkms migration :)14:24
=== chris15 is now known as chris14
ricotzLocutusOfBorg, hi, why is boost1.81/arm64 denylisted for autopkgtests? it seems to be last bit blocking icu?16:09
juliankricotz: it has too many tests, and instance creation inevitably fails at some point (each test creates new instance), causing the test to temporary fail and be retried ad infinitum16:14
ricotzjuliank, ok, what is the conclusion here? https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#icu16:15
juliankricotz: I think IS turned off the broken cloud host for new instances, so maybe bdmurray is happier now16:15
juliankricotz: jawn-smith is working on manually testing boost and then it should be skiptested16:15
ricotzah, great :)16:15
luna_anyone knows the irc channel for Ubuntu on Air?16:27
luna_found it #ubuntu-on-air there is soon a stream about the new minor LTS version updates16:33
vorlonutkarsh2102, seb128, sil2100, teward, kanashiro[m]: could one of you please accept the invitation for ~ubuntu-core-dev to join https://launchpad.net/~unity7maintainers/ ?16:36
vorlonor rbasak or bdmurray16:36
kanashiro[m]vorlon: it was apparently done by someone else16:42
vorlonkanashiro[m]: ah - only just, it was 'pending' when I asked :) anyway, thanks to whoever16:49
luna_Delayed until 5th March lets watch Mountainbytes demoparty then17:09
LocutusOfBorgvorlon, autopkgtest for rapiddisk/8.2.0-2ubuntu2: amd64: No test results, arm64: No test results, armhf: Pass, i386: Regression ♻ , ppc64el: No test results, s390x: No test results17:37
LocutusOfBorghint please on i386?17:37
LocutusOfBorgusual kernel nbs on i38617:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New source: rust-bindgen-0.56 (lunar-proposed/primary) [0.56.0-0ubuntu1]17:45
=== Eickmeyer is now known as NoLongerEickmeye
=== NoLongerEickmeye is now known as NotEickmeyer
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: so shouldn't this clear with a baseline retest instead of a manual hint?18:14
vorlonSetting up node-qs (6.11.0+ds+~6.9.7-3) ...18:30
vorlonautopkgtest: WARNING: package node-qs is not installed though it should be18:30
vorlonyou don't say18:30
LocutusOfBorgack vorlon18:39
vorlonsil2100: hmm you didn't take my suggestion in https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/ubuntu-cdimage/+git/ubuntu-cdimage/+merge/437218 to treat the removals of stale flavors as a separate commit :/20:01
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rabbitmq-server (focal-proposed/main) [3.8.2-0ubuntu1.3 => 3.8.2-0ubuntu1.4] (ubuntu-server)20:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fwupd-efi (lunar-proposed/main) [1:1.2-3ubuntu1 => 1:1.4-1] (no packageset)20:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fwupd-efi (lunar-proposed/main) [1:1.4-1 => 1:1.4-1] (no packageset)20:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fwupd-efi (lunar-proposed/main) [1:1.4-1 => 1:1.4-1] (no packageset)20:40
jbichavorlon: could you review mutter from lunar NEW?21:04
vorlonjbicha: is there an FFe for a post-FF soname change?21:58
vorlonjbicha: or I guess you're squeaking under the line of when the email went out vs when the source upload happened ;P21:59
vorlonjbicha: I: mutter-12-tests: hardening-no-fortify-functions [usr/libexec/installed-tests/mutter-12/mutter-screen-cast-client]22:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mutter [amd64] (lunar-proposed) [44~beta-3ubuntu2]22:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mutter [armhf] (lunar-proposed) [44~beta-3ubuntu2]22:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mutter [riscv64] (lunar-proposed) [44~beta-3ubuntu2]22:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mutter [arm64] (lunar-proposed) [44~beta-3ubuntu2]22:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mutter [s390x] (lunar-proposed) [44~beta-3ubuntu2]22:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mutter [ppc64el] (lunar-proposed) [44~beta-3ubuntu2]22:12
jbichawe set hardening=+all in debian/rules 🤷22:13
arraybolt3That kind of thing happens in a lot of Lubuntu packages. When hardening=+all is set and the warning is still generated, we just ignore it.22:24
tsimonq2¯\_(ツ)_/¯ depends on the package22:26
Eickmeyerignore that22:44
arraybolt3[m]Eickmeyer: You may have too many windows opened, since I think you meant that for #ubuntu-studio:matrix.org22:45
arraybolt3nvm, sorry22:48
Eickmeyerarraybolt3: Actually, it was supposed to be an internal IRC client command that went haywire and went everywhere. *facepalm*22:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: libdex (lunar-proposed/primary) [0.1.0-1]23:00
tsimonq2ubuntu-release: Please note me as the development contact for both Lubuntu and Kubuntu, given some recent extenuating circumstances. I'll be happy to elaborate more via email or PM if needed.23:24

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