=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
mapreri | amurray: hey, we bpo team will have a meeting in half an hour. Personally I'd be fine if you could join. (I just replied to your email). | 15:25 |
mapreri | I'm sorry I didn't get back to you much earlier! | 15:25 |
luna | Ubuntu backports meeting today? | 15:36 |
Eickmeyer | luna: Check /topic for your answer. | 15:41 |
luna | well its on the calendar for in 18 minutes | 15:42 |
Eickmeyer | luna: Then there's your answer. | 15:43 |
ddstreet | o/ | 15:59 |
luna | \o | 16:00 |
ddstreet | btw i'm kinda sick today, so i may go slower than usual this mtg | 16:00 |
mapreri | hello everybody! | 16:00 |
luna | also sick :( | 16:00 |
luna | hi | 16:00 |
ddstreet | shall we wait for teward and (maybe?) amurray | 16:01 |
ddstreet | i need a coffee refill anyway, brb | 16:01 |
ddstreet | ok back | 16:03 |
ddstreet | i guess no teward yet? | 16:03 |
mapreri | so it seems | 16:03 |
ddstreet | well let's get started | 16:04 |
ddstreet | #startmeeting Ubuntu Backporters Team | 16:04 |
meetingology | Meeting started at 16:04:15 UTC. The chair is ddstreet. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 16:04 |
meetingology | Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick | 16:04 |
ddstreet | I'll go thru the previous action items, but I've been busy and sick the last 2 weeks so I haven't got anything done | 16:04 |
ddstreet | #topic previous action items | 16:04 |
ddstreet | #subtopic ddstreet update tooling, requestbackport, backportpackage (carried over) | 16:05 |
mapreri | I also had some troubles in the past month :( | 16:05 |
ddstreet | #action ddstreet update tooling, requestbackport, backportpackage (carried over) | 16:05 |
meetingology | ACTION: ddstreet update tooling, requestbackport, backportpackage (carried over) | 16:05 |
mapreri | hold on | 16:05 |
ddstreet | ok | 16:05 |
ddstreet | ah sorry that did see some work didn't it | 16:05 |
mapreri | I think this is actually done? Probably need a check, and I'm aware of one bug in backportpacakge (uses the wrong -v value for dpkg-gencahgnes) | 16:06 |
ddstreet | #undo | 16:06 |
meetingology | Removing item from minutes: ACTION | 16:06 |
mapreri | my right hand is quicker than my left hand today, looking at those typos :3 | 16:06 |
ddstreet | so we should just add an action for someone to verify that then right? | 16:06 |
mapreri | imho yep | 16:06 |
ddstreet | lol | 16:06 |
teward | i'm here | 16:06 |
mapreri | hey teward ! | 16:06 |
teward | 6 min late but i aws having some issues | 16:06 |
teward | i was* | 16:07 |
teward | (had to reboot router) | 16:07 |
ddstreet | hey! and we were just about to assign it to you since you were gone xD | 16:07 |
teward | assign what lol | 16:07 |
mapreri | ahah | 16:07 |
ddstreet | we think the tooling (backportpackage, etc) has been updated, just need one of us to verify it's good, you want to take that? | 16:07 |
mapreri | [01 05:05:59 PM] <mapreri> […]I'm aware of one bug in backportpacakge (uses the wrong -v value for dpkg-gencahgnes) | 16:08 |
teward | yeah i'll take verification ,just send me the list of what all in the tooling needs verified/tested | 16:08 |
teward | because without the list i'm going to not be 100% accurate | 16:08 |
mapreri | well… | 16:08 |
teward | *is running on 75% mental capacity after migraines all day yesterday* | 16:09 |
luna | can relate to migranes :( | 16:09 |
mapreri | I'd just want to say "make sure there are NO bugs" :P | 16:09 |
teward | ;P | 16:09 |
teward | mapreri: "backportpackage, etc." is vague, do you have the full list of tooling? | 16:10 |
teward | backportpackage and what else? (dead) | 16:10 |
mapreri | backportpackage and requestbackport, are the two tools | 16:10 |
ddstreet | ok so i'll action teward looking at those 2 tools | 16:10 |
teward | check i'll poke it, updated in Lunar you mean or updated elsewhere? just making sure i have the right target versions when i test in containers | 16:10 |
mapreri | yes, lunar | 16:10 |
ddstreet | #action teward make sure there are no bugs in requestbackport and backportpackage tools (in lunar) | 16:11 |
meetingology | ACTION: teward make sure there are no bugs in requestbackport and backportpackage tools (in lunar) | 16:11 |
ddstreet | #subtopic ddstreet get DEB_VENDOR=ubuntu dch --bpo to DTRT pls (carried over) | 16:11 |
ddstreet | anyone else want this one? i will get to it eventually but it's been carried a while | 16:12 |
mapreri | I'll leave it with you :3 | 16:12 |
ddstreet | ok :) | 16:12 |
ddstreet | #action ddstreet get DEB_VENDOR=ubuntu dch --bpo to DTRT pls (carried over) | 16:12 |
meetingology | ACTION: ddstreet get DEB_VENDOR=ubuntu dch --bpo to DTRT pls (carried over) | 16:12 |
ddstreet | #subtopic ddstreet look at reviewer tooling such as 'queue' or other tools for reviewing/accepting/rejecting uploads, and closing the corresponding bugs (carried over) | 16:12 |
ddstreet | #action ddstreet look at reviewer tooling such as 'queue' or other tools for reviewing/accepting/rejecting uploads, and closing the corresponding bugs (carried over) | 16:13 |
meetingology | ACTION: ddstreet look at reviewer tooling such as 'queue' or other tools for reviewing/accepting/rejecting uploads, and closing the corresponding bugs (carried over) | 16:13 |
ddstreet | #subtopic ddstreet update policies wiki page to remove 'draft' header (done) | 16:13 |
ddstreet | done | 16:13 |
ddstreet | #subtopic ddstreet add link to policies wiki page, to main wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports (done) | 16:13 |
ddstreet | also done | 16:13 |
ddstreet | #subtopic ddstreet schedule next mtg 2023-02-15 same time (done) | 16:13 |
ddstreet | done, obviously :) | 16:13 |
ddstreet | #subtopic mapreri upload (more of) all the tools (carried over, in progress) | 16:13 |
mapreri | aye | 16:14 |
ddstreet | this probably will be carried over for a while right? | 16:14 |
mapreri | carried over still | 16:14 |
ddstreet | #action mapreri upload (more of) all the tools (carried over, in progress) | 16:14 |
meetingology | ACTION: mapreri upload (more of) all the tools (carried over, in progress) | 16:14 |
ddstreet | #subtopic mapreri fix lintian to not complain about ~bpo suffix (https://bugs.debian.org/1001399) (carried over) | 16:14 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Debian bug 1001399 in lintian "lintian: adjust backports-upload-has-incorrect-version-number for ubuntu" [Normal, Open] | 16:14 | |
ddstreet | #action mapreri fix lintian to not complain about ~bpo suffix (https://bugs.debian.org/1001399) (carried over) | 16:15 |
meetingology | ACTION: mapreri fix lintian to not complain about ~bpo suffix (https://bugs.debian.org/1001399) (carried over) | 16:15 |
mapreri | right, I need to poke this some more… I wonder if I'll get to dirty my hands and write a patch eventually… | 16:15 |
ddstreet | #subtopic mapreri review wiki page to see how we can highlight that backport requestors need to do the backport work and find a sponsor (carried over) | 16:15 |
mapreri | yeah, haven't done that sorry | 16:16 |
ddstreet | #action mapreri review wiki page to see how we can highlight that backport requestors need to do the backport work and find a sponsor (carried over) | 16:16 |
meetingology | ACTION: mapreri review wiki page to see how we can highlight that backport requestors need to do the backport work and find a sponsor (carried over) | 16:16 |
ddstreet | #subtopic mapreri start thread on ML about how to use bug status to define meaing in process (carried over) | 16:16 |
ddstreet | #action mapreri start thread on ML about how to use bug status to define meaing in process (carried over) | 16:16 |
meetingology | ACTION: mapreri start thread on ML about how to use bug status to define meaing in process (carried over) | 16:16 |
ddstreet | i havent' seen an email so will assume it's carried | 16:16 |
mapreri | I would like to carry this over some more until at least I get back on track with my pile of unread emails | 16:16 |
ddstreet | ack | 16:16 |
ddstreet | #subtopic mapreri to look into backporting dh-python (see unit193 and yt-dlp) | 16:16 |
mapreri | otherwise I'm just going to add water to my own drowning self | 16:16 |
ddstreet | you want to keep this or just let it drop? | 16:17 |
mapreri | pls keep it | 16:17 |
ddstreet | ack | 16:17 |
ddstreet | #action mapreri to look into backporting dh-python (see unit193 and yt-dlp) | 16:17 |
meetingology | ACTION: mapreri to look into backporting dh-python (see unit193 and yt-dlp) | 16:17 |
luna | (carried over) | 16:17 |
ddstreet | ah right, i'll add that to the agenda when i edit it, thanks | 16:17 |
ddstreet | #subtopic mapreri draft response email re: charter to TB | 16:17 |
mapreri | well, the TB was quicker than me, so drop this i guess | 16:17 |
luna | guess TB in this case is not Thunderbird? | 16:18 |
ddstreet | sounds good; if amurray is around, we could discuss it now some | 16:18 |
mapreri | luna: technical board | 16:18 |
luna | ah | 16:18 |
ddstreet | ok that's all the previous items | 16:18 |
ddstreet | #topic open mailing list threads | 16:18 |
ddstreet | #subtopic clarification on specific wording for no-bug-required backport exceptions | 16:19 |
ddstreet | no movement on this one i think | 16:19 |
mapreri | (see above thing about unread mails…) | 16:19 |
ddstreet | yep | 16:19 |
ddstreet | i'll add an action to reply on this thread just to keep it alive | 16:19 |
ddstreet | #action ddstreet reply to no-bug-required backport exception ML thread to keep thread alive | 16:20 |
meetingology | ACTION: ddstreet reply to no-bug-required backport exception ML thread to keep thread alive | 16:20 |
ddstreet | #subtopic TB mailing list charter email | 16:20 |
mapreri | did you have a chance to read my reply from 1h ago? | 16:20 |
ddstreet | so i see amurray and mapreri have followed up on this thread | 16:20 |
ddstreet | yep, i think we are in agreement | 16:21 |
mapreri | I'd like to understand if my opinion is too different from yours | 16:21 |
mapreri | opinion*s* | 16:21 |
ddstreet | for reference: | 16:21 |
ddstreet | #link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2023-March/002713.html | 16:21 |
ddstreet | #link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2023-March/002714.html | 16:22 |
luna | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-backports/2023-March/023027.html | 16:22 |
ddstreet | right thanks, i was linking to TB list | 16:22 |
ddstreet | #link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-backports/2023-March/023027.html | 16:22 |
ddstreet | mapreri I think your summed-up proposal sounds perfect | 16:23 |
ddstreet | teward you have a chance to review the emails? | 16:24 |
mapreri | I'll take that as some praise :3 | 16:24 |
ddstreet | mapreri++ i'd give you karma if we had a karma bot here :) | 16:24 |
teward | ddstreet: as they've come in yes, but i haven't had any objections or complaints so my non-voice on the emails can be treated as acceptance without objection | 16:24 |
mapreri | having ddstreet claim some propositions are "perfect", duh ^^ | 16:24 |
teward | so JGTM | 16:24 |
teward | LGTM* | 16:24 |
teward | ffs keyboard. | 16:24 |
Eickmeyer | !cookie | mapreri | 16:24 |
ubottu | mapreri: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 16:24 |
mapreri | :D | 16:24 |
ddstreet | lol nice | 16:25 |
luna | read the email now and LGTM | 16:25 |
mapreri | ddstreet: technically my irc bouncer then runs pisg on the log, so the ++ does mark it as karma there :P | 16:25 |
ddstreet | so i guess we can wait for amurray response on the ML then and continue the discussion there, if needed | 16:26 |
luna | +1 | 16:26 |
mapreri | I think so, yes. | 16:26 |
mapreri | although | 16:26 |
mapreri | one detail that popped out in my reply, I forgot whether we discussed it already before: do we want to write done a SLA somewhere? | 16:26 |
ddstreet | i think it would definitely be helpful - both to us, as well as uploaders | 16:27 |
ddstreet | should we figure out one now? | 16:27 |
ddstreet | my first though is something like at least 2 weeks, though that (probably) seems long to uploaders | 16:28 |
mapreri | that's going to be awkward right now. please add a note of some kind and let's come back to this later on. especially perhaps after somebody from TB comments on my mail | 16:28 |
ddstreet | personally i only check the upload queue once a week though | 16:28 |
ddstreet | sounds good | 16:28 |
* mapreri mumbles something about Debian's NEW | 16:28 | |
ddstreet | #action (unassigned) consider documenting an SLA for reviewing uploaded backport packages | 16:29 |
meetingology | ACTION: (unassigned) consider documenting an SLA for reviewing uploaded backport packages | 16:29 |
ddstreet | what's debian's new? | 16:29 |
mapreri | the new queue | 16:29 |
luna | ddstreet: newly packages uploaded to ftp.debian i think | 16:29 |
mapreri | where new packages pending ftp-master review stay | 16:29 |
luna | ah | 16:29 |
mapreri | luna: well, you are right :) | 16:29 |
ddstreet | doesn't ubuntu queue have that also? | 16:30 |
mapreri | yes | 16:30 |
mapreri | but Debian's queue doesn't have any expectations | 16:30 |
mapreri | there have been packages pending for more than 1 year sometimes | 16:30 |
ddstreet | oh wow | 16:30 |
mapreri | heh | 16:30 |
mapreri | as a contributor you really need to have faith sometimes | 16:30 |
ddstreet | though i think some of ubuntu's queue still have old-timers in them as well | 16:30 |
ddstreet | yeah, e.g.: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text= | 16:31 |
mapreri | normally those in ubuntu get stuck because of some reason, however, not because "nobody feels like reviewing this [for many many months]" | 16:31 |
ddstreet | poor networking-mlnx, been there for 2.5 years | 16:31 |
ddstreet | true | 16:31 |
mapreri | anyway, any other topic? :) | 16:32 |
ddstreet | i think we're on to open bugs | 16:32 |
ddstreet | #topic open bugs needing discussion | 16:32 |
ddstreet | i think the only open one is memtest86+ | 16:32 |
ddstreet | #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/memtest86+/+bug/1998834 | 16:32 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 1998834 in memtest86+ (Ubuntu) "[BPO] memtest86+/6.10-2 to Jammy" [Undecided, Confirmed] | 16:32 | |
ddstreet | i believe this just needs a sponsor? | 16:32 |
mapreri | exactly | 16:33 |
mapreri | sigh, I really don't like if the absence of sponsors in this case reflects poorly on us :( | 16:33 |
mapreri | but I also don't want to give expectations that we are happy to sponsor whoever comes along :\ | 16:33 |
mapreri | how vexing. | 16:34 |
ddstreet | indeed, though i think that's a more widespread issue than just backports bugs | 16:34 |
mapreri | yes, totally | 16:34 |
ddstreet | i can volunteer to sponsor this one, though i agree it would be great if ubuntu-sponsors got more active | 16:35 |
ddstreet | #action ddstreet sponsor lp: #1998834 | 16:35 |
meetingology | ACTION: ddstreet sponsor lp: #1998834 | 16:35 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 1998834 in memtest86+ (Ubuntu) "[BPO] memtest86+/6.10-2 to Jammy" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1998834 | 16:35 | |
mapreri | thank you | 16:35 |
ddstreet | yep np | 16:35 |
ddstreet | are there any other backport bugs i missed? | 16:36 |
mapreri | none afaik | 16:36 |
luna | nope | 16:36 |
ddstreet | #topic AOB | 16:36 |
mapreri | I have one AOB. | 16:36 |
mapreri | So, unit193 brought to my attention that he accidentally did a gallery-dl bpo to kinetic, whom somebody approved. Now, I don't think that's problematic per se, although we decided to forbid general bpos to non-LTSs. | 16:37 |
teward | wasn't me who poked it, but it might've been someone else | 16:38 |
ddstreet | i think i approved that | 16:38 |
ddstreet | but did we decide to not approve anything to non-lts? | 16:38 |
mapreri | now, in this case I'd just say it's really not something problematic, but this made me wonder if somebody checked whether we have the ability to, say, remove a package from the bpo pocket? | 16:38 |
mapreri | ddstreet: we did, yes | 16:38 |
* ddstreet makes a note of that | 16:38 | |
ddstreet | sorry :) | 16:38 |
mapreri | "Backports to non-LTS are not accepted (with exceptions)." is on our wiki page :) | 16:39 |
mapreri | back to my question, do anybody know if that's something that comes from our ACL, or do we need to poke AA in case we ever wants to remove something? | 16:40 |
ddstreet | yep | 16:40 |
ddstreet | sorry 'yep' was to comment about wiki | 16:40 |
ddstreet | re: removal i don't know, but i assume we would need to poke AA | 16:40 |
ddstreet | should we see if we can remove the gallery-dl in kinetic? | 16:41 |
mapreri | that was my implied question | 16:42 |
mapreri | also, how we would even try? :3 | 16:42 |
ddstreet | i'm not even sure how to do it, probably a cli would be needed | 16:42 |
mapreri | should we bother investigating? | 16:42 |
ddstreet | i dont see any way looking at the LP web pages | 16:42 |
mapreri | or just live happy for now? | 16:42 |
mapreri | I'd expect to be some API, at least | 16:42 |
ddstreet | yeah i'm sure it's possible with the LP api | 16:43 |
ddstreet | since we don't care about non-LTSes, I'd say we can just leave it there | 16:43 |
ddstreet | and I will be sure not to look at the non-LTS queues anymore (or just reject stuff in them :-) | 16:44 |
mapreri | indeed, let's just forget for now then ^^ | 16:44 |
mapreri | it's a trivial problem anyway | 16:44 |
ddstreet | any other business from anyone? besides next mtg date? | 16:45 |
luna | not from me | 16:45 |
ddstreet | ok for next mtg, if we're going out 4 weeks as usual, i can't make Mar 29 | 16:46 |
luna | same | 16:46 |
mapreri | let's do 5th apr then? | 16:46 |
luna | works for me | 16:46 |
ddstreet | i can't do that either, i could do Apr 12? | 16:46 |
ddstreet | or i could go earlier, Mar 22? | 16:46 |
luna | both 5th and 12th April works for me (22th March does not) | 16:47 |
ddstreet | if we want to stick to Wed | 16:47 |
mapreri | that *might* be problematic for (I might have some construction workers at home, not sure yet), but otherwise fine for me | 16:47 |
ddstreet | should we push to Apr 19? | 16:47 |
mapreri | I think we could go with 12th | 16:47 |
ddstreet | ok sounds good | 16:47 |
mapreri | teward: ? :) | 16:47 |
teward | either day works | 16:48 |
ddstreet | #ddstreet sched next mtg Apr 12 | 16:48 |
ddstreet | oops | 16:48 |
ddstreet | #action ddstreet sched next mtg Apr 12 | 16:48 |
meetingology | ACTION: ddstreet sched next mtg Apr 12 | 16:48 |
mapreri | ddstreet turns into a bot command | 16:48 |
mapreri | easier to summon | 16:49 |
luna | *notes in my Google calendar* | 16:49 |
luna | summer time then right? | 16:49 |
ddstreet | lol i would not want to see myself as a bot, i would not be helpful :) | 16:49 |
luna | so 17:00 UTC instead of 16 UTC | 16:49 |
mapreri | alright, I'll sign off, I have another mtg in another channel in 10 mins /o\ | 16:49 |
luna | or am i thinking wrong? | 16:49 |
mapreri | oh, damn DST | 16:49 |
ddstreet | yep we've been using USA DST schedule so it will be DST | 16:49 |
mapreri | let me check a thing | 16:49 |
luna | 1 hour earlier or later? | 16:50 |
luna | DST always screws me up | 16:50 |
ddstreet | 15:00 utc | 16:50 |
luna | thanks | 16:50 |
mapreri | if this becomes 15 UTC it should be fine | 16:50 |
luna | added to my google calendar | 16:50 |
ddstreet | great, thanks everyone! | 16:50 |
ddstreet | #endmeeting | 16:50 |
meetingology | Meeting ended at 16:50:49 UTC. Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2023/ubuntu-meeting.2023-03-01-16.04.moin.txt | 16:50 |
mapreri | later! o/ | 16:51 |
mapreri | ddstreet: btw, it seems like you are sending the invite to both mapreri@u.c. and mapreri@g.c ? Could you pick just one? (probably it integrates a little better with @g.c) | 16:52 |
ddstreet | sure will do, i already sent the next invite out but i'll remove @u.c so the next one should be right | 16:53 |
mapreri | ta (I remember to tell you because I saw the invite ^^) | 16:54 |
luna | poof | 16:54 |
ddstreet | and teward i have you on there with 3 email addrs, do you want me to just use one of them? | 16:54 |
teward | use two - teward@thomas-... and my tward@... | 16:54 |
teward | one's my personal calendar and the other shows in my work calendar which properly reminds me xD | 16:55 |
ddstreet | done! | 16:55 |
ddstreet | next time the invite should go out to the right addr(s) to both of you | 16:55 |
teward | ddstreet: yep, i think you sent to all three (the other being my ubuntu address) because i wanted to make sure it got to my email on MS365 | 17:12 |
teward | my work is my work email so :P | 17:12 |
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