mtj | hi folks, i have a bug i would like to fix, and would like some advice | 09:35 |
mtj | | 09:35 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-motu- Launchpad bug 1927882 in libcgi-compile-perl (Ubuntu) "Regression in libcgi-compile-perl 0.24-1 in Ubuntu Focal" [Undecided, Confirmed] | 09:35 | |
mtj | ..whats the best way to get libcgi-compile-perl 0.25 into focal? | 09:39 |
mtj | good news is that the problem is fixed in jammy | 09:44 |
mtj | ..but focal is still broken :/ | 09:45 |
mtj | | 09:45 |
mtj | | 09:46 |
schopin | mtj: this is not a new package, but an update to an existing one, you're looking for this page: | 09:48 |
mtj | schopin: many thanks | 09:56 |
schopin | mtj: basically you need to justify the update, prepare the upload, and find a sponsor. I don't think we're very good at actually processing the sponsoring queue (I know I'm not, at least). | 09:56 |
mtj | hmm, from reading the actual bug report, i dont have enough info to document a failure - other than making the test suite fail | 09:58 |
mtj | perhaps thats a good enough demonstration? | 09:59 |
mtj | | 10:00 |
schopin | If the package is FTBFS that's a fairly good argument to fix it, yes :) | 10:01 |
mtj | i think this is a FTBFS situation | 10:01 |
mtj | snap | 10:01 |
schopin | Otherwise you could extract the test that demonstrates the failure into a self-contained perl script. | 10:01 |
mtj | ah, yep | 10:01 |
schopin | For impact and what could go wrong, it's often a good idea to look at reverse-dependencies of the package. There's a handy tool for that in ubuntu-dev-tools: reverse-depends | 10:03 |
schopin | mtj: I just tried, and the package presently in focal currently builds fine, so it's not technically a FTBFS. I'm guessing what you meant was that along with the fix you added a test in the test suite? | 10:07 |
mtj | hmm, ok | 10:09 |
mtj | i now see i get a pass running ./Build test - rather than prove -v | 10:10 |
mtj | that solves a mystery of how 0.24 got into debian unstable | 10:11 |
mtj | | 10:11 |
mtj | hmm, i dont think i can find a trivial way to show a failure here - i might have to leave this | 10:33 |
mtj | plan b, whats the chance of getting libcgi-compile-perl 0.25 backported to focal-backports? | 10:48 |
schopin | mtj: can't you just compile two sample projects and assert that they're in separate packages? | 11:18 |
schopin | If the package is broken, it should definitely be fixed in -updates IMHO. Backports should be to get new features. | 11:19 |
mtj | schopin: hmm, my problem is finding a 'sample project' that fails on 0.24 | 11:36 |
mtj | i have one, but the steps to install, and provoke a failure is somewhat complex | 11:38 |
mtj | | 11:39 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-motu- Commit 4a3049a in Koha-Community/Koha "Bug 28302: Forbid CGI::Compile 0.24" | 11:39 | |
mtj | | 11:39 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-motu- bug 28302 in Koha "Koha does not work with CGI::Compile 0.24" [Major, Closed: Fixed] | 11:39 | |
mtj | koha has provided 0.25 in its own apt repo, so probem is fixed for focal systems there | 11:41 |
mtj | seems to be a horrible bug - test suite passes ok, yet bug subtley glitches your web app :/ | 11:48 |
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