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foo | I set chown 775 /home/paul/.ssh/ and it shows drwx------ 2 775 paul 4096 Mar 2 07:53 /home/paul/.ssh/ - afterward. This isn't 775. Uh. odd. | 07:57 |
arraybolt3 | foo: chown and chmod are different. | 08:00 |
arraybolt3 | foo: Basically you just set the owning user to a user named "775". | 08:00 |
arraybolt3 | Who probably doesn't exist on your system. | 08:00 |
arraybolt3 | So you probably want to do "chown paul:paul /home/paul/.ssh" followed by "chmod 775 /home/paul/.ssh" or something similar. | 08:00 |
arraybolt3 | foo: Try "stat /home/paul/.ssh" to verify that that's what happened if you haven't already. | 08:01 |
Exterminador | yesterday I was asking on #ubuntu but sice it's a vps this channel is more suitable. snap autocompletion doesn't work with `snap install certb+tab` (should be autocompleted to `snap install certbot`) but works with `snap install certb+esc+tab`. I though it might be due to keybard misconfiguration in the VPS, but when I tried to set the keyboard to the same layout as mine (ES) with `sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration` it does | 11:41 |
Exterminador | nothing. tried `setxkbmap es` but it returned a `Cannot open display "default display"` error | 11:41 |
Exterminador | any ideas on this one? | 11:42 |
tomreyn | the 'x' in setxkbmap stands for X as in X11 / Xorg | 11:52 |
tomreyn | autocompletion works on my 18.04 desktop, whether in gnome-terminal or on a tty | 11:53 |
tomreyn | * snap autocompletion | 11:53 |
tomreyn | what's your ubuntu release, your shell, your terminal configuration? | 11:54 |
Exterminador | Ubuntu 22.0, bash shell.. I didn't edited any settings for my terminal on my pc (using Xubuntu) and cetainly no changes on the VPS | 12:00 |
Exterminador | 22.04* | 12:02 |
Exterminador | if I type `snap ins+tab`it autocompletes to `snap install` but, like I've stated above, `snap install certb+tab` doesn't autocomplete to `snap install certbot` | 12:02 |
tomreyn | i only have a 22.04 Ubuntu Desktop VM, but switching to a tty there and logging in lets me do the autocomplete just fine | 12:04 |
Exterminador | it also works fine in my local pc.. just not on my vps | 12:05 |
tomreyn | how was it installed, which virtualization is it using? | 12:06 |
Exterminador | now I'm at a loss.. I have no idea how to check that | 12:06 |
Exterminador | it's one of those Hetzner auction servers (so probably a dedicated server) | 12:07 |
tomreyn | so you're working on bare metal, or on a VM within that? and you don't know how it was installed? | 12:08 |
tomreyn | "virt-what" can provide information on the virtualization you're in, if any | 12:09 |
Exterminador | I'd say it's bare metal.. I just ran their `installimage` command from the rescue system to install Ubuntu 22.04 | 12:09 |
Exterminador | `virt-what` returns no output | 12:09 |
tomreyn | so bare metal or no virtualization detected | 12:12 |
Exterminador | for what I can see it's a dedicated server.. just "bought" it yesterday | 12:13 |
tomreyn | hmm snap autocomplete also doesn't work on my 20.04 VM. but i had snapd removed there, so maybe there's a package missing | 12:14 |
tomreyn | bash-completion is installed | 12:15 |
tomreyn | i should say snap package completion doesn't work, whether or not i press escape | 12:16 |
Exterminador | yes.. and snap autocompletion file is inside `/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/` folder on my server.. I can autocomplete all normal commands like `apt upda+tab`, etc | 12:16 |
tomreyn | but snap command completion does work | 12:16 |
tomreyn | i can complete "snap inst<tab>" to "snap install" | 12:17 |
Exterminador | exactly.. `snap ins+tab` autocompletes but `snap install certb+tab` doesn't | 12:18 |
Exterminador | the fun fact is how it works on my end with `esc+tab`.. | 12:18 |
Exterminador | I've opened this yesterday: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/2008916 | 12:20 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 2008916 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Snapd autocompletion not working on Uuntu 22.04 freshly installed" [Undecided, New] | 12:20 | |
tomreyn | https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/tab-completion-for-snaps/2261 may be related | 12:20 |
tomreyn | Exterminador: did you install the pending updates, yet? | 12:27 |
Exterminador | tomreyn: all the updates that I could install with `apt dist-upgrade`, yes.. some are still unavailable because the phasing thing, iirc | 12:29 |
tomreyn | hmm, okay, then it's good you filed a bug report, i guess | 12:30 |
Exterminador | yeah.. I have only `grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin libqmi-glib5 libqmi-proxy libsasl2-2 libsasl2-modules libsasl2-modules-db` kept back because of phased updates | 12:30 |
Exterminador | from the `debugging tab completion`, th command `readlink /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/snap` should give a path like `/snap/core22/current/usr/lib/snapd/snap`, right? if so, it doesn't | 12:33 |
tomreyn | /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/snap is a file for me both on the 20.04 server where snap tab completion for package names does not work, and on the 22.04 desktop where it does work | 12:41 |
tomreyn | a regular file, i.e. not a symlink | 12:41 |
Exterminador | well.. let's see if the bug report is good enough.. I provided the most of information that I could.. I'm wondering if I should add that on my server `esc+tab` works.. | 12:43 |
Exterminador | fun.. `esc+tab` works on previously installed and/or removed snaps.. not new ones.. I tried `snap install gopher+esc+tab` to install gopherbin and it did not work.. after installing it and removing writing all in full, `snap install gopher+esc+tab` expands to `snap install gopherbin` | 12:54 |
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Lope | can someone please show me an example of a netplan config yaml of a bridge'd NIC with a static ipv4? | 19:01 |
sdeziel | Lope: https://termbin.com/xygkl <= also contains a bond device but that's easy to factor out if you don't need it | 19:13 |
sergiodj | lvoytek: hey, can you push the git-ubuntu tags related to https://code.launchpad.net/~lvoytek/ubuntu/+source/bind9/+git/bind9/+merge/437706 , please? | 21:32 |
sergiodj | I'm reviewing it and would like to check the tags just in case :) | 21:33 |
lvoytek | sure thing | 21:33 |
sergiodj | thanks! | 21:33 |
lvoytek | Done, they're not attached to a bug number though so they'll just be named x/1%9.18.11-2ubuntu1 | 21:38 |
sergiodj | lvoytek: that's fine. I don't see the {new,old}/{debian,ubuntu} ones, though | 21:38 |
sergiodj | ah, there they are | 21:39 |
sergiodj | thanks, lvoytek | 21:39 |
lvoytek | thanks! | 21:40 |
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