[01:13] https://github.com/lxqt/libqtxdg/pull/292 [01:13] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Pull 292 in lxqt/libqtxdg "Add support for translations defined via X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain" [Open] [01:20] Roberalz: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libqtxdg/3.10.0-0ubuntu6 [01:21] I'll push that to Backports soon as well. [01:35] [telegram] Perfect [01:35] [telegram] Good news [01:35] [telegram] Thanks @tsimonq2!!!! [01:36] [telegram] Of course :) [02:06] [telegram] so if you pushed featherpad to backports Simon, FTBFS across so far every arch that I can see [02:07] Oh I'm sure he's well aware, I got a bunch of messages too. [02:07] [telegram] so @tsimonq2 its your fault i'm spammed now [02:07] And now Matrix is pinging me six ways from sunday. Lovely. [02:07] * arraybolt3 redirects all my spam email to teward's inbox [02:07] [telegram] *pings arraybolt3 to make it ping more* [02:08] teward: teward teward teward teward teward teward teward teward how many times does this ping you? :D [02:08] once [02:08] :P [02:08] :P [02:08] * arraybolt3 goes back to blog writing and PCManFM-Qt fixing [02:09] [telegram] What blog? :p [02:09] @Roberalz: Just a personal tech blog I was trying to get started. Don't even have a single article yet though :P [02:09] Anyway, I'm going off-topic and making Matrix blow my eardrums out. [02:11] [telegram] Will you pass me the url when you have it running so I can read it? (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) @Roberalz: Just a personal tech blog I was trying to get started. Don't even have a single article yet though :P) [02:11] @Roberalz: Sure, if you'd like. [02:11] [telegram] Perfect, thanks (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) @Roberalz: Sure, if you'd like.) [02:57] I do an article every other day for my blog. It's a lot like work and the ad revenue is a pittance. I get a bunch of traffic, mostly from Google. It makes low three figures a month in ad revenue. Very low three figures... [20:48] arraybolt3: Might be a smart idea to connect your @ubuntu.com / @lubuntu.me emails to your GitHub account so you get the free internet points ;) [20:49] Didn't know I could do that, thanks! Speaking of which, I also should set up 2FA, ugh... [20:51] [matrix] Go high score ;) [20:55] Holy smoke. Keysmith just crashed and got rid of all my 2FA secrets XD Good thing I have backup codes! [20:56] [matrix] uff [20:59] [telegram] and this is why i keep the seed codes around just in case xD [21:00] Heh, that's a good idea. [21:00] [matrix] I try to have multiple MFA options yet separate from passwords. It is an interesting juggling act. [21:01] Oh hey they came back! [21:01] [matrix] \o/ [21:02] I guess it just glitched. Better make sure the codes still work though. [21:02] [telegram] well i also put the same seed code on multiple 2fa mechanisms. tied into my bitwarden, on my yubikey, stored on my phone inside andotp, etc. [21:02] [telegram] so i always have the 2fa if needed [21:02] [telegram] also allows for redundancy :P [21:03] [telegram] (my bitwarden is self hosted so i control all the data) [21:03] I use Keysmith+Google Authenticator, which is a bit of a pain but probably would be easier if I saved the keys in a text file. [21:06] [telegram] yeah i use my camera to copy the otp links on my computer and extract the codes etc from that and configure :P [21:06] [telegram] but i mean i'm insane paranoid so i keep the paper seeds next to my guns in the safe so xD [21:07] In event of a house fire, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RESCUE THE 2FA KEYS!!!