=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 [10:36] is LP: #2009136 on the kernel team's radar? It's getting a growing list of duplicates which might be cause for concern [10:36] -ubottu:#ubuntu-kernel- Launchpad bug 2009136 in linux-signed-hwe-5.19 (Ubuntu) "No HDMI audio under 5.19.0-35 (regression from -32)" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2009136 [10:38] i think somebody was looking into that.... [10:39] okay, just wanted to make sure it wasn't lost in the mix :) [12:32] some scammer sent a scam email to ubuntu-kernel mailinglist just fyi [12:32] might want to draw it back and remove it from the archives === fling_ is now known as fling [18:20] Anybody know what's going on for the lowlatency kernel in lunar? [18:21] (just looking for a status, that's all. Ubuntu Studio interest.) === alkisg1 is now known as alkisg [20:06] Eickmeyer: We're in the process of getting 6.2 into lunar and then the derivatives (including lowlatency) will be tackled. [20:06] juergh: Ok, thanks. Just haven't seen anything built in the PPAs or anything, so just getting a little worried this late in the cycle. I hope you understand, and hope nobody flames me for my concern. :) [20:06] I hear you. It's always a concern. It's all gated somewhat by the main kernel and it's always too late IMO. [20:06] Heh, I hear that. :) [20:06] But we're told to push for the latest and greatest as the release kernel so it's always a a race to the finish line. [20:06] Understandably. 6.2 was only released days ago iirc? [20:06] yeah. we had unstable 6.2 rc kernels for a while but to get it released properly all DKMS need to build and tests need to pass and what not. [20:06] Yeah, I get that and understand the process (albeit from a 30,000-foot view and vaguely). The only issue I see is it makes it difficult for my testers to try it out in dailies. [20:06] Oof. Bridge do be broke.