=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon | ||
mfaroukg | hello | 00:13 |
oerheks | :-) | 00:14 |
mfaroukg | how are you ? | 00:14 |
oerheks | hi mfaroukg, fine, thanks, can we help you with something? | 00:15 |
mfaroukg | When new version of Ubuntu will be ready? | 00:16 |
oerheks | 23.04, somewhere in april | 00:16 |
oerheks | 20th | 00:16 |
mfaroukg | one more, is this official channel for Ubuntu developers ? | 00:17 |
oerheks | No, this is main support, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList for the other ones | 00:18 |
oerheks | #ubuntu-next for the next one, lunar lobster | 00:19 |
mfaroukg | can I also help in developing Ubuntu? | 00:20 |
oerheks | Sure, start with registering on Launchpad, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers | 00:21 |
mfaroukg | cool, | 00:22 |
mfaroukg | is it still free destro | 00:22 |
mfaroukg | I hope it is | 00:24 |
mfaroukg | Thanks a lot | 00:24 |
oerheks | yes, have fun! | 00:25 |
=== presonic is now known as highrate | ||
stolte65 | Hi, everybody | 01:18 |
stolte65 | juyst start to use Lubuntu | 01:19 |
oerheks | !yay | 01:19 |
ubottu | Glad you made it! :-) | 01:19 |
oerheks | there is #lubuntu also | 01:19 |
stolte65 | Is there another chats about other themes | 01:20 |
stolte65 | ? | 01:20 |
oerheks | Not specificly, AFAIK | 01:20 |
stolte65 | Like games or so | 01:20 |
oerheks | use !alis to look for channels | 01:21 |
oerheks | !alis | 01:21 |
ubottu | Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http» | 01:21 |
oerheks | list of our channels https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 01:21 |
stolte65 | Good start | 01:22 |
oerheks | :-) | 01:22 |
stolte65 | !alis | 01:22 |
ubottu | Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http» | 01:22 |
stolte65 | waw | 01:23 |
stolte65 | Tell how I change the channel? | 01:25 |
nulldoot2k__ | hey | 01:32 |
nulldoot2k__ | in ubuntu how can i run command line + parameter env | 01:32 |
nulldoot2k__ | for example: ./auth -port 3333 -e "abc=sdasd" | 01:32 |
nulldoot2k__ | how can | 01:32 |
rbox | nulldoot2k__ huh? | 01:35 |
nulldoot2k__ | i want run script | 01:35 |
nulldoot2k__ | file run is : ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/auth --port 3333 | 01:35 |
nulldoot2k__ | Environment="IDENTITY_ENDPOINT=http:localhost:5000" | 01:36 |
nulldoot2k__ | i need syntax run command line | 01:36 |
rbox | huh? | 01:36 |
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xbox | i | 03:25 |
n008 | Hey, everyone! Can anyone tell me which logs to look at or how to go about diagnosing why my laptop sometimes doesnt resume from suspend? | 03:37 |
tomreyn | n008: use the journalctl CLI command or the Gnome "Logs" GUI, look for "PM:" records. | 03:42 |
tomreyn | PM=power management. you'll see suspend and resume events there, and the services shutting down / starting up around those. | 03:43 |
tomreyn | !acpi > n008 | 03:44 |
ubottu | n008: Please see my private message | 03:44 |
tomreyn | !acpi_osi > n008 | 03:44 |
tomreyn | those are for later | 03:44 |
tomreyn | oh, and do a bios update if your is outdated. you can check your cussnt one and your product/model number using journalctl -b | grep DMI: # - the latest version available will be listed + downloadable on the manufacturer website. | 03:47 |
tomreyn | cussnt -> current | 03:47 |
=== linuxmodder is now known as csexecutive | ||
xubuntu14d | Someone help me | 04:48 |
babysex | hello join channel #gentool | 06:02 |
babysex | sexgentoolsex | 06:03 |
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hassletime | hey all just say i want to create a new file instead of using nano in terminal is there a GUI one so you can just right click create file? | 07:44 |
=== Bocaneri is now known as Guest3094 | ||
Lartza | GNOME Files... doesn't let you do that? | 07:45 |
Lartza | Oh you need to add a file template... well that's kinda dumb | 07:47 |
oerheks | hassletime, 'touch filename.txt' should work too | 07:47 |
hassletime | so if i want to right click create new file how would i do that? | 07:47 |
oerheks | also a test to see if your filesystem is RO | 07:47 |
wuseman | hassletime: >filename | 07:48 |
Lartza | hassletime, If you are on an English system create a "Templates" folder in your home folder and put a file inside it to use as the template | 07:49 |
Lartza | Like a file called "Text document.txt" | 07:50 |
hassletime | Lartza, yes :) | 07:50 |
tomreyn | or better text_document.txt | 07:50 |
Lartza | Why is that better? | 07:50 |
tomreyn | because applications which fail to handle file names properly will not break | 07:50 |
Lartza | Which applications use the Templates folder? | 07:51 |
Lartza | Besides Nautilus | 07:51 |
hassletime | ok so just use say nano in terminal and add it to the template folder | 07:51 |
Lartza | Or touch | 07:51 |
tomreyn | Lartza: no idea | 07:51 |
Lartza | Nautilus will use the name of the file to show on the menu, text_document is not clean | 07:51 |
Lartza | :P | 07:51 |
tomreyn | why is "text_document" "not clean"? | 07:52 |
Lartza | In a GUI I don't believe it looks clean for "New Document -> text_document" | 07:52 |
tomreyn | ah, so personal preferences, i see | 07:53 |
Lartza | Not really | 07:53 |
Lartza | It's just what it looks like aesthetically in the GUI | 07:53 |
Lartza | TextDocument I guess would be an okay compromise | 07:53 |
Lartza | But then again you are going to rename the created file anyways, and even if not what program doesn't handle spaces in 2023 :P | 07:54 |
tomreyn | i wish i was as hopeful there as you are | 07:54 |
=== Shaad is now known as Diviloper | ||
hassletime | perfect thanks | 07:56 |
hassletime | just another question,how do i save a nano file with a different file type like .py | 07:57 |
Lartza | You just "nano yourfile.py" | 07:57 |
Lartza | or "touch yourfile.py" | 07:57 |
Lartza | I mean you can change it in the save as dialog too if you want | 07:57 |
wuseman | Why not: >filename.txt | 07:58 |
oerheks | man nano | 07:58 |
oerheks | Ctrl+O. When prompted, press enter to accept the existing file name. To save as another file name, type in the new name and press Enter | 07:58 |
hassletime | oerheks, thats what i did | 07:58 |
hassletime | but it saved it as a txt file | 07:58 |
hassletime | even though i named it *.py | 07:59 |
oerheks | oh it still overrides as .txt ? | 07:59 |
hassletime | yes | 07:59 |
Lartza | nano shouldn't do that :S | 07:59 |
hassletime | lol | 08:00 |
Lartza | Or do you mean Files made it .txt? | 08:00 |
hassletime | so i saved 1 file Text document.txt | 08:00 |
hassletime | prefect right click txt doc | 08:00 |
oerheks | here it does not | 08:01 |
hassletime | then i saved one hello.py | 08:01 |
hassletime | but saved as a txt | 08:01 |
hassletime | so i also wanted a template for .py | 08:01 |
hassletime | is that allowed | 08:01 |
Lartza | Then make a .py file in Templates yes | 08:01 |
oerheks | why open a premade .txt file, and save it as .py.. i wonder | 08:01 |
Lartza | This is why I think Nautilus is being dumb for not letting you just make an arbitary empty file... | 08:01 |
hassletime | i made the file lartza | 08:02 |
Lartza | Then you will have a new option under "New document" for python files | 08:02 |
hassletime | but instead of having the .py icon it has the .txt one so im guessing it is saving it as a txt file | 08:02 |
Lartza | Don't guess | 08:03 |
Lartza | Read the file extensions, if nautilus is hiding them make it not | 08:03 |
hassletime | ok | 08:03 |
hassletime | well it says .py | 08:04 |
Lartza | Then it's a .py file | 08:04 |
hassletime | so i wont guess but ill take it as its now a .oy | 08:04 |
hassletime | .py | 08:04 |
hassletime | ok thanks | 08:04 |
hassletime | makes life a little easier now | 08:05 |
Lartza | I am not sure how you can make GNOME treat files with different icons | 08:05 |
hassletime | thats ok | 08:05 |
Lartza | Remember that templates don't have to be empty! | 08:06 |
hassletime | roger that | 08:06 |
Lartza | If you ever have a file that ALWAYS needs some text in it | 08:06 |
Lartza | It will save you time :P | 08:06 |
hassletime | Lartza, thanks heaps | 08:21 |
Lartza | You're welcome :) | 08:21 |
sinnerd | where am I? | 08:37 |
Lartza | Where do you think you are? | 08:37 |
Lartza | You are on IRC, on the Libera.Chat network, on the Ubuntu support channel | 08:37 |
sinnerd | ow | 08:37 |
sinnerd | don't know I just clicked buttons | 08:38 |
Lartza | I guess you just opened an IRC client that was preconfigured here | 08:38 |
sinnerd | yeah, most probably. New to linux and was randomly installing apps and trying them out | 08:39 |
Lartza | IRC is an old but not dead chat protocol where most of us just idle here all day, so if you ever need help come here, "rudely" just ask your question and wait :P | 08:40 |
Lartza | There are other channels for other Linux distributions, software etc | 08:40 |
Lartza | And other networks with more channels | 08:40 |
sinnerd | I need to mash some more buttons to find where those channels are :v | 08:41 |
oerheks | press that (X) button | 08:41 |
Lartza | /msg ALIS LIST searchterm | 08:41 |
Lartza | /join #anotherchannel | 08:41 |
sinnerd | but it's cool to find a relic of the past, I am usually active on r/ubuntu | 08:42 |
Lartza | "Relic"... :P | 08:42 |
sinnerd | but it has it's uses, like analog and digital clocks, it's all based on user's "preferences" :3 | 08:43 |
sinnerd | pressing that (X) button | 08:44 |
oerheks | !yay | 08:45 |
ubottu | Glad you made it! :-) | 08:45 |
=== popey2 is now known as popey | ||
irish | Hello all! I'm wondering what the program is called that ubuntu uses to view and navigate the file system, it's malfunctioning on my install and I need to call it from terminal but don't know the program name. | 10:24 |
irish | I believe I have found my answer, nautilus correct? | 10:27 |
tomreyn | irish: if you're using the default ubuntu desktop, gnome-shell, then it's "Gnome Files" (AKA Nautilus) | 10:33 |
tomreyn | irish: what's malfunctioning about it? | 10:34 |
irish | tomreyn, thanks a mil! | 10:34 |
irish | tomreyn, it's just not opening and not giving me any error feedback. | 10:34 |
tomreyn | oh, also when you run it from a terminal then? | 10:35 |
irish | yep, so i'm gonna open it in xterm/terminal to see if I can get any kind of feedback as to why. | 10:35 |
tomreyn | gnome-terminal is probably the better option if you're on wayland | 10:37 |
irish | 22.10 | 10:37 |
tomreyn | then the default would be wayland unless you use nvidia proprietary drivers, i think | 10:38 |
irish | but yeah I'm troubleshooting now, i just needed to know what the program was called so I could get terminal to help me out. I've been using mint-mate and it uses caja not nautilus. | 10:38 |
tomreyn | https://anarc.at/blog/2022-09-19-wayland-terminal-emulators/ is a good summary of your terminal options | 10:39 |
tomreyn | terminal emulators | 10:39 |
irish | Great thanks mate! | 10:39 |
tomreyn | you're welcome | 10:42 |
=== realivanjx8 is now known as realivanjx | ||
=== realivanjx1 is now known as realivanjx | ||
=== thomash is now known as tom | ||
=== realivanjx0 is now known as realivanjx | ||
clarkk | I'm using rsync version 3.1.3 protocol version 31 on ubuntu 20.04. I want to use the option –ignore-existing, but it's not in the manual. Could someone explain why? Is it included in my version? | 12:12 |
=== fauxpride- is now known as fauxpride | ||
clarkk | don't worry - found it | 12:20 |
tomreyn | clarkk: what's the answer you found? | 12:21 |
tomreyn | https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man1/rsync.1.html does list --ignore-existing - do you have an older man page locally? | 12:22 |
=== Starmina373 is now known as Starmina | ||
=== osprey is now known as blackhawk | ||
BluesKaj | Hi all | 13:53 |
FKAShinobi | Deluge seems to have broke over the last week. Peers barely connect to me and when they do they are choked off quickly. The same torrent in Transmission works great. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this? | 14:14 |
BluesKaj | qbittorrent ftw, IME | 14:23 |
hays | no matter what I do i can't seem to get wayland to be default in lightdm | 14:27 |
hays | the default is "Gnome" which seems to default to X11 | 14:28 |
hays | it will say Gnome on Wayland is the default, but what is actually selected is "Gnome" | 14:28 |
leftyfb | hays: if you're running gnome, then why are you running lightdm as opposed to gdm? | 14:30 |
hays | i guess because i like it better | 14:31 |
leftyfb | how so? | 14:31 |
hays | ive not put much thought into it. i just like the defaults better | 14:34 |
leftyfb | hays: gdm is default | 14:34 |
leftyfb | gdm has been the default for 5 or 6 years now | 14:35 |
hays | ::thumbs up:: | 14:35 |
hays | guess this is the don't help, but question people's choices channel. good to know | 14:43 |
ravage | only questionable choicea :D | 15:17 |
cbreak | sddm will remember the last selected UI | 15:19 |
cbreak | so if I log in into plasma wayland, it'll do that by default. since I use x11 normally, it'll do that by default | 15:19 |
cbreak | I'd expect any sane login manager to do something similar | 15:20 |
mybalzitch | unsupposed I know, but this "Ubuntu Mainline Kernel Installer" sure is nice | 15:21 |
mybalzitch | *unsupported | 15:22 |
vilius | Hi. Once watching a movie using VLC, the laptop goes to sleep every 5 minutes. I have tried disabling sleeping mode as per guidance online, but with no success. Any ideas how to disable the sleep mode? Thanks | 15:31 |
jhutchins | vilius: Which release are you on, which desktop/window manager do you run? | 15:32 |
vilius | Not sure, what is the way to check? | 15:32 |
vilius | Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS | 15:34 |
jhutchins | vilius: So I would guess you're running gnome on x11 or Wayland with GDM. | 15:34 |
vilius | XFCE | 15:34 |
vilius | It is default xubuntu installation | 15:35 |
jhutchins | vilius: What did you try changing to fix it? There are many, many different pages of advice. | 15:35 |
jhutchins | vilius: See? That's xubuntu, not plain ubuntu, and you're probably running xfce on lightdm. | 15:35 |
jhutchins | Again, what did you try changing to fix this? | 15:36 |
vilius | Power settings to "never" for "blank after" and "put to sleep after". However, this happens when I am using external monitor through HDMI cable. | 15:37 |
jhutchins | vilius: Did you set up a screensaver, or are you just using the defaults. | 15:37 |
jhutchins | vilius: When you changed the power settings, was that with xfce Power Manager or something else? | 15:40 |
vilius | XFCE power manager - the default one | 15:42 |
jhutchins | vilius: You could try turning the Display Power Manager off. | 15:43 |
jhutchins | vilius: You could also try later when someone more familiar with this part of xubuntu is around. | 15:44 |
jhutchins | I run XFCE4, but it's probably a different version on different hardware. | 15:44 |
vilius | Great! Thanks | 15:48 |
=== gnuself1 is now known as gnuself | ||
BinarySavior | Hello, looking for application on Ubuntu that is similar to this: https://virtual-graph-paper.com/ | 17:55 |
=== Guest3094 is now known as Sauvin | ||
rbox | gimp | 17:56 |
BinarySavior | Yeah gimp will work, was looking for something with more technical details with real life dimensions like inches/cm to plan out locations for recessed lighting | 17:58 |
=== max is now known as Guest5545 | ||
rbox | gimp has rulers | 18:00 |
rbox | and you can set the size in inches | 18:00 |
BinarySavior | thanks rbox, I will use gimp | 18:02 |
vilius | @jhutchins: still no change - audio plays, but screen blanks out | 18:23 |
wholean | howdy, does the Ubuntu installer enabled TRIM by default when using disk encryption? | 19:20 |
oerheks | wholean, no, AFAIK | 19:21 |
wholean | cheers oerheks | 19:21 |
wholean | weighing up the performance benefit/security cost of enabling it now, and was wondering what the default was | 19:22 |
oerheks | It could be a security risc, losing data, but --allow-discards should be able to enable that, use it periodically | 19:25 |
oerheks | see this old answer https://askubuntu.com/questions/115823/trim-on-an-encrypted-ssd | 19:26 |
jhutchins | wholean: Trim isn't very critical on current hardware. | 19:34 |
wholean | thanks both; I think I am going to leave it disabled, as I can always enable it later if I experience actual slowdowns | 19:34 |
wholean | I figure I am more likely to run out of space before that happens | 19:35 |
jhutchins | SS storage has evolved pretty quickly recently. | 19:35 |
wholean | side note: if I just nvme sanitize'd my drive and I am only seeing write speeds of 150MB/s when random'ing out the partition, could that be related to lack of trimming or is something else likely afoot? | 19:41 |
cbreak | wholean: running iozone? | 19:42 |
wholean | cbreak: just doing a dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/to_be_wiped | 19:43 |
cbreak | tried with bs=1m? | 19:45 |
wholean | that's a shout :^) I'll give that a shot after this command has finished | 19:45 |
cbreak | also, look at your system load with btop, htop or similar. Does it look like you're stuck on a single thread? | 19:45 |
cbreak | maybe encryption the way you use it isn't optimal | 19:46 |
cbreak | or maybe the underlying device isn't fast enough | 19:46 |
cbreak | compare with and without that mapper thing | 19:46 |
jhutchins | T-0.5! | 19:48 |
wholean | CPU usage is chilling well below 100% and cryptsetup benchmark had shown me a hearty ~1GiB/s | 19:48 |
wholean | tho could still be either; will keep on the lookout | 19:49 |
wholean | jhutchins: what does that mean? sorry if that's an IRC newb question :) | 19:50 |
jhutchins | wholean: That means I'm watching the Terran 1 launch and discussing it on another channel, and I posted here by mistake. | 19:55 |
jhutchins | They had an abort at t-0.5 seconds. That's cutting it pretty close. | 19:55 |
jhutchins | Had the engines lit and everything. | 19:56 |
cbreak | Protos > Terran. | 19:58 |
cbreak | wholean: if your goal is to erase the drive, you should use nvme commands to do it | 19:58 |
cbreak | that's much better than writing random junk, because after writing random junk, your ssd is full, and all writes will be expensive | 19:59 |
cbreak | while after clearing an ssd, all cells will be empty | 19:59 |
cbreak | so writes will be much cheaper and easier on the disk | 19:59 |
cbreak | also, writing data onto your ssd will not overwrite everything | 19:59 |
wholean | jhutchins: aha! ;) | 20:04 |
wholean | cbreak: my thinking is that if I don't write random junk then it will be the same as leaving TRIM enabled after a while | 20:05 |
cbreak | ? | 20:06 |
cbreak | what's the problem with trim? | 20:06 |
wholean | or rather: without writing random junk, it is the same as starting with TRIM enabled; with TRIM disabled, after a while the drive will be filled with random junk anyway | 20:06 |
jhutchins | wholean: If you're really concerned about it, you need to read some industry articles (not user articles) on the current state of the art for SS storage. | 20:06 |
jhutchins | _CURRENT_ industry articles | 20:06 |
cbreak | having an empty SSD is _good_ | 20:07 |
cbreak | trimming empty space is good for performance | 20:08 |
cbreak | it's also good for SSD lifetime | 20:08 |
wholean | okay, methinks I maybe need to understand the answer to a different question: should disabling TRIM for security be paired with filling the drive with random data? | 20:08 |
cbreak | why the hell would disabling trim be good for security? | 20:08 |
wholean | as I feel that one does not work without the other, and so if I don't fill it with random data then I should just bite the bullet and enable TRIM | 20:08 |
cbreak | filling the drive with random data is not good for security | 20:09 |
wholean | my understanding is that TRIM is disabled with LUKS by default because of information leakage (i.e. which parts of the drive are empty, and so which parts can be predicted to contain certain plaintext from analysing that structure) | 20:10 |
cbreak | if your encryption method stores plaintext, then writing random junk around it won't help. | 20:10 |
cbreak | LUKS has headers. Headers which can be used to decrypt the volume. | 20:11 |
cbreak | They can be used to decrypt the volume no matter what kind of junk you put into free space, given the pass phrase. Or it wouldn't work. So brute force attackers would not be inconvenienced by it. | 20:12 |
cbreak | the only meta data you expose by having an empty ssd is how much space of your ssd (which blocks) are used up. | 20:12 |
wholean | the encryption method doesn't store plaintext, but zeroing out where data is not allows brute force attackers to reason about which plain text may be in the remaining areas (e.g. data that ext4 keeps in specific places) | 20:13 |
wholean | which gives a known input and output to constrain a search | 20:13 |
cbreak | I really hope you use an encryption method that's resistant to known-plaintext attacks | 20:13 |
cbreak | something that has been written in the last few decades | 20:13 |
wholean | ROT13 has never failed me yet | 20:14 |
cbreak | something like AES-GCM, or some other AES mode | 20:14 |
jhutchins | Just make sure your security system will withstand a wrench to the back of your head. | 20:14 |
cbreak | jhutchins: yeah! Write down your password safely, in case of wrench-induced amnesia | 20:14 |
cbreak | also write down where you wrote down that password, in case the amnesia is ... widespread | 20:15 |
jhutchins | I'll let you do your own xkcd search. | 20:15 |
wholean | okay, based on this, I might as well enable TRIM after all then? | 20:15 |
wholean | as if the drive is not urandom'd out, the empty spots are apparent anyway | 20:15 |
wholean | (at least, initially) | 20:16 |
cbreak | I see no reason to disable trim from a security standpoint. Maybe it's buggy in your setup and frees space that shouldn't be. | 20:16 |
cbreak | that used to be the case in the early days on MacOS ... wasn't fun :( | 20:16 |
cbreak | on my system, I have autotrim disabled in zfs, and just trim periodically. | 20:17 |
wholean | cbreak: ye, am starting to lean that way for my use case too, although the dm-crypt docs warning was definitely scary enough to make me think twice :P (at 'allow_discards') https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v5.5/admin-guide/device-mapper/dm-crypt.html | 20:23 |
wholean | p.s. bs=1M brought the write speeds up to a sustained 550MB/s, so that was def a good shout :) | 20:24 |
=== itu is now known as Guest1230 | ||
johnny_Linux | I see south africa is suffering rolling blackouts | 20:45 |
johnny_Linux | will this effect ubuntu ?? | 20:46 |
taeaad | Eh. No. | 20:46 |
johnny_Linux | time will tell | 20:46 |
taeaad | Marc Shuttleworth hasn't lived here for ages. | 20:46 |
johnny_Linux | dont be silly.. mark has no say | 20:47 |
taeaad | He lives in a little tax haven island and runs Canonical and I assume most of the funding is from Ubuntu Pro. | 20:47 |
oerheks | please move this conversation to offtopic, thanks | 20:47 |
johnny_Linux | most pro useres these days are free | 20:47 |
johnny_Linux | chyna | 20:48 |
taeaad | Classic #ubuntu, the original question was on-topic. | 20:48 |
johnny_Linux | totally | 20:49 |
krytarik | Hahaha! :P | 20:49 |
krytarik | (No, it was just fake ontopic.) | 20:49 |
johnny_Linux | grow-up | 20:50 |
* taeaad moves the conversation to #emacs. | 20:51 | |
johnny_Linux | the policies that are now in session are due to those who are publically schooled and come into session to disrupt. | 20:51 |
johnny_Linux | relax the policies and rid of such. | 20:51 |
oerheks | johnny_Linux, please stop | 20:52 |
johnny_Linux | grown men CAN conversate without being booted | 20:52 |
johnny_Linux | k | 20:52 |
=== Guest1230 is now known as itu | ||
johnny_Linux | one last note: the big bank failed.. 169 billion of unsecured FDIC funds , vanished... musk got revealed as a ccp vendor .. dont look good. i stifle. | 20:59 |
oerheks | nobody cares here, johnny_Linux | 21:02 |
johnny_Linux | amen | 21:02 |
johnny_Linux | Thank you for your time and efforts | 21:02 |
krytarik | johnny_Linux: If I see any more deliberate offtopicness from you here, borderline or otherwise, I'll make the effort and ban you. | 21:04 |
johnny_Linux | Back on topic: My main concern was,,, if this was the case..... will and how ubuntu will continue to operate. | 21:05 |
johnny_Linux | krytarik, Thank you for your intellectual response, We as a ubuntu groupe look foward to your intel an we requested. Thank you for your time and efforts. | 21:14 |
Skyrable | Hi um ChanServ do you op me reason I'm a good boy and other things | 21:16 |
oerheks | Skyrable, no. | 21:17 |
Skyrable | Just a question | 21:17 |
Skyrable | only a question no need to be mad at me | 21:17 |
=== viaSanctus36 is now known as viaSanctus | ||
krytarik | johnny_Linux: So your actual ontopic question was if Ubuntu can run without electrical power? | 21:23 |
johnny_linux1 | I see expressvpn has done things.. and it effects ubuntu.. it usually updated every 90 days.. it hasnt for some time.. and now has severe issues | 21:28 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: do you have an actual ubuntu support question? | 21:28 |
johnny_linux1 | nothing you can answer, considering the last 3 questions.. thank you. | 21:29 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: ok, great. Feel free to take any further discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic or any other channel | 21:29 |
johnny_linux1 | My questions.. in the allocations of the rules apply | 21:30 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: right, so offtopic. Please /join #ubuntu-offtopic and continue there | 21:30 |
johnny_linux1 | ,y system keeps locking up.. why | 21:31 |
johnny_linux1 | AND i have PRO | 21:31 |
johnny_linux1 | why | 21:31 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: please run the following on your machine and paste the resulting URL here: ( uname -a ; cat /etc/os-release ; pro status ) | nc termbin.com 9999 | 21:32 |
johnny_linux1 | https://termbin.com/xizg | 21:33 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: when and how does it lock up? When was the last time? | 21:34 |
johnny_linux1 | started the last kernel | 21:35 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: please give more detail | 21:35 |
johnny_linux1 | everything was fine.. till i updated | 21:36 |
johnny_linux1 | and UPDATED VIRTUAL MACHINE | 21:37 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: ok, let us know when you are actually interested in troubleshooting | 21:37 |
johnny_linux1 | WELL. SHOOT | 21:37 |
johnny_linux1 | I was under the impression pro was to do THAT job | 21:39 |
johnny_linux1 | anyway shoot | 21:39 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: pro gives you support through Canonical. You are welcome to contact Canonical for pro support if you like. Or you could put some effort into troubleshooting here and we'd be happy to help you. | 21:40 |
johnny_linux1 | shoot | 21:40 |
johnny_linux1 | continue | 21:41 |
johnny_linux1 | I have this crappy new board.. MAG tomahawk board | 21:44 |
johnny_linux1 | garbage bios | 21:44 |
johnny_linux1 | chyna crap=ware | 21:44 |
johnny_linux1 | we all know | 21:44 |
johnny_linux1 | continue | 21:45 |
oerheks | still no support question ... | 21:45 |
johnny_linux1 | do i need one with the last 8 posts ? | 21:46 |
cbreak | johnny_linux1: you do not need to have a support question. But if you have one, you need to tell us that question for it to be possibly answered. | 21:48 |
johnny_linux1 | I just proclaimed my issue.. are you new ?? | 21:49 |
cbreak | your issue is that you have a crappy new board? That's not an ubuntu problem. | 21:50 |
johnny_linux1 | scroll further.. not that long | 21:50 |
oerheks | " <johnny_linux1> I see expressvpn has done things.. and it effects ubuntu" ... contact them? | 21:50 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: you said your system "keeps locking up". I asked you when it locks up, as in what are you doing when it happens and how does it lock up? You didn't answer either question. | 21:51 |
johnny_linux1 | I said.. my system locks up after the last kernel... how on gods green earth did you miss that | 21:52 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: how does it lock up? What are you doing when it happens? | 21:53 |
johnny_linux1 | nothing | 21:53 |
johnny_linux1 | zero | 21:53 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: ok, so you're just sitting at your computer, looking at "nothing" for an unspecified amount of time, not touching your keyboard or mouse and it just "locks up" and that "locks up" looks like "nothing"? | 21:54 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: if you're not using your computer, how can you tell it "locks up"? | 21:54 |
johnny_linux1 | i opened a browser.. and it locked up | 21:54 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: define "locked up" | 21:55 |
johnny_linux1 | lol.. its the browser "contact them" right ? | 21:55 |
johnny_linux1 | I cant even do a ctl+f1..f2.. otherwise | 21:56 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: which browser? | 21:56 |
johnny_linux1 | ff or vivaldui | 21:56 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: can you reproduce this locking up at will? | 21:56 |
johnny_linux1 | no | 21:56 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: so it's intermittent? | 21:57 |
johnny_linux1 | i suspect the graphics card update | 21:57 |
johnny_linux1 | no.. it happens when i look at videos on either browsers | 21:57 |
johnny_linux1 | hense.. graphics update | 21:58 |
johnny_linux1 | 710 | 21:58 |
johnny_linux1 | my system is running special processor now | 22:00 |
johnny_linux1 | nice is @ 20 % | 22:00 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: so this is what I want you to do. Use your computer normally. The next time this happens, reboot. Once it's back up, run: ( sudo journalctl -T -b -1 ) | nc termbin.com 9999 | 22:00 |
johnny_linux1 | leftyfb, my nice processor is running 30% right now | 22:01 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: then ask someone here to take a look at the URL and tell them exactly what applications were open at the time it "locked up" and what exactly you were doing | 22:01 |
johnny_linux1 | ok.. will do.. thanks | 22:01 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: irrelevant to the troubleshooting at hand | 22:01 |
johnny_linux1 | its starting to lok up now | 22:02 |
leftyfb | johnny_linux1: define "starting to lok up" | 22:02 |
oerheks | the virtual machine or the host? | 22:03 |
oerheks | running around in circles.. | 22:04 |
Jeremy31 | johnny_linux1: you might want to have this running in terminal before it happens to see if there are clues> tail -f /ver/log/syslog | 22:04 |
Jeremy31 | johnny_linux1: you might want to have this running in terminal before it happens to see if there are clues> tail -f /var/log/syslog | 22:05 |
leftyfb | Jeremy31: that's what journalctl -b -1 does | 22:05 |
leftyfb | Jeremy31: it's kernel messages from the previous boot | 22:05 |
Jeremy31 | leftyfb: Missed seeing that posted | 22:06 |
tcurdt | I would like to install and use "blocky" as dns server - but systemd-resolve is running on port 53 already | 22:07 |
tcurdt | I guess I could have it listen on the public interface instead but I am wondering what the indented is to set this up | 22:07 |
leftyfb | tcurdt: is this for a desktop or server? | 22:07 |
tcurdt | server | 22:07 |
tcurdt | would I point systemd-resolve to the other dns server? | 22:07 |
leftyfb | tcurdt: disable systemd-resolved | 22:08 |
tcurdt | and that won't break things? | 22:08 |
leftyfb | tcurdt: only local dns caching. But you're running a DNS server on it, and it's a server so it's unlikely you need that anyway | 22:09 |
johnny_Linux | I missed the last command when it locked up | 22:09 |
tcurdt | leftyfb so the benefit of system-resolve over the old style is mostly just caching? (I am still struggling with the systemd world) | 22:11 |
leftyfb | tcurdt: systemd-resolved and resolvconf are just caching servers. Not DNS servers. | 22:11 |
=== denixx|3 is now known as denixx | ||
johnny_Linux | you know.. im in my 60's.. and when we were confronted with problems.. we solved them.. no whiny bitches and no men in tights.. your organization had better get its stuff straight or.. its over.. have a good day | 22:16 |
tcurdt | leftyfb that's clear ... but do I just stop/disable the service or do I need to disable the stub DNSStubListener=no? | 22:17 |
leftyfb | tcurdt: just stop the service. And either point /etc/resolv.conf at your local DNS once it gets setup or point it to a public nameserver | 22:17 |
leftyfb | tcurdt: sorry, disable the service, not just stop it | 22:18 |
leftyfb | tcurdt: you could always mask it as well | 22:18 |
tcurdt | but wasn't it that resolv.conf gets overwritten/dynamic? or is that systemd-resolved ... so it will become static? | 22:20 |
tcurdt | found this https://askubuntu.com/questions/907246/how-to-disable-systemd-resolved-in-ubuntu ... has a few more details | 22:21 |
=== denixx|h1 is now known as denixx | ||
leftyfb | tcurdt: you only need to disable the service and edit resolv.conf as I suggested | 22:23 |
leftyfb | tcurdt: most tutorials are for disabling it when you have Network Mananger installed and suggest you wipe /etc/resolv.conf so it gets recreated by NM. In your case, that won't happen and you won't have local DNS | 22:24 |
leftyfb | tcurdt: ah, ok, I see one issue. Yeah, you'll want to delete /etc/resolv.conf which is a symlink. But you'll want to recreate /etc/resolv.conf point either to localhost for your DNS or a public resolver | 22:25 |
tcurdt | just for fun I just tried turning off the stub ... that seems to work as well | 22:31 |
tcurdt | but question is if the systemd-resolve is of any use without it | 22:32 |
tcurdt | "work" as in not binding to 53 | 22:32 |
leftyfb | tcurdt: you'll need to disable and stop systemd-resolved | 22:34 |
tcurdt | leftyfb that's what I did after | 22:35 |
tcurdt | but just turning off the stub might have also been enough | 22:35 |
leftyfb | it's not | 22:35 |
leftyfb | tcurdt: but also, define "turning off the stub" | 22:35 |
mybalzitch | using a hp scanner under 22.10 is infuriating | 22:36 |
tcurdt | leftyfb DNSStubListener=no in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf and it won't listen on 53 anymore | 22:36 |
mybalzitch | except the gnome scanner software decided it might work | 22:37 |
tcurdt | that said - I am not sure what else it does then :) | 22:37 |
leftyfb | tcurdt: I would just leave that be, disable the systemd-resolved service and edit /etc/resolv.conf | 22:37 |
tcurdt | leftyfb sure sure ... I was just curious and tried that beforehand | 22:37 |
=== brassado is now known as sam_sepi0l | ||
n008 | Thanks for responses | 23:57 |
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