
axinoghavil: there's https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors/Scripts as well07:31
Guest6999I have setup a public mirror for ubuntu. I have set a cron to update the mirror regularly. Bu the log shows09:22
Guest6999Sun Mar 12 22:01:10 2023: Deleted MirrorDistroArchSeries of ubuntu lunar armhf main with url https://mirrors-ubuntu.behostings.com/ubuntu/dists/lunar/main/binary-armhf/Packages.gz because: Bad response code: 404.09:22
Guest6999Sun Mar 12 22:01:10 2023: Deleted MirrorDistroArchSeries of ubuntu lunar arm64 main with url https://mirrors-ubuntu.behostings.com/ubuntu/dists/lunar/main/binary-arm64/Packages.gz because: Bad response code: 404.09:22
Guest6999Sun Mar 12 22:01:10 2023: Ensuring MirrorDistroArchSeries of ubuntu lunar i386 main with url https://mirrors-ubuntu.behostings.com/ubuntu/dists/lunar/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz exists in the database.09:22
Guest6999Sun Mar 12 22:01:11 2023: Ensuring MirrorDistroArchSeries of ubuntu lunar amd64 main with url https://mirrors-ubuntu.behostings.com/ubuntu/dists/lunar/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz exists in the database.09:22
Guest6999Why some files shows 404 ?09:22
Guest6999I have setup the cron with script as below:09:22
Guest6999fatal() {09:22
Guest6999  echo "$1"09:22
Guest6999  exit 109:22
Guest6999warn() {09:22
Guest6999  echo "$1"09:22
Guest6999# Find a source mirror near you which supports rsync on09:22
Guest6999# https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors09:22
Guest6999@all anyone ?09:23

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