* vorlon waves | 14:59 | |
bdrung | \o | 14:59 |
jawn-smith | o/ | 14:59 |
zhsj | o/ | 15:00 |
dbungert | o/ | 15:00 |
ogayot | o/ | 15:00 |
slyon | o/ | 15:00 |
schopin | o/ | 15:00 |
jawn-smith | #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team | 15:01 |
meetingology | Meeting started at 15:01:03 UTC. The chair is jawn-smith. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 15:01 |
meetingology | Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick | 15:01 |
dviererbe | o/ | 15:01 |
jawn-smith | The weekly status is here: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-16-march-2023/34547 | 15:02 |
jawn-smith | let's all take our usual time to read and ask questions | 15:02 |
slyon | vorlon: rendering of https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/component-mismatches-proposed.svg seems to be broken. I assume that might be related to the server migration you mentioned in your report? | 15:03 |
jawn-smith | schopin: lol, just saw the glibc issue | 15:03 |
vorlon | slyon: I'm seeing a truncated SVG, are you seeing the same? | 15:03 |
slyon | ye | 15:04 |
slyon | yes | 15:04 |
vorlon | slyon: it *might* be related. I'll dig into it today | 15:04 |
slyon | thanks! | 15:04 |
schopin | jawn-smith: I was inspired by Steve naming it "best bug report ever" ;) | 15:05 |
vorlon | it's not bad timing of the rsync from the backend to the frontend, the truncation is present on the backend | 15:05 |
bdrung | The best bug report ever is still "OpenOffice.org does not print on Tuesdays" for me (LP #248619) | 15:07 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 248619 in file (Ubuntu Karmic) "file incorrectly labeled as Erlang JAM file (OOo does not print on Tuesdays)" [High, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/248619 | 15:07 | |
schopin | Ooooh that one is really good, yes! | 15:08 |
vorlon | yes, my bug is best on a different axis | 15:08 |
vorlon | "how to do maximally unsafe safe string handling" | 15:08 |
schopin | "but at least you're not using sprintf" | 15:09 |
jawn-smith | #topic Release incoming bugs | 15:09 |
jawn-smith | #link https://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ll-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs | 15:09 |
vorlon | dviererbe: you talk about doing alternatives for ping. why is this necessary or desirable? | 15:09 |
jawn-smith | I'll wait for bugs until that's answered | 15:10 |
dviererbe | the autopackagetests of inetutils fail because inetutils tries to install inetutils-ping and that tries to uninstall iputils-ping which tries to uninstall ubuntu-minimal | 15:11 |
slyon | vorlon: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/inetutils is failing all autopkgtests due to ping install conflict | 15:11 |
slyon | iputils-ping (main) vs inetuils-ping (universe) | 15:11 |
vorlon | dviererbe, slyon: ok I think introducing alternatives and adding runtime complexity across packages is a bad solution to this, I'd frankly just remove the autopkgtest and/or stop building inetutils-ping | 15:11 |
zhsj | vorlon: this option was on the table. the disadvantage is we'll carry the delta with debian. (but i vote for it) | 15:14 |
jawn-smith | bug 1999062 | 15:15 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 1999062 in orc (Ubuntu) "orc build test failure on arm64" [High, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1999062 | 15:15 | |
jawn-smith | I believe that we've discussed this one before | 15:15 |
zhsj | jawn-smith: isn' desktop | 15:15 |
zhsj | isn't this under desktop-packages | 15:16 |
jawn-smith | oh wow I totally typed in from the wrong list | 15:16 |
jawn-smith | There actually aren't any foundations bugs ll | 15:16 |
jawn-smith | Good job | 15:16 |
jawn-smith | none in kk either | 15:16 |
jawn-smith | #link https://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-jj-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs | 15:17 |
jawn-smith | there's one! | 15:17 |
jawn-smith | bug 1999345 | 15:17 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 1999345 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "please add luks2 module to the signed grub2 images" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1999345 | 15:17 | |
jawn-smith | no updates from security team since january | 15:17 |
jawn-smith | So juliank: anything for us to do? | 15:17 |
juliank | no | 15:17 |
jawn-smith | Awesome, let's move on then | 15:17 |
jawn-smith | #topic proposed-migration | 15:18 |
vorlon | things looking much healthier! | 15:18 |
jawn-smith | #link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs | 15:18 |
jawn-smith | vorlon: | 15:18 |
vorlon | waveform: are you still taking care of sbuild? | 15:18 |
vorlon | shim-signed: nothing to do, still waiting for kernel updates | 15:19 |
vorlon | ogayot: is systemd vs xz-utils on you? | 15:20 |
ogayot | xz-utils is still with me. systemd came up as a new regression. I'll have a look. But don't restrain from assigning me an additional proposed-migration | 15:21 |
vorlon | waveform is out, but this is still with him | 15:21 |
vorlon | ack | 15:21 |
slyon | ogayot: I think systemd vs xzutils actually passed on my last retry | 15:22 |
vorlon | python3-stdlib-extensions breaks python3.10; I think this is going to shake out via removal of python3.10 which is supposed to happen after nvidia-cuda-toolkit update | 15:22 |
vorlon | ginggs: will you follow through on this? | 15:22 |
ginggs | python3.10 already removed | 15:22 |
vorlon | ok then perhaps just a bit of hinting | 15:22 |
ginggs | python3.11, stdlib-extensions and python3-defaults | 15:22 |
dviererbe | I have noticed that the pycurl regression I was assigned to is gone https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/pycurl | 15:22 |
ginggs | should migrate soon | 15:23 |
vorlon | ginggs: you'll follow through if not? | 15:23 |
ginggs | sure | 15:23 |
vorlon | jawn-smith: you still working e2fsprogs? | 15:23 |
ogayot | vorlon: indeed, it passed, thanks | 15:23 |
jawn-smith | Yes | 15:23 |
vorlon | ginggs: tangentially, does new nvidia-cuda-toolkit fix python3-pycuda uninstallability (due to conflicts)? | 15:23 |
jawn-smith | It's a non-trivial regression, just been focused on getting a few ubuntu-image PRs open before I do a deep dive | 15:23 |
bdrung | can we build pycurl for i386 as well (to get rid of the devscripts diff)? | 15:23 |
vorlon | I don't know, ask on #ubuntu-release after :) | 15:24 |
ginggs | vorlon: yes, it looks like pycuda migrated earlier | 15:24 |
vorlon | ginggs: great! | 15:24 |
ginggs | i think there's a bug in the nvidia drivers though | 15:24 |
ginggs | packages shouldn't be getting a dependency on the particular version of the driver they were built against | 15:25 |
ginggs | this used to work, but seems something has gone wrong | 15:25 |
vorlon | juliank: grub2 has uninstallable binaries which is surprising, can you follow up on this? | 15:26 |
juliank | Not entirely surprising the grub2-unsigned upload isn't ready yet | 15:26 |
juliank | Will resolve | 15:26 |
vorlon | ah | 15:26 |
vorlon | adrien: you uploaded openssl, will you follow through on the blocking regressions? | 15:27 |
vorlon | oops adrien is out; well, I'll assume this is with him | 15:27 |
vorlon | openssl: adrien | 15:28 |
vorlon | bdrung: can you take libzstd? | 15:29 |
vorlon | and then curl is just waiting for libreoffice tests - so that's it | 15:29 |
bdrung | devscripts would probably suite me better | 15:29 |
vorlon | if anyone is keen to help and didn't get an assignment, since adrien is out today/tomorrow you could prod openssl along | 15:29 |
vorlon | bdrung: ok you can have devscripts | 15:29 |
vorlon | dbungert: can you take libzstd? | 15:30 |
dbungert | vorlon: ack | 15:30 |
vorlon | thanks | 15:30 |
vorlon | that's everything | 15:30 |
vorlon | jawn-smith: back to you | 15:30 |
ginggs | i'll prod openssl | 15:30 |
jawn-smith | #topic AOB | 15:30 |
bdrung | tzdata says: old binaries left on amd64: tzdata-right | 15:30 |
bdrung | Do I need to request the removal? | 15:30 |
vorlon | bdrung: you just did | 15:31 |
bdrung | thanks vorlon | 15:31 |
doko | is something known with the state of the buildds? I have a 60+h build which always finishes without logs | 15:32 |
doko | llvm-16 | 15:32 |
vorlon | not that I've heard | 15:33 |
jawn-smith | #endmeeting | 15:38 |
meetingology | Meeting ended at 15:38:28 UTC. Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2023/ubuntu-meeting.2023-03-16-15.01.moin.txt | 15:38 |
adrien | ginggs: thanks; most issues seem to just require new triggers | 15:41 |
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