
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-security to: Twitter: @ubuntu_sec || https://usn.ubuntu.com || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features || Community: mdeslaur
UnivrslSuprBoxRecently an imagemagick update was released to focal and jammy with a higher version number than the source package in the Ubuntu Pro archive. The changelog in public Ubuntu does not mention USN-5736-2 or any of its contained CVEs. Did the community package cause imagemagick to regress for Pro users?15:41
mdeslaurpfsmorigo: ^16:07
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-security to: Twitter: @ubuntu_sec || https://usn.ubuntu.com || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features || Community: leosilva
pfsmorigomdeslaur, UnivrslSuprBox: I'm releasing a new esm package this week16:30
pfsmorigothere were some additional fixes that I was testing last week. I'll release a new public and do the esm over it16:35
UnivrslSuprBoxThere are new fixes going into both the public archive and Pro at the same time?16:45
tewardUnivrslSuprBox: i believe that is what pfsmorigo is implying yes18:51
pfsmorigoteward, UnivrslSuprBox: the esm package was superseded by this new release so I rebased the esm package over this new release. there are some CVEs only in the esm package.19:07
tewardpfsmorigo: so, CVEs only in the ESM package, but you're going to try and clean up the versionings anyways.  ack19:07
pfsmorigoteward, yes19:08
UnivrslSuprBoxThanks for the info!21:01
hallynso ...  what's the deal with "19 additional security updates can be applied with ESM Apps.23:57
hallynis there a list of what updates are ESM-only?23:57

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