[12:37] [telegram] @RikMills Hi, do you have any Bileto PPA that I can (ab)use for building Qt WebEngine 5.15.13 + two rebuilds? [12:37] [telegram] [12:37] [telegram] I can't create a new ticket because Bileto gives me 500 today (and sil2100 is not available). [12:39] [telegram] Sure: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/4979 (re @mitya57: @RikMills Hi, do you have any Bileto PPA that I can (ab)use for building Qt WebEngine 5.15.13 + two rebuilds? [12:39] [telegram] [12:39] [telegram] I can't create a new ticket because Bileto gives me 500 today (and sil2100 is not available).) [12:40] [telegram] Thanks a lot.