
seb128goood morning desktopers08:03
bandaligood morning y'all12:43
ronochola 20:23
ronockenvandine, long time ...20:23
KGB-0glib ubuntu/jammy 9e35ef5 Robert Ancell debian/ changelog patches/series patches/0001-gio-Make-portal-support-aware-of-snaps.patch * https://deb.li/3SNl22:09
KGB-0* d/p/0001-gio-Make-portal-support-aware-of-snaps.patch:22:09
KGB-0  - Make portal support aware of snaps (LP: #1998267)22:09
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Launchpad bug 1998267 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu Kinetic) "glib not aware of snap confinement" [High, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199826722:09
KGB-2gnome-control-center signed tags 074295d Gunnar Hjalmarsson ubuntu/1%44.0-1ubuntu2 * gnome-control-center Debian release 1:44.0-1ubuntu2 * https://deb.li/HpgD22:45

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