=== andre is now known as Guest3173 | ||
Guest3173 | feels like 1992 | 15:21 |
Guest3173 | mIRC | 15:22 |
Guest3173 | AME | 15:22 |
* Guest3173 Guest3173 | 15:23 | |
=== Guest3173 is now known as mrfellows | ||
arraybolt3 | mrfellows: o/ | 15:28 |
admin123 | hello | 15:38 |
joker5bb | hello | 15:47 |
tomreyn | hi there | 16:09 |
gnrp | hi | 16:09 |
joker5bb | i need help loading kernel 6.2.6 | 16:12 |
joker5bb | i get error bad shim signature you need to load kernel first | 16:13 |
joker5bb | after grub loads | 16:13 |
gnrp | bad shim signature? | 16:13 |
joker5bb | yes | 16:13 |
gnrp | ah | 16:13 |
gnrp | do you need or want secure boot actually? | 16:13 |
tomreyn | also, why do you need kernel 6.2.6? | 16:14 |
arraybolt3 | joker5bb: Also, what version of Xubuntu is this? A kernel that new sounds like either you're using 23.04 (not supported *yet*), an OEM kernel (supported), or a mainline kernel (always unsupported). | 16:14 |
joker5bb | i have secure boot enabled in bios so i guess i need to secure boot | 16:14 |
joker5bb | i used debian-uefi-certs.pem | 16:14 |
joker5bb | and also tried without debian-uefi-certs.pem | 16:15 |
joker5bb | same error | 16:15 |
arraybolt3 | joker5bb: Right, but do you actually want the benefits that Secure Boot offers (which are not much)? And can you turn it off in the BIOS? | 16:15 |
joker5bb | i cant turn off secure boot in uefi since i forgot admin password | 16:16 |
joker5bb | i am using the latest xubuntu and i need a custom kernel for wifi injection | 16:16 |
joker5bb | so i want to compile the kernel for secure boot if that will make my error go away | 16:17 |
tomreyn | and this won't work with the default kernel? | 16:17 |
joker5bb | no need to patch the wifi driver | 16:18 |
joker5bb | and i also want to test out the new kernel anyway | 16:18 |
tomreyn | is that an in-kernel or out of tree driver? | 16:18 |
joker5bb | the steps that i use have always worked for me in the past i took the latest kernel i applied the patch to the kernel directory and installed the kernel without creating deb packages | 16:20 |
tomreyn | always, even while you were booting with secureboot on? | 16:20 |
joker5bb | i did not have secure boot features before | 16:22 |
joker5bb | the current machine is new | 16:22 |
joker5bb | i ran custom kernels on older machines | 16:22 |
tomreyn | if you have a system with secureboot enabled and no knowledge of the bios / mok enrollment password then you won't be booting a custom kernel | 16:23 |
tomreyn | not until secureboot is reset to setup mode | 16:23 |
joker5bb | idk how i can turn secure boot but default xubuntu kernel loads fine after i select it in grub | 16:25 |
tomreyn | default (x)ubuntu kernels are signed with the microsoft key that's installed in UEFI by default | 16:26 |
joker5bb | how do i sign my custom kernel with that key | 16:27 |
joker5bb | is debian-uefi-certs.pem | 16:28 |
tomreyn | joker5bb: your latest xubuntu release does not provide a file debian-uefi-certs.pem | 16:28 |
tomreyn | you should read up on secureboot | 16:29 |
tomreyn | !secureboot | 16:29 |
joker5bb | yes i downloaded it | 16:29 |
tomreyn | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot | 16:29 |
joker5bb | i see you know a lot | 16:31 |
tomreyn | thanks | 16:31 |
joker5bb | i just need steps to make my custom kernel boot up i dont see steps like this link https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/compiling-linux-kernel-26.html | 16:32 |
joker5bb | i dont really understand secureboot at all and i dont think people have encountered my error often to make a guide that is simple | 16:33 |
joker5bb | this guide https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/kernel/build-custom-kernel/ | 16:35 |
joker5bb | i think shows you how to do this | 16:35 |
joker5bb | or this page https://ubuntu.com/blog/how-to-sign-things-for-secure-boot | 16:37 |
joker5bb | might be the right information | 16:37 |
joker5bb | so i dont need to recompile the kernel again | 16:38 |
joker5bb | can you look at the steps of the last link i posted | 16:38 |
rfm | joker5bb, you will note that they all include steps involving importing the MOK into the BIOS, which you can't do because you forgot the setup password. | 16:41 |
rfm | joker5bb, your fundamental problem is what you are trying to do -- boot random code on a machine you can't show you own -- is exactly what secure boot is designed to prevent. | 16:42 |
joker5bb | yes but i installed linux after windows | 16:43 |
joker5bb | i should be able to fix this without changing the bios | 16:44 |
joker5bb | https://github.com/berglh/ubuntu-sb-kernel-signing | 16:44 |
joker5bb | i see they have a script there | 16:44 |
rfm | joker5bb, uh huh. and the first step is "create and enroll MOK" which requires knowing the BIOS admin password. | 16:45 |
rfm | joker5bb, your best path forward is checking with your system manufacturer to see is there's a way to reset the admin password. (Then you can just turn off secure boot which is easier than doing the kernel signing rigmarole) | 16:48 |
Giftelzwerg | can somebody help me with hibernate on xubuntu? | 19:17 |
Kuschelpony | Hallo Giftelzwerg, i think the other people in this room might need a few minutes | 19:23 |
arraybolt3 | Giftelzwerg: Is there a particular reason you need hibernation? Hibernate isn't very well-supported on Ubuntu from what I understand. | 19:28 |
gnrp | Giftelzwerg: What is the issue? | 19:31 |
gnrp | !ask | 19:31 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 19:31 |
Giftelzwerg | I'm closing my laptop often and I don't want to loose much battery. Hibernate did actually work for me via command, then I wanted to use the light installation and after that it didn't work anymore. The problem right now is after I set it to hybernate my screen just stays black after I open my laptop again | 19:33 |
arraybolt3 | The light installation? Are you using the Minimal Installation option in Xubuntu? | 19:36 |
Giftelzwerg | yes, indeed | 19:36 |
Giftelzwerg | I have already checked if the swap partition is working with swapon --show, after that i double checked if the UUID i got form "cat /etc/fstab |grep swap" is still correctly typed into the /etc/default/grub file and then I updated grub again | 19:40 |
nil48f | Hello | 20:39 |
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